'Restrict the make to this comma-separated list of projects. To specify all projects, pass *.', 'example-value' => 'views,ctools', ); $libraries = array( 'description' => 'Restrict the make to this comma-separated list of libraries. To specify all libraries, pass *.', 'example-value' => 'tinymce', ); $items['make'] = array( 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'description' => 'Turns a makefile into a working Drupal codebase.', 'arguments' => array( 'makefile' => 'Filename of the makefile to use for this build.', 'build path' => 'The path at which to build the makefile.', ), 'examples' => array( 'drush make example.make example' => 'Build the example.make makefile in the example directory.', 'drush make --no-core --contrib-destination=. installprofile.make' => 'Build an installation profile within an existing Drupal site', 'drush make http://example.com/example.make example' => 'Build the remote example.make makefile in the example directory.', 'drush make example.make --no-build --lock=example.lock' => 'Write a new makefile to example.lock. All project versions will be resolved.', ), 'options' => array( 'version' => 'Print the make API version and exit.', 'concurrency' => array( 'description' => 'Set the number of concurrent projects that will be processed at the same time. The default is 1.', 'example-value' => '1', ), 'contrib-destination' => 'Specify a path under which modules and themes should be placed. Defaults to sites/all for Drupal 6,7 and the corresponding directory in the Drupal root for Drupal 8 and above.', 'force-complete' => 'Force a complete build even if errors occur.', 'ignore-checksums' => 'Ignore md5 checksums for downloads.', 'md5' => array( 'description' => 'Output an md5 hash of the current build after completion. Use --md5=print to print to stdout.', 'example-value' => 'print', 'value' => 'optional', ), 'make-update-default-url' => 'The default location to load the XML update information from.', 'no-build' => 'Do not build a codebase. Makes the `build path` argument optional.', 'no-cache' => 'Do not use the pm-download caching (defaults to cache enabled).', 'no-clean' => 'Leave temporary build directories in place instead of cleaning up after completion.', 'no-core' => 'Do not require a Drupal core project to be specified.', 'no-recursion' => 'Do not recurse into the makefiles of any downloaded projects; you can also set [do_recursion] = 0 on a per-project basis in the makefile.', 'no-patch-txt' => 'Do not write a PATCHES.txt file in the directory of each patched project.', 'no-gitinfofile' => 'Do not modify .info files when cloning from Git.', 'force-gitinfofile' => 'Force a modification of .info files when cloning from Git even if repository isn\'t hosted on Drupal.org.', 'no-gitprojectinfo' => 'Do not inject project info into .info files when cloning from Git.', 'overwrite' => 'Overwrite existing directories. Default is to merge.', 'prepare-install' => 'Prepare the built site for installation. Generate a properly permissioned settings.php and files directory.', 'tar' => 'Generate a tar archive of the build. The output filename will be [build path].tar.gz.', 'test' => 'Run a temporary test build and clean up.', 'translations' => 'Retrieve translations for the specified comma-separated list of language(s) if available for all projects.', 'working-copy' => 'Preserves VCS directories, like .git, for projects downloaded using such methods.', 'download-mechanism' => 'How to download files. Should be autodetected, but this is an override if it doesn\'t work. Options are "curl" and "make" (a native download method).', 'projects' => $projects, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'allow-override' => array( 'description' => 'Restrict the make options to a comma-separated list. Defaults to unrestricted.', ), 'lock' => array( 'description' => 'Generate a makefile, based on the one passed in, with all versions *resolved*. Defaults to printing to the terminal, but an output file may be provided.', 'example-value' => 'example.make.lock', ), 'shallow-clone' => array( 'description' => 'For makefile entries which use git for downloading, this option will utilize shallow clones where possible (ie. by using the git-clone\'s depth=1 option). If the "working-copy" option is not desired, this option will significantly speed up makes which involve modules stored in very large git repos. In fact, if "working-copy" option is enabled, this option cannot be used.', ), 'bundle-lockfile' => array( 'description' => 'Generate a lockfile for this build and copy it into the codebase (at sites/all/drush/platform.lock). An alternate path (relative to the Drupal root) can also be specified', 'example-value' => 'sites/all/drush/example.make.lock', ), 'format' => array( 'description' => 'The format for generated lockfiles. Options are "yaml" or "ini". Defaults to "yaml".', 'example-value' => 'ini', ), 'core-quick-drupal' => array( 'description' => 'Return project info for use by core-quick-drupal.', 'hidden' => TRUE, ), 'includes' => 'A list of makefiles to include at build-time.', 'overrides' => 'A list of makefiles to that can override values in other makefiles.', ), 'engines' => array('release_info'), 'topics' => array('docs-make', 'docs-make-example'), ); $items['make-generate'] = array( 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL, 'description' => 'Generate a makefile from the current Drupal site.', 'examples' => array( 'drush generate-makefile example.make' => 'Generate a makefile with ALL projects versioned (should a project have a known version number)', 'drush generate-makefile example.make --exclude-versions' => 'Generate a makefile with NO projects versioned', 'drush generate-makefile example.make --exclude-versions=drupal,views,cck' => 'Generate a makefile with ALL projects versioned EXCEPT core, Views and CCK', 'drush generate-makefile example.make --include-versions=admin_menu,og,ctools (--exclude-versions)' => 'Generate a makefile with NO projects versioned EXCEPT Admin Menu, OG and CTools.', ), 'options' => array( 'exclude-versions' => 'Exclude all version numbers (default is include all version numbers) or optionally specify a list of projects to exclude from versioning', 'include-versions' => 'Include a specific list of projects, while all other projects remain unversioned in the makefile (so implies --exclude-versions)', 'format' => array( 'description' => 'The format for generated makefile. Options are "yaml" or "ini". Defaults to "yaml".', 'example-value' => 'ini', ), ), 'engines' => array('release_info'), 'aliases' => array('generate-makefile'), ); $items['make-convert'] = array( 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'description' => 'Convert a legacy makefile into another format. Defaults to converting .make => .make.yml.', 'arguments' => array( 'makefile' => 'Filename of the makefile to convert.', ), 'options' => array( 'projects' => $projects, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'includes' => 'A list of makefiles to include at build-time.', 'format' => 'The format to which the make file should be converted. Accepted values include make, composer, and yml.', ), 'required-arguments' => TRUE, 'examples' => array( 'drush make-convert example.make --format=composer > composer.json' => 'Convert example.make to composer.json', 'drush make-convert example.make --format=yml > example.make.yml' => 'Convert example.make to example.make.yml', 'drush make-convert composer.lock --format=make > example.make' => 'Convert composer.lock example.make', ), ); // Hidden command to build a group of projects. $items['make-process'] = array( 'hidden' => TRUE, 'arguments' => array( 'directory' => 'The temporary working directory to use', ), 'options' => array( 'projects-location' => 'Name of a temporary file containing json-encoded output of make_projects().', 'manifest' => 'An array of projects already being processed.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'engines' => array('release_info'), ); $items['make-update'] = array( 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'description' => 'Process a makefile and outputs an equivalent makefile with projects version resolved to latest available.', 'arguments' => array( 'makefile' => 'Filename of the makefile to use for this build.', ), 'options' => array( 'result-file' => array( 'description' => 'Save to a file. If not provided, the updated makefile will be dumped to stdout.', 'example-value' => 'updated.make', ), 'format' => array( 'description' => 'The format for generated lockfiles. Options are "yaml" or "ini". Defaults to "yaml".', 'example-value' => 'ini', ), 'includes' => 'A list of makefiles to include at build-time.', ), 'engines' => array('release_info', 'update_status'), ); $items['make-lock'] = array( 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'description' => 'Process a makefile and outputs an equivalent makefile with projects version *resolved*. Respects pinned versions.', 'arguments' => array( 'makefile' => 'Filename of the makefile to use for this build.', ), 'options' => array( 'result-file' => array( 'description' => 'Save to a file. If not provided, the lockfile will be dumped to stdout.', 'example-value' => 'platform.lock', ), 'format' => array( 'description' => 'The format for generated lockfiles. Options are "yaml" or "ini". Defaults to "yaml".', 'example-value' => 'ini', ), 