Updated Drupal to 8.6. This goes with the following updates because it's possible...
[yaffs-website] / web / core / profiles / demo_umami / config / install / block.block.umami_footer.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   config:
5     - system.menu.footer
6   module:
7     - system
8   theme:
9     - umami
10 id: umami_footer
11 theme: umami
12 region: footer
13 weight: 0
14 provider: null
15 plugin: 'system_menu_block:footer'
16 settings:
17   id: 'system_menu_block:footer'
18   label: 'Tell us what you think'
19   provider: system
20   label_display: '1'
21   level: 1
22   depth: 0
23 visibility: {  }