; Example makefile ; ---------------- ; This is an example makefile to introduce new users of drush_make to the ; syntax and options available to drush_make. For a full description of all ; options available, see README.txt. ; This make file is a working makefile - try it! Any line starting with a `;` ; is a comment. ; Core version ; ------------ ; Each makefile should begin by declaring the core version of Drupal that all ; projects should be compatible with. core = 7.x ; API version ; ------------ ; Every makefile needs to declare it's Drush Make API version. This version of ; drush make uses API version `2`. api = 2 ; Core project ; ------------ ; In order for your makefile to generate a full Drupal site, you must include ; a core project. This is usually Drupal core, but you can also specify ; alternative core projects like Pressflow. Note that makefiles included with ; install profiles *should not* include a core project. ; Use Pressflow instead of Drupal core: ; projects[pressflow][type] = "core" ; projects[pressflow][download][type] = "file" ; projects[pressflow][download][url] = "http://launchpad.net/pressflow/6.x/6.15.73/+download/pressflow-6.15.73.tar.gz" ; Git clone of Drupal 7.x. Requires the `core` property to be set to 7.x. ; projects[drupal][type] = "core" ; projects[drupal][download][type] = git ; projects[drupal][download][url] = http://git.drupal.org/project/drupal.git projects[] = drupal ; Projects ; -------- ; Each project that you would like to include in the makefile should be ; declared under the `projects` key. The simplest declaration of a project ; looks like this: ; To include the most recent views module: projects[] = views ; This will, by default, retrieve the latest recommended version of the project ; using its update XML feed on Drupal.org. If any of those defaults are not ; desirable for a project, you will want to use the keyed syntax combined with ; some options. ; If you want to retrieve a specific version of a project: ; projects[views] = 2.16 ; Or an alternative, extended syntax: projects[ctools][version] = 1.3 ; Check out the latest version of a project from Git. Note that when using a ; repository as your project source, you must explicitly declare the project ; type so that drush_make knows where to put your project. projects[data][type] = module projects[data][download][type] = git projects[data][download][url] = http://git.drupal.org/project/views.git projects[data][download][revision] = DRUPAL-6--3 ; For projects on drupal.org, some shorthand is available. If any ; download parameters are specified, but not type, the default is git. projects[cck_signup][download][revision] = "2fe932c" ; It is recommended to also specify the corresponding branch so that ; the .info file rewriting can obtain a version string that works with ; the core update module projects[cck_signup][download][branch] = "7.x-1.x" ; Clone a project from github. projects[tao][type] = theme projects[tao][download][type] = git projects[tao][download][url] = git://github.com/developmentseed/tao.git ; If you want to install a module into a sub-directory, you can use the ; `subdir` attribute. projects[admin_menu][subdir] = custom ; To apply a patch to a project, use the `patch` attribute and pass in the URL ; of the patch. projects[admin_menu][patch][687750] = "http://drupal.org/files/issues/admin_menu.long_.31.patch" ; If all projects or libraries share common attributes, the `defaults` ; array can be used to specify these globally, rather than ; per-project. defaults[projects][subdir] = "contrib"