'includes' => 'A list of makefiles to include at build-time.', ), 'allow-additional-options' => TRUE, 'engines' => array('release_info', 'update_status'), ); // Add docs topic. $docs_dir = drush_get_context('DOC_PREFIX', DRUSH_BASE_PATH); $items['docs-make'] = array( 'description' => 'Drush Make overview with examples', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'topic' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'callback' => 'drush_print_file', 'callback arguments' => array($docs_dir . '/docs/make.md'), ); $items['docs-make-example'] = array( 'description' => 'Drush Make example makefile', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'topic' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE, 'callback' => 'drush_print_file', 'callback arguments' => array($docs_dir . '/examples/example.make.yml'), ); return $items; } /** * Command argument complete callback. * * @return array * Strong glob of files to complete on. */ function make_make_complete() { return array( 'files' => array( 'directories' => array( 'pattern' => '*', 'flags' => GLOB_ONLYDIR, ), 'make' => array( 'pattern' => '*.make', ), ), ); } /** * Validation callback for make command. */ function drush_make_validate($makefile = NULL, $build_path = NULL) { // Don't validate if --version option is supplied. if (drush_get_option('version', FALSE)) { return; } if (drush_get_option('shallow-clone', FALSE) && drush_get_option('working-copy', FALSE)) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_SHALLOW_CLONE_WORKING_COPY_CONFLICT', dt('You cannot use "--shallow-clone" and "--working-copy" options together.')); } // Error out if the build path is not valid and --no-build was not supplied. if (!drush_get_option('no-build', FALSE) && !make_build_path($build_path)) { return FALSE; } } /** * Implements drush_hook_pre_COMMAND(). * * If --version option is supplied, print it and prevent execution of the command. */ function drush_make_pre_make($makefile = NULL, $build_path = NULL) { if (drush_get_option('version', FALSE)) { drush_print(dt('Drush make API version !version', array('!version' => MAKE_API))); drush_print_pipe(MAKE_API); // Prevent command execution. return FALSE; } } /** * Drush callback; make based on the makefile. */ function drush_make($makefile = NULL, $build_path = NULL) { // Set the cache option based on our '--no-cache' option. _make_enable_cache(); // Build. if (!drush_get_option('no-build', FALSE)) { $info = make_parse_info_file($makefile); drush_log(dt('Beginning to build !makefile.', array('!makefile' => $makefile)), LogLevel::OK); // Default contrib destination depends on Drupal core version. $core_version = str_replace('.x', '', $info['core'][0]); $sitewide = drush_drupal_sitewide_directory($core_version); $contrib_destination = drush_get_option('contrib-destination', $sitewide); $build_path = make_build_path($build_path); $make_dir = realpath(dirname($makefile)); $success = make_projects(FALSE, $contrib_destination, $info, $build_path, $make_dir); if ($success) { make_libraries(FALSE, $contrib_destination, $info, $build_path, $make_dir); if (drush_get_option('prepare-install')) { make_prepare_install($build_path); } if ($option = drush_get_option('md5')) { $md5 = make_md5(); if ($option === 'print') { drush_print($md5); } else { drush_log(dt('Build hash: %md5', array('%md5' => $md5)), LogLevel::OK); } } // Only take final build steps if not in testing mode. if (!drush_get_option('test')) { if (drush_get_option('tar')) { make_tar($build_path); } else { make_move_build($build_path); } } make_clean_tmp(); } else { return make_error('MAKE_PROJECTS_FAILED', dt('Drush Make failed to download all projects. See the log above for the specific errors.')); } } // Process --lock and --bundle-lockfile $lockfiles = array(); if ($result_file = drush_get_option('bundle-lockfile', FALSE)) { if ($result_file === TRUE) { $result_file = 'sites/all/drush/platform.make'; } $lockfiles[] = $build_path . '/' . $result_file; } if ($result_file = drush_get_option('lock', FALSE)) { $lockfiles[] = $result_file; } if (count($lockfiles)) { foreach ($lockfiles as $lockfile) { if ($lockfile !