description: 'Generate an implementation of hook_post_update_NAME()' help: 'The "%s" command helps you generate a hook post update NAME "%s"' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal Post Updat generator' options: module: 'The Module name.' post-update-name: 'Post Update Name' questions: module: 'Enter the module name' post-update-name: 'Please provide the Post Update Name to be implemeted' messages: wrong-post-update-name: 'The post update name "%s" is invalid' post-update-name-already-implemented: 'The post update name "%s" was already implemented' examples: - description: 'Generate an implementation of post update hook specifying the module name and the post update name' execution: | drupal generate:post:update \ --module="modulename" \ --post-update-name="PostUpdateName"