description: 'Generate a new form config' help: 'The generate:form:config command helps you generate a new form config' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal Form Config generator' options: module: 'The Module name.' class: 'The form class name' form-id: 'The Form id' services: 'Load services from the container.' config-file: 'Add a config file' inputs: 'Create inputs in a form.' path: 'Enter the form path' menu-link-gen: 'Generate a menu link' menu-link-title: 'A title for the menu link' menu-parent: 'Menu parent' menu-link-desc: 'A description for the menu link' questions: module: 'Enter the module name' class: 'Enter the Form Class name' form-id: 'Enter the Form id' services: 'Enter your service' config-file: 'Do you want to generate a config file?' routing: 'Would you like to register a route for this form?' path: 'Enter the route path' max-amount-characters: 'Maximum amount of characters' textfield-width-in-chars: 'Width of the textfield (in characters)' multiselect-size-in-lines: 'Size of multiselect box (in lines)' input-options: 'Input options separated by comma' menu-link-gen: 'Generate a menu link' menu-link-title: 'Enter a title for the menu link' menu-parent: 'Enter Menu parent' menu-link-desc: 'Enter a description for the menu link' type: 'Enter New field type' label: 'Input label' description: 'Description' default-value: 'Default value' weight: 'Weight for input item' suggestions: description-for-menu: 'A description for the menu entry' examples: - description: 'Generate an empty form with config file specifying the module name, the class, a form id and the path' execution: | drupal generate:form:config \ --module="modulename" \ --class="DefaultForm" \ --form-id="default_form" \ --config-file \ --path="/modulename/form/default" - description: 'Generate a form with 2 fields and a config file specifying the module name, the class, a form id, the inputs and the path' execution: | drupal generate:form:config \ --module="modulename" \ --class="DefaultForm" \ --form-id="default_form" \ --config-file \ --inputs='"name":"inputname", "type":"text_format", "label":"InputName", "options":"", "description":"Just a text input", "maxlength":"", "size":"", "default_value":"", "weight":"0", "fieldset":""' \ --inputs='"name":"email", "type":"email", "label":"Email", "options":"", "description":"Just an email input", "maxlength":"", "size":"", "default_value":"", "weight":"0", "fieldset":""' \ --path="/modulename/form/default"