== TRUE) { $result_file = drush_normalize_path($lockfile); drush_mkdir(dirname($result_file), $required = TRUE); drush_set_option('result-file', $result_file); } drush_invoke('make-lock', $makefile); drush_unset_option('result-file'); } } // Used by core-quick-drupal command. // @see drush_core_quick_drupal(). if (drush_get_option('core-quick-drupal', FALSE)) { return $info; } } /** * Command callback; convert ini makefile to YAML. */ function drush_make_convert($source) { $dest_format = drush_get_option('format', 'yml'); // Load source data. $source_format = pathinfo($source, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($source_format == $dest_format || $source_format == 'lock' && $dest_format == 'composer') { drush_print('The source format cannot be the same as the destination format.'); } // Obtain drush make $info array, converting if necessary. switch ($source_format) { case 'make': case 'yml': case 'yaml': $info = make_parse_info_file($source); break; case 'lock': $composer_json_file = str_replace('lock', 'json', $source); if (!file_exists($composer_json_file)) { drush_print('Please ensure that a composer.json file is in the same directory as the specified composer.lock file.'); return FALSE; } $composer_json = json_decode(make_get_data($composer_json_file), TRUE); $composer_lock = json_decode(make_get_data($source), TRUE); $info = drush_make_convert_composer_to_make($composer_lock, $composer_json); break; case 'json': drush_print('Please use composer.lock instead of composer.json as source for conversion.'); return FALSE; break; } // Output into destination formation. switch ($dest_format) { case 'yml': case 'yaml': $output = drush_make_convert_make_to_yml($info); break; case 'make': foreach ($info['projects'] as $key => $project) { $info['projects'][$key]['_type'] = $info['projects'][$key]['type']; } foreach ($info['libraries'] as $key => $library) { $info['libraries'][$key]['_type'] = 'librarie'; } $output = _drush_make_generate_makefile_contents($info['projects'], $info['libraries'], $info['core'], $info['defaults']); break; case 'composer': $output = drush_make_convert_make_to_composer($info); break; } drush_print($output); } /** * Converts a composer.lock array into a traditional drush make array. * * @param array $composer_lock * An array of composer.lock data. * * @param array $composer_json * An array of composer.json data. * * @return array A traditional drush make info array. * A traditional drush make info array. */ function drush_make_convert_composer_to_make($composer_lock, $composer_json) { $info = array( 'core' => array(), 'api' => 2, 'defaults' => array( 'projects' => array( 'subdir' => 'contrib', ), ), 'projects' => array(), 'libraries' => array(), ); // The make generation function requires that projects be grouped by type, // or else duplicative project groups will be created. $core = array(); $modules = array(); $themes = array(); $profiles = array(); $libraries = array(); foreach ($composer_lock['packages'] as $key => $package) { if (strpos($package['name'], 'drupal/') === 0 && in_array($package['type'], array('drupal-core', 'drupal-theme', 'drupal-module', 'drupal-profile'))) { $project_name = str_replace('drupal/', '', $package['name']); switch ($package['type']) { case 'drupal-core': $project_name = 'drupal'; $group =& $core; $group[$project_name]['type'] = 'core'; $info['core'] = substr($package['version'], 0, 1) . '.x'; break; case 'drupal-theme': $group =& $themes; $group[$project_name]['type'] = 'theme'; break; case 'drupal-module': $group =& $modules; $group[$project_name]['type'] = 'module'; break; case 'drupal-profile': $group =& $profiles; $group[$project_name]['type'] = 'profile'; break; } $group[$project_name]['download']['type'] = 'git'; $group[$project_name]['download']['url'] = $package['source']['url']; // Dev versions should use git branch + revision, otherwise a tag is used. if (strstr($package['version'], 'dev')) { // 'dev-' prefix indicates a branch-alias. Stripping the dev prefix from // the branch name is sufficient. // @see https://getcomposer.org/doc/articles/aliases.md if (strpos($package['version'], 'dev-') === 0) { $group[$project_name]['download']['branch'] = substr($package['version'], 4); } // Otherwise, leave as is. Version may already use '-dev' suffix. else { $group[$project_name]['download']['branch'] = $package['version']; } $group[$project_name]['download']['revision'] = $package['source']['reference']; } elseif ($package['type'] == 'drupal-core') { // For 7.x tags, replace 7.xx.0 with 7.xx. if ($info['core'] == '7.x') { $group[$project_name]['download']['tag']= substr($package['version'], 0, 4); } else { $group[$project_name]['download']['tag'] = $package['version']; } } else { // Make tag versioning drupal-friendly. 