Updated Drupal to 8.6. This goes with the following updates because it's possible...
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / field / tests / fixtures / update / field.storage.node.field_ref_autocreate_2412569.yml
1 uuid: 5e4095a3-8f89-4d7a-b222-34bf5240b646
2 langcode: en
3 status: true
4 dependencies:
5   module:
6     - node
7     - taxonomy
8 id: node.field_ref_autocreate_2412569
9 field_name: field_ref_autocreate_2412569
10 entity_type: node
11 type: entity_reference
12 settings:
13   target_type: taxonomy_term
14 module: core
15 locked: false
16 cardinality: 1
17 translatable: true
18 indexes: {  }
19 persist_with_no_fields: false
20 custom_storage: false