setIncludeFilesAtBase(false) ->setSearchLocations(['Commands']) ->setSearchPattern('#.*Commands.php$#'); } return $discovery; } /** * Initialize and cache the command factory. Drush 9 uses dependency injection. * * @return AnnotatedCommandFactory */ function annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory() { static $factory; if (!isset($factory)) { $factory = new AnnotatedCommandFactory(); $factory->commandProcessor()->hookManager()->add('annotatedcomand_adapter_backend_result', HookManager::EXTRACT_OUTPUT); $formatter = new FormatterManager(); $formatter->addDefaultFormatters(); $formatter->addDefaultSimplifiers(); $factory->commandProcessor()->setFormatterManager($formatter); } return $factory; } /** * Fetch the command processor from the factory. * * @return AnnotatedCommandFactory */ function annotationcommand_adapter_get_processor() { $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); return $factory->commandProcessor(); } /** * Fetch the formatter manager from the command processor * * @return FormatterManager */ function annotatedcomand_adapter_get_formatter() { $commandProcessor = annotationcommand_adapter_get_processor(); return $commandProcessor->formatterManager(); } /** * Callback function called by HookManager::EXTRACT_OUTPUT to set * the backend result. */ function annotatedcomand_adapter_backend_result($structured_data) { $return = drush_backend_get_result(); if (empty($return)) { drush_backend_set_result($structured_data); } } /** * Return the cached commands built by annotationcommand_adapter_discover. * @see drush_get_commands() */ function annotationcommand_adapter_commands() { $annotation_commandfiles = drush_get_context('DRUSH_ANNOTATED_COMMANDFILES'); // Remove any entry in the commandfiles list from an ignored module. $ignored = implode('|', drush_get_option_list('ignored-modules')); $regex = "#/(modules|themes|profiles)(/|/.*/)($ignored)/#"; foreach ($annotation_commandfiles as $key => $path) { if (preg_match($regex, $path)) { unset($annotation_commandfiles[$key]); } } $commands = annotationcommand_adapter_get_commands($annotation_commandfiles); $module_service_commands = drush_get_context('DRUSH_MODULE_SERVICE_COMMANDS'); return array_merge($commands, $module_service_commands); } /** * Search for annotation commands at the provided search path. * @see _drush_find_commandfiles() */ function annotationcommand_adapter_discover($searchpath, $phase = false, $phase_max = false) { if (empty($searchpath)) { return; } if (($phase >= DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE) && (drush_drupal_major_version() >= 8)) { return; } $annotation_commandfiles = []; // Assemble a cid specific to the bootstrap phase and searchpaths. // Bump $cf_version when making a change to a dev version of Drush // that invalidates the commandfile cache. $cf_version = 1; $cid = drush_get_cid('annotationfiles-' . $phase, array(), array_merge($searchpath, array($cf_version))); $command_cache = drush_cache_get($cid); if (isset($command_cache->data)) { $annotation_commandfiles = $command_cache->data; } else { // Check to see if this is the Drush searchpath for instances where we are // NOT going to do a full bootstrap (e.g. when running a help command) if (($phase == DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE) && ($phase_max < DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL)) { $searchpath = annotationcommand_adapter_refine_searchpaths($searchpath); } $discovery = annotationcommand_adapter_get_discovery(); $annotation_commandfiles = $discovery->discoverNamespaced($searchpath, '\Drupal'); drush_cache_set($cid, $annotation_commandfiles); } drush_set_context( 'DRUSH_ANNOTATED_COMMANDFILES', array_merge( drush_get_context('DRUSH_ANNOTATED_COMMANDFILES'), $annotation_commandfiles ) ); } /** * This function is set as the $command['callback'] for Symfony Console commands * e.g. those provided by Drupal 8 modules. Note that Drush 9 calls these with * Symfony's Application::run() method, but Drush 8 continues to use the * legacy Drush command dispatcher for all commands. * * @return bolean false if command failed (expect drush_set_error was called in this case) */ function annotationcommand_adapter_run_console_command() { $args = func_get_args(); $command = drush_get_command(); $console_command = $command['drush-console-command']; // TODO: Build an appropriate input object $input = annotationcommand_adapter_build_input($console_command, $args); $output = new ConsoleOutput(); $result = $console_command->run($input, $output); return $result; } /** * TODO: This could probably just be a