description: 'Generate an implementation of hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter' help: 'The "%s" command helps you generate a new "%s"' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal Form Alter generator' options: module: 'The Module name.' form-id: 'Form ID to alter' inputs: 'Create inputs in a form.' questions: module: 'Enter the module name' form-id: 'Enter the Form ID to alter' type: 'Enter New field type' label: 'Input label' description: 'Description' default-value: 'Default value' weight: 'Weight for input item' messages: inputs: "You can add form fields to modify form.\nThis is optional, press enter to continue" loading-forms: 'Loading forms definition from Webprofiler module' hide-form-elements: 'Optionally you can select form items for hide' help-already-implemented: 'The hook form alter was already implemented in module "%s"' examples: - description: 'Generate a hook form alter for an empty form specifying the module name' execution: | drupal generate:form:alter \ --module="modulename" - description: 'Generate a hook form alter with 2 fields specifying the module name and the inputs' execution: | drupal generate:form:alter \ --module="modulename" \ --inputs='"name":"inputtext", "type":"text_format", "label":"InputText", "options":"", "description":"Just an input text", "maxlength":"", "size":"", "default_value":"", "weight":"0", "fieldset":""' \ --inputs='"name":"email", "type":"email", "label":"Email", "options":"", "description":"Just an email input", "maxlength":"", "size":"", "default_value":"", "weight":"0", "fieldset":""'