8.1.0-alpha1 => 8.x-1.0-alpha1. $major_version = substr($package['version'], 0 ,1); $the_rest = substr($package['version'], 2, strlen($package['version'])); $group[$project_name]['download']['tag'] = "$major_version.x-$the_rest"; } if (!empty($package['extra']['patches_applied'])) { foreach ($package['extra']['patches_applied'] as $desc => $url) { $group[$project_name]['patch'][] = $url; } } } // Include any non-drupal libraries that exist in both .lock and .json. elseif (!in_array($package['type'], array('composer-plugin', 'metapackage')) && array_key_exists($package['name'], $composer_json['require'])) { $project_name = $package['name']; $libraries[$project_name]['type'] = 'library'; $libraries[$project_name]['download']['type'] = 'git'; $libraries[$project_name]['download']['url'] = $package['source']['url']; $libraries[$project_name]['download']['branch'] = $package['version']; $libraries[$project_name]['download']['revision'] = $package['source']['reference']; } } $info['projects'] = $core + $modules + $themes; $info['libraries'] = $libraries; return $info; } /** * Converts a drush info array to a composer.json array. * * @param array $info * A drush make info array. * * @return string * A json encoded composer.json schema object. */ function drush_make_convert_make_to_composer($info) { $core_major_version = substr($info['core'], 0, 1); $core_project_name = $core_major_version == 7 ? 'drupal/drupal' : 'drupal/core'; // Add default projects. $projects = array( 'composer/installers' => '^1.0.20', 'cweagans/composer-patches' => '~1.0', $core_project_name => str_replace('x', '*', $info['core']), ); $patches = array(); // Iterate over projects, populating composer-friendly array. foreach ($info['projects'] as $project_name => $project) { switch ($project['type']) { case 'core': $project['name'] = 'drupal/core'; $projects[$project['name']] = str_replace('x', '*', $project['version']); break; default: $project['name'] = "drupal/$project_name"; $projects[$project['name']] = drush_make_convert_project_to_composer($project, $core_major_version); break; } // Add project patches. if (!empty($project['patch'])) { foreach($project['patch'] as $key => $patch) { $patch_description = "Enter {$project['name']} patch #$key description here"; $patches[$project['name']][$patch_description] = $patch; } } } // Iterate over libraries, populating composer-friendly array. if (!empty($info['libraries'])) { foreach ($info['libraries'] as $library_name => $library) { $library_name = 'Verify project name: ' . $library_name; $projects[$library_name] = drush_make_convert_project_to_composer($library, $core_major_version); } } $output = array( 'name' => 'Enter project name here', 'description' => 'Enter project description here', 'type' => 'project', 'repositories' => array( array('type' => 'composer', 'url' => 'https://packagist.drupal-composer.org'), ), 'require' => $projects, 'minimum-stability' => 'dev', 'prefer-stable' => TRUE, 'extra' => array( 'installer-paths' => array( 'core' => array('type:drupal-core'), 'docroot/modules/contrib/{$name}' => array('type:drupal-module'), 'docroot/profiles/contrib/{$name}' => array('type:drupal-profile'), 'docroot/themes/contrib/{$name}' => array('type:drupal-theme'), 'drush/contrib/{$name}' => array('type:drupal-drush'), ), 'patches' => $patches, ), ); $output = json_encode($output, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); return $output; } /** * Converts a make file project array into a composer project version string. * * @param array $original_project * A project dependency, as defined in a make file. * * @param string $core_major_version * The major core version. E.g., 6, 7, 8, etc. * * @return string * The project version, in composer syntax. * */ function drush_make_convert_project_to_composer($original_project, $core_major_version) { // Typical specified version with major version "x" removed. if (!empty($original_project['version'])) { $version = str_replace('x', '0', $original_project['version']); } // Git branch or revision. elseif (!empty($original_project['download'])) { switch ($original_project['download']['type']) { case 'git': if (!empty($original_project['download']['branch'])) { // @todo Determine if '0' will always be correct. $version = str_replace('x', '0', $original_project['download']['branch']); } if (!empty($original_project['download']['tag'])) { // @todo Determine if '0' will always be correct. $version = str_replace('x', '0', $original_project['download']['tag']); } if (!empty($project['download']['revision'])) { $version .= '#' . $original_project['download']['revision']; } break; default: $version = 'Enter correct project name and version number'; break; } } $version = "$core_major_version." . $version; return $version; } /** * Converts a drush info array to a YAML array. * * @param array $info * A drush make info array. * * @return string * A yaml encoded info array. */ function drush_make_convert_make_to_yml($info) { // Remove incorrect value. unset($info['format']); // Replace "*" with "~" for project versions. foreach ($info['projects'] as $key => $project) { if ($project['version'] == '*') { $info['projects'][$key]['version'] = '~'; } } $dumper = drush_load_engine('outputformat', 'yaml'); $output = $dumper->format($info, array()); return $output; } /** * Drush callback: hidden file to process an individual project. * * @param string $directory * Directory where the project is being built. */ function drush_make_process($directory) { drush_get_engine('release_info'); // Set the temporary directory. make_tmp(TRUE, $directory); if (!