extensionManager->discoverModules() ->showUninstalled() ->showNoCore() ->getList(true); while (true) { $moduleName = $this->getIo()->choiceNoList( $this->trans('commands.module.install.questions.module'), $modules, '', true ); if (empty($moduleName) && is_numeric($moduleName)) { break; } $moduleList[] = $moduleName; if (array_search($moduleName, $moduleList, true) >= 0) { unset($modules[array_search($moduleName, $modules)]); } } return $moduleList; } public function modulesUninstallQuestion() { $moduleList = []; $modules = $this->extensionManager->discoverModules() ->showInstalled() ->showNoCore() ->showCore() ->getList(true); while (true) { $moduleName = $this->getIo()->choiceNoList( $this->trans('commands.module.uninstall.questions.module'), $modules, '', true ); if (empty($moduleName) || is_numeric($modules)) { break; } $moduleList[] = $moduleName; } return $moduleList; } private function downloadModules($modules, $latest, $path = null, $resultList = []) { if (!$resultList) { $resultList = [ 'invalid' => [], 'uninstalled' => [], 'dependencies' => [] ]; } drupal_static_reset('system_rebuild_module_data'); $missingModules = $this->validator->getMissingModules($modules); $invalidModules = []; if ($missingModules) { $this->getIo()->info( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.module.install.messages.getting-missing-modules'), implode(', ', $missingModules) ) ); foreach ($missingModules as $missingModule) { $version = $this->releasesQuestion($missingModule, $latest); if ($version) { $this->downloadProject($missingModule, $version, 'module', $path); } else { $invalidModules[] = $missingModule; unset($modules[array_search($missingModule, $modules)]); } $this->extensionManager->discoverModules(); } } $unInstalledModules = $this->validator->getUninstalledModules($modules); $dependencies = $this->calculateDependencies($unInstalledModules); $resultList = [ 'invalid' => array_unique(array_merge($resultList['invalid'], $invalidModules)), 'uninstalled' => array_unique(array_merge($resultList['uninstalled'], $unInstalledModules)), 'dependencies' => array_unique(array_merge($resultList['dependencies'], $dependencies)) ]; if (!$dependencies) { return $resultList; } return $this->downloadModules($dependencies, $latest, $path, $resultList); } protected function calculateDependencies($modules) { $this->site->loadLegacyFile('/core/modules/system/system.module'); $moduleList = system_rebuild_module_data(); $dependencies = []; foreach ($modules as $moduleName) { $module = $moduleList[$moduleName]; $dependencies = array_unique( array_merge( $dependencies, $this->validator->getUninstalledModules( array_keys($module->requires)?:[] ) ) ); } return array_diff($dependencies, $modules); } /** * @param $project * @param $version * @param $type * @param $path * * @return string */ public function downloadProject($project, $version, $type, $path = null) { $commandKey = str_replace(':', '.', $this->getName()); $this->getIo()->comment( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.'.$commandKey.'.messages.downloading'), $project, $version ) ); try { $destination = $this->drupalApi->downloadProjectRelease( $project, $version ); if (!$path) { $path = $this->getExtractPath($type); } $projectPath = sprintf( '%s/%s', $this->appRoot, $path ); if (!file_exists($projectPath)) { if (!mkdir($projectPath, 0777, true)) { $this->getIo()->error( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.'.$commandKey.'.messages.error-creating-folder'), $projectPath ) ); return null; } } $zippy = Zippy::load(); if (PHP_OS === "WIN32" || PHP_OS === "WINNT") { $container = AdapterContainer::load(); $container['Drupal\\Console\\Zippy\\Adapter\\TarGzGNUTarForWindowsAdapter'] = function ($container) { return TarGzGNUTarForWindowsAdapter::newInstance( $container['executable-finder'], $container['resource-manager'], $container['gnu-tar.inflator'], $container['gnu-tar.deflator'] ); }; $zippy->addStrategy(new TarGzFileForWindowsStrategy($container)); } $archive = $zippy->open($destination); if ($type == 'core') { $archive->extract(getenv('MSYSTEM') ? null : $projectPath); } elseif (getenv('MSYSTEM')) { $current_dir = getcwd(); $temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); chdir($temp_dir); $archive->extract(); $fileSystem = new Filesystem(); $fileSystem->rename($temp_dir . '/' . $project, $projectPath . '/' . $project); chdir($current_dir); } else { $archive->extract($projectPath); } unlink($destination); if ($type != 'core') { $this->getIo()->success( sprintf( $this->trans( 'commands.' . $commandKey . '.messages.downloaded' ), $project, $version, sprintf('%s/%s', $projectPath, $project) ) ); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getIo()->error($e->getMessage()); return null; } return $projectPath; } /** * @param string $project * @param bool $latest * @param bool $stable * @return string */ public function releasesQuestion($project, $latest = false, $stable = false) { $commandKey = str_replace(':', '.', $this->getName()); $this->getIo()->comment( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.'.$commandKey.'.messages.getting-releases'), implode(',', [$project]) ) ); $releases = $this->drupalApi->getProjectReleases($project, $latest?1:15, $stable); if (!$releases) { $this->getIo()->error( sprintf( $this->trans('commands.'.$commandKey.'.messages.no-releases'), implode(',', [$project]) ) ); return null; } if ($latest) { return $releases[0]; } $version = $this->getIo()->choice( $this->trans('commands.'.$commandKey.'.messages.select-release'), $releases ); return $version; } /** * @param $type * @return string */ private function getExtractPath($type) { switch ($type) { case 'module': return 'modules/contrib'; case 'theme': return 'themes'; case 'profile': return 'profiles'; case 'core': return ''; } } /** * check if a modules repo is in composer.json * check if the repo is setted and matchs the one in config.yml * * @param object $config * @return boolean */ private function repositoryAlreadySet($config, $repo) { if (!$config->repositories) { return false; } else { if (in_array($repo, $config->repositories)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } }