description: 'Import/Configure an existing local Drupal project' help: 'The site:import:local does create the yaml configuration file for a local existing site.' arguments: directory: 'Existing Drupal root directory' name: 'Name that will be used to generate the site config' options: environment: 'Name of the environment that is going to be imported' messages: imported: 'The site has been imported successfully. You might want to run `drupal debug:site` to confirm that everything went well.' error-missing: 'The directory "%s" does not exist.' error-not-drupal: 'This is not a valid drupal root: "%s"' error-writing: 'An error occurred while trying to write the config file: "%s"' questions: directory: 'Enter the directory name where to install Drupal' name: 'Enter the name of the site' environment: 'Enter the site environment name' examples: - description: 'Import local drupal project specifying the site name and the path' execution: drupal site:import:local SiteName /private/var/www/vhost/anexusit/