$projects_location = drush_get_option('projects-location')) { return drush_set_error('MAKE-PROCESS', dt('No projects passed to drush_make_process')); } $projects = json_decode(file_get_contents($projects_location), TRUE); $manifest = drush_get_option('manifest', array()); foreach ($projects as $project) { if ($instance = DrushMakeProject::getInstance($project['type'], $project)) { $instance->setManifest($manifest); $instance->make(); } else { make_error('PROJECT-TYPE', dt('Non-existent project type %type on project %project.', array('%type' => $project['type'], '%project' => $project['name']))); } } } /** * Gather additional data on all projects specified in the make file. */ function make_prepare_projects($recursion, $info, $contrib_destination = '', $build_path = '', $make_dir = '') { $release_info = drush_get_engine('release_info'); // Nothing to make if the project list is empty. Maybe complain about it. if (empty($info['projects'])) { if (drush_get_option('no-core') || $recursion) { return TRUE; } else { return drush_set_error('MAKE_NO_CORE', dt('No core project specified.')); } } // Obtain translations to download along with the projects. $translations = array(); if (isset($info['translations'])) { $translations = $info['translations']; } if ($arg_translations = drush_get_option('translations', FALSE)) { $translations = array_merge(explode(',', $arg_translations), $translations); } // Normalize projects. $projects = array(); $ignore_checksums = drush_get_option('ignore-checksums'); foreach ($info['projects'] as $key => $project) { // Merge the known data onto the project info. $project += array( 'name' => $key, 'type' => 'module', 'core' => $info['core'], 'translations' => $translations, 'build_path' => $build_path, 'contrib_destination' => $contrib_destination, 'version' => '', 'location' => drush_get_option('make-update-default-url', ReleaseInfo::DEFAULT_URL), 'subdir' => '', 'directory_name' => '', 'make_directory' => $make_dir, 'options' => array(), ); // MD5 Checksum. if ($ignore_checksums) { unset($project['download']['md5']); } elseif (!empty($project['md5'])) { $project['download']['md5'] = $project['md5']; } // If download components are specified, but not the download // type, default to git. if (isset($project['download']) && !isset($project['download']['type'])) { $project['download']['type'] = 'git'; } // Localization server. if (!isset($project['l10n_url']) && ($project['location'] == ReleaseInfo::DEFAULT_URL)) { $project['l10n_url'] = MAKE_DEFAULT_L10N_SERVER; } // Classify projects in core or contrib. if ($project['type'] == 'core') { $project['download_type'] = 'core'; } elseif ($project['location'] != ReleaseInfo::DEFAULT_URL || !isset($project['download'])) { $request = make_prepare_request($project); $is_core = $release_info->checkProject($request, 'core'); $project['download_type'] = ($is_core ? 'core' : 'contrib'); $project['type'] = $is_core ? 'core' : $project['type']; } else { $project['download_type'] = ($project['name'] == 'drupal' ? 'core' : 'contrib'); } $projects[$project['download_type']][$project['name']] = $project; } // Verify there're enough cores, but not too many. $cores = !empty($projects['core']) ? count($projects['core']) : 0; if (drush_get_option('no-core')) { unset($projects['core']); } elseif ($cores == 0 && !$recursion) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_NO_CORE', dt('No core project specified.')); } elseif ($cores == 1 && $recursion) { unset($projects['core']); } elseif ($cores > 1) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_MULTIPLE_CORES', dt('More than one core project specified.')); } // Set download type = pm for suitable projects. foreach (array_keys($projects) as $project_type) { foreach ($projects[$project_type] as $project) { if (make_project_needs_release_info($project)) { $request = make_prepare_request($project, $project_type); $release = $release_info->selectReleaseBasedOnStrategy($request, '', 'ignore'); if ($release === FALSE) { return FALSE; } // Override default project type with data from update service. if (!isset($info['projects'][$project['name']]['type'])) { $project['type'] = $release_info->get($request)->getType(); } if (!isset($project['download'])) { $project['download'] = array( 'type' => 'pm', 'full_version' => $release['version'], 'download_link' => $release['download_link'], 'status url' => $request['status url'], ); } } $projects[$project_type][$project['name']] = $project; } } if (!