DrushInputAdapter now. */ function annotationcommand_adapter_build_input($console_command, $userArgs) { $args = []; $defaultOptions = []; $definition = $console_command->getDefinition(); $inputArguments = $definition->getArguments(); foreach ($inputArguments as $key => $inputOption) { $value = array_shift($userArgs); if (!isset($value)) { $value = $inputOption->getDefault(); } $args[$key] = $value; } $inputOptions = $definition->getOptions(); foreach ($inputOptions as $option => $inputOption) { $defaultOptions[$option] = $inputOption->getDefault(); } foreach ($defaultOptions as $option => $value) { $args["--$option"] = drush_get_option($option, $value); } // TODO: Need to add global options. Note that ArrayInput is validated. $input = new ArrayInput($args, $definition); return $input; } /** * Collect all of the options defined in every relevant context, and * merge them together to form the options array. * * @return array */ function annotationcommand_adapter_get_options($command) { $default_options = isset($command['consolidation-option-defaults']) ? $command['consolidation-option-defaults'] : []; $options = drush_redispatch_get_options() + $default_options; $options += drush_get_merged_options(); return $options; } /** * This function is set as the $command['callback'] for commands that have * been converted to annotated commands. Note that Drush 9 calls these with * Symfony's Application::run() method, but Drush 8 continues to use the * legacy Drush command dispatcher for all commands. * * @return bolean false if command failed (expect drush_set_error was called in this case) */ function annotationcommand_adapter_process_command() { $userArgs = func_get_args(); $commandprocessor = annotationcommand_adapter_get_processor(); $command = drush_get_command(); annotationcommand_adapter_add_hook_options($command); $args = []; foreach ($command['consolidation-arg-defaults'] as $key => $default) { $value = array_shift($userArgs); if (!isset($value)) { $value = $default; } $args[$key] = $value; } $input = new DrushInputAdapter($args, annotationcommand_adapter_get_options($command), $command['command']); $output = new DrushOutputAdapter(); $annotationData = $command['annotations']; $commandData = new CommandData( $annotationData, $input, $output ); $commandData->setIncludeOptionsInArgs($command['add-options-to-arguments']); $names = annotationcommand_adapter_command_names($command); // n.b.: backend result is set by a post-alter hook. $result = $commandprocessor->process( $output, $names, $command['annotated-command-callback'], $commandData ); return $result; } /** * Internal function called by annotationcommand_adapter_commands, which * is called by drush_get_commands(). * * @param array $annotation_commandfiles path => class mapping * * @return object[] */ function annotationcommand_adapter_get_commands($annotation_commandfiles) { $commands = []; // This will give us a list containing something akin to: // 'modules/default_content/src/CliTools/DefaultContentCommands.php' => // '\\Drupal\\default_content\\CliTools\\DefaultContentCommands', foreach ($annotation_commandfiles as $commandfile_path => $commandfile_class) { if (file_exists($commandfile_path)) { $commandhandler = annotationcommand_adapter_create_commandfile_instance($commandfile_path, $commandfile_class); $commands_for_this_commandhandler = annotationcommand_adapter_get_commands_for_commandhandler($commandhandler, $commandfile_path); $commands = array_merge($commands, $commands_for_this_commandhandler); } } return $commands; } /** * Create and cache a commandfile instance. * * @param string $commandfile_path Path to the commandfile implementation * @param string $commandfile_class Namespace and class of the commandfile object * * @return object */ function annotationcommand_adapter_create_commandfile_instance($commandfile_path, $commandfile_class) { $cache =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_ANNOTATION_COMMANDFILE_INSTANCES'); if (!isset($cache[$commandfile_path])) { include_once $commandfile_path; $commandhandler = new $commandfile_class; $cache[$commandfile_path] = $commandhandler; } return $cache[$commandfile_path]; } /** * TODO: document */ function annotationcommand_adapter_cache_module_console_commands($console_command, $commandfile_path = null) { if (!isset($commandfile_path)) { $class = new \ReflectionClass($console_command); $commandfile_path = $class->getFileName(); } $module_service_commands = drush_get_context('DRUSH_MODULE_SERVICE_COMMANDS'); $commands = annotationcommand_adapter_get_command_for_console_command($console_command, $commandfile_path); drush_set_context('DRUSH_MODULE_SERVICE_COMMANDS', array_merge($commands, $module_service_commands)); } /** * TODO: document */ function annotationcommand_adapter_cache_module_service_commands($commandhandler, $commandfile_path = null) { if (!isset($commandfile_path)) { $class = new \ReflectionClass($commandhandler); $commandfile_path = $class->getFileName(); } $module_service_commands = drush_get_context('DRUSH_MODULE_SERVICE_COMMANDS'); $commands = annotationcommand_adapter_get_commands_for_commandhandler($commandhandler, $commandfile_path, false); drush_set_context('DRUSH_MODULE_SERVICE_COMMANDS', array_merge($commands, $module_service_commands)); } /** * Convert a Symfony Console command into a Drush $command record * * @param Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command $console_command The Symfony Console command to convert * @param string $commandfile_path Path to console command file * * @return array Drush $command record */ function annotationcommand_adapter_get_command_for_console_command($console_command, $commandfile_path) { $commands = []; $commandfile = basename($commandfile_path, '.php'); $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); $inputDefinition = $console_command->getDefinition(); $inputArguments = $inputDefinition->getArguments(); $inputOptions = $inputDefinition->getOptions(); $aliases = $console_command->getAliases(); $command_name = strtolower($console_command->getName()); $standard_alias = str_replace(':', '-', $command_name); if ($command_name != $standard_alias) { $aliases[] = $standard_alias; } $command = [ 'name' => $command_name, 'callback' => 'annotationcommand_adapter_run_console_command', 'drush-console-command' => $console_command, 'commandfile' => $commandfile, 'category' => $commandfile, 'options' => [], 'arguments' => [], 'description' => $console_command->getDescription(), 'examples' => $console_command->getUsages(), 'aliases' => $aliases, ]; foreach ($inputArguments as $arg => $inputArg) { $command['arguments'][$arg] = $inputArg->getDescription(); } $command['required-arguments'] = $inputDefinition->getArgumentRequiredCount(); foreach ($inputOptions as $option => $inputOption) { $description = $inputOption->getDescription(); $default = $inputOption->getDefault(); $command['options'][$option] = ['description' => $description]; if (!empty($default)) { $command['options'][$option]['example-value'] = $default; } } $command += drush_command_defaults($command_name, $commandfile, $commandfile_path); $commands[$command_name] = $command; return $commands; } /** * Convert an annotated command command handler object into a Drush $command record. * * @param object $commandhandler Command handler object * @param string $commandfile_path * @param boolean $includeAllPublicMethods TODO remove this, make it 'false' always * * @return array Drush $command record */ function annotationcommand_adapter_get_commands_for_commandhandler($commandhandler, $commandfile_path, $includeAllPublicMethods = true) { $cache =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_ANNOTATION_COMMANDS_FOR_COMMANDFILE'); if (isset($cache[$commandfile_path])) { return $cache[$commandfile_path]; } $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); $commands = []; $commandfile = basename($commandfile_path, '.php'); $commandinfo_list = $factory->getCommandInfoListFromClass($commandhandler); foreach ($commandinfo_list as $commandinfo) { // Hooks are automatically registered when the commandhandler is // created via registerCommandClass(), so we don't need to do it again here. // $factory->registerCommandHook($commandinfo, $commandhandler); $aliases = $commandinfo->getAliases(); $command_name = strtolower($commandinfo->getName()); $standard_alias = str_replace(':', '-', $command_name); if ($command_name != $standard_alias) { $aliases[] = $standard_alias; } $handle_remote_commands = $commandinfo->getAnnotation('handle-remote-commands') == 'true'; // TODO: if there is no 'bootstrap' annotation, maybe we should default to NONE instead of FULL? if ($bootstrap = $commandinfo->getAnnotation('bootstrap')) { $bootstrap = constant($bootstrap); } $command = [ 'name' => $command_name, //'callback' => [$commandhandler, $commandinfo->getMethodName()], 'callback' => 'annotationcommand_adapter_process_command', 'annotated-command-callback' => [$commandhandler, $commandinfo->getMethodName()], 'commandfile' => $commandfile, 'category' => $commandfile, 'options' => [], 'arguments' => [], 'description' => $commandinfo->getDescription(), 'examples' => $commandinfo->getExampleUsages(), 