$recursion) { $projects += array( 'core' => array(), 'contrib' => array(), ); drush_set_option('DRUSH_MAKE_PROJECTS', array_merge($projects['core'], $projects['contrib'])); } return $projects; } /** * Process all projects specified in the make file. */ function make_projects($recursion, $contrib_destination, $info, $build_path, $make_dir) { $projects = make_prepare_projects($recursion, $info, $contrib_destination, $build_path, $make_dir); // Abort if there was an error processing projects. if ($projects === FALSE) { return FALSE; } // Core is built in place, rather than using make-process. if (!empty($projects['core']) && count($projects['core'])) { $project = current($projects['core']); $project = DrushMakeProject::getInstance('core', $project); $project->make(); } // Process all projects concurrently using make-process. if (isset($projects['contrib'])) { $concurrency = drush_get_option('concurrency', 1); // Generate $concurrency sub-processes to do the actual work. $invocations = array(); $thread = 0; foreach ($projects['contrib'] as $project) { $thread = ++$thread % $concurrency; // Ensure that we've set this sub-process up. if (!isset($invocations[$thread])) { $invocations[$thread] = array( 'args' => array( make_tmp(), ), 'options' => array( 'projects' => array(), ), 'site' => array(), ); } // Add the project to this sub-process. $invocations[$thread]['options']['projects'][] = $project; // Add the manifest so recursive downloads do not override projects. $invocations[$thread]['options']['manifest'] = array_keys($projects['contrib']); } if (!empty($invocations)) { // Backend options. $backend_options = array( 'concurrency' => $concurrency, 'method' => 'POST', ); // Store projects in temporary files since passing this much data on the // pipe buffer can break on certain systems. _make_write_project_json($invocations); $common_options = drush_redispatch_get_options(); // Merge in stdin options since we process makefiles recursively. See http://drupal.org/node/1510180. $common_options = array_merge($common_options, drush_get_context('stdin')); // Package handler should use 'wget'. $common_options['package-handler'] = 'wget'; // Avoid any prompts from CLI. $common_options['yes'] = TRUE; // Use cache unless explicitly turned off. if (!drush_get_option('no-cache', FALSE)) { $common_options['cache'] = TRUE; } // Unless --verbose or --debug are passed, quiter backend output. if (empty($common_options['verbose']) && empty($common_options['debug'])) { $backend_options['#output-label'] = FALSE; $backend_options['integrate'] = TRUE; } $results = drush_backend_invoke_concurrent($invocations, $common_options, $backend_options, 'make-process', '@none'); if (count($results['error_log'])) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /** * Writes out project data to temporary files. * * @param array &$invocations * An array containing projects sorted by thread. */ function _make_write_project_json(array &$invocations) { foreach ($invocations as $thread => $info) { $projects = $info['options']['projects']; unset($invocations[$thread]['options']['projects']); $temp_file = drush_tempnam('make_projects'); file_put_contents($temp_file, json_encode($projects)); $invocations[$thread]['options']['projects-location'] = $temp_file; } } /** * Gather additional data on all libraries specified in the make file. */ function make_prepare_libraries($recursion, $info, $contrib_destination = '', $build_path = '', $make_dir = '') { // Nothing to make if the libraries list is empty. if (empty($info['libraries'])) { return; } $libraries = array(); $ignore_checksums = drush_get_option('ignore-checksums'); foreach ($info['libraries'] as $key => $library) { if (!is_string($key) || !is_array($library)) { // TODO Print a prettier message. continue; } // Merge the known data onto the library info. $library += array( 'name' => $key, 'core' => $info['core'], 'build_path' => $build_path, 'contrib_destination' => $contrib_destination, 'subdir' => '', 'directory_name' => $key, 'make_directory' => $make_dir, ); if ($ignore_checksums) { unset($library['download']['md5']); } $libraries[$key] = $library; } if (!$recursion) { drush_set_option('DRUSH_MAKE_LIBRARIES', $info['libraries']); } return $libraries; } /** * Process all libraries specified in the make file. */ function make_libraries($recursion, $contrib_destination, $info, $build_path, $make_dir) { $libraries = make_prepare_libraries($recursion, $info, $contrib_destination, $build_path, $make_dir); if (empty($libraries)) { return; } foreach ($libraries as $key => $library) { $class = DrushMakeProject::getInstance('library', $library); $class->make(); } } /** * The path where the final build will be placed. */ function make_build_path($build_path) { static $saved_path; if (isset($saved_path)) { return $saved_path; } // Determine the base of the build. if (drush_get_option('tar')) { $build_path = dirname($build_path) . '/' . basename($build_path, '.tar.gz') . '.tar.gz'; } elseif (isset($build_path) && (!empty($build_path) || $build_path == '.')) { $build_path = rtrim($build_path, '/'); } // Allow tests to run without a specified base path. elseif (drush_get_option('test') || drush_confirm(dt("Make new site in the current directory?"))) { $build_path = '.'; } else { return drush_user_abort(dt('Build aborted.')); } if ($build_path != '.' && file_exists($build_path) && !drush_get_option('no-core', FALSE)) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_PATH_EXISTS', dt('Base path %path already exists.', array('%path' => $build_path))); } $saved_path = $build_path; return $build_path; } /** * Move the completed build into place. */ function make_move_build($build_path) { $tmp_path = make_tmp(); $ret = TRUE; if ($build_path == '.' || (drush_get_option('no-core', FALSE) && file_exists($build_path))) { $info = drush_scan_directory($tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '__build__', '/./', array('.', '..'), 0, FALSE, 'filename', 0, TRUE); foreach ($info as $file) { $destination = $build_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->basename; if (file_exists($destination)) { // To prevent the removal of top-level directories such as 'modules' or // 'themes', descend in a level if the file exists. // TODO: This only protects one level of directories from being removed. $overwrite = drush_get_option('overwrite', FALSE) ? FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE : FILE_EXISTS_MERGE; if (is_dir($destination)) { $files = drush_scan_directory($file->filename, '/./', array('.', '..'), 0, FALSE); foreach ($files as $file) { $ret = $ret && drush_copy_dir($file->filename, $destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->basename, $overwrite); } } else { $ret = $ret && drush_copy_dir($file->filename, $destination, $overwrite); } } else { $ret = $ret && drush_copy_dir($file->filename, $destination); } } } else { drush_mkdir(dirname($build_path)); $ret = drush_move_dir($tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '__build__', $tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($build_path), TRUE); $ret = $ret && drush_copy_dir($tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($build_path), $build_path); } // Copying to final destination resets write permissions. Re-apply. if (drush_get_option('prepare-install')) { $default = $build_path . '/sites/default'; chmod($default . '/settings.php', 0666); chmod($default . '/files', 0777); } if (!$ret) { return drush_set_error('MAKE_CANNOT_MOVE_BUILD', dt("Cannot move build into place.")); } return $ret; } /** * Create a request array suitable for release_info engine. * * This is a convenience function to easily integrate drush_make * with drush release_info engine. * * @todo: refactor 'make' to internally work with release_info keys. * * @param array $project * Project array. * @param string $type * 'contrib' or 'core'. */ function make_prepare_request($project, $type = 'contrib') { $request = array( 'name' => $project['name'], 'drupal_version' => $project['core'], 'status url' => $project['location'], ); if ($project['version'] != '') { $request['project_version'] = $project['version']; $request['version'] = $type == 'core' ? $project['version'] : $project['core'] . '-' . $project['version']; } return $request; } /** * Determine if the release information is required for this * project. When it is determined that it is, this potentially results * in the use of pm-download to process the project. * * If the location of the project is not customized (uses d.o), and * one of the following is true, then release information is required: * * - $project['type'] has not been specified * - $project['download'] has not been specified * * @see make_projects() */ function make_project_needs_release_info($project) { return isset($project['location']) // Only fetch release info if the project type is unknown OR if // download attributes are unspecified. && (!isset($project['type']) || !isset($project['download'])); } /** * Enables caching if not explicitly disabled. * * @return bool * The previous value of the 'cache' option. */ function _make_enable_cache() { $cache_before = drush_get_option('cache'); if (!drush_get_option('no-cache', FALSE)) { drush_set_option('cache', TRUE); } return $cache_before; }