'bootstrap' => $bootstrap, 'handle-remote-commands' => $handle_remote_commands, 'aliases' => $aliases, 'add-options-to-arguments' => TRUE, 'consolidation-output-formatters' => TRUE, 'consolidation-option-defaults' => $commandinfo->options()->getValues(), 'consolidation-arg-defaults' => $commandinfo->arguments()->getValues(), ]; $required_arguments = 0; foreach ($commandinfo->arguments()->getValues() as $arg => $default) { $command['arguments'][$arg] = $commandinfo->arguments()->getDescription($arg); if (!isset($default)) { ++$required_arguments; } } $command['required-arguments'] = $required_arguments; foreach ($commandinfo->options()->getValues() as $option => $default) { $description = $commandinfo->options()->getDescription($option); $command['options'][$option] = ['description' => $description]; if (!empty($default)) { $command['options'][$option]['example-value'] = $default; } $fn = 'annotationcommand_adapter_alter_option_description_' . $option; if (function_exists($fn)) { $command['options'][$option] = $fn($command['options'][$option], $commandinfo, $default); } } $command['annotations'] = $commandinfo->getAnnotations(); // If the command has a '@return' annotation, then // remember information we will need to use the output formatter. $returnType = $commandinfo->getReturnType(); if (isset($returnType)) { $command['return-type'] = $returnType; } $command += drush_command_defaults($command_name, $commandfile, $commandfile_path); $commands[$command_name] = $command; } $cache[$commandfile_path] = $commands; return $commands; } /** * Modify a $command record, adding option definitions defined by any * command hook. * * @param array $command Drush command record to modify */ function annotationcommand_adapter_add_hook_options(&$command) { // Get options added by hooks. We postpone doing this until the // last minute rather than doing it when processing commandfiles // so that we do not need to worry about what order we process the // commandfiles in -- we can load extensions late, and still have // the extension hook a core command, or have an early-loaded global // extension hook a late-loaded extension (e.g. attached to a module). $names = annotationcommand_adapter_command_names($command); $names[] = '*'; // we are missing annotations here; maybe we just don't support that? (TODO later, maybe) $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); $extraOptions = $factory->hookManager()->getHookOptions($names); foreach ($extraOptions as $commandinfo) { if (!isset($command['consolidation-option-defaults'])) { $command['consolidation-option-defaults'] = array(); } $command['consolidation-option-defaults'] += $commandinfo->options()->getValues(); foreach ($commandinfo->options()->getValues() as $option => $default) { $description = $commandinfo->options()->getDescription($option); $command['options'][$option] = ['description' => $description]; if (!empty($default)) { $command['options'][$option]['example-value'] = $default; } $fn = 'annotationcommand_adapter_alter_option_description_' . $option; if (function_exists($fn)) { $command['options'][$option] = $fn($command['options'][$option], $commandinfo, $default); } } } } /** * Build all of the name variants for a Drush $command record * * @param array $command Drush command record * * @return string[] */ function annotationcommand_adapter_command_names($command) { $names = array_merge( [$command['command']], $command['aliases'] ); if (!empty($command['annotated-command-callback'])) { $commandHandler = $command['annotated-command-callback'][0]; $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($commandHandler); $commandFileClass = $reflectionClass->getName(); $names[] = $commandFileClass; } return $names; } /** * Convert from an old-style Drush initialize hook into annotated-command hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_initialize($names, CommandData $commandData) { $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); $hookManager = $factory->hookManager(); $hooks = $hookManager->getHooks( $names, [ HookManager::PRE_INITIALIZE, HookManager::INITIALIZE, HookManager::POST_INITIALIZE, ], $commandData->annotationData() ); foreach ((array)$hooks as $hook) { $hook($commandData->input(), $commandData->annotationData()); } } /** * Convert from an old-style Drush pre-validate hook into annotated-command hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * * @return boolean|object */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_hook_pre_validate($names, CommandData $commandData) { return annotationcommand_adapter_call_validate_interface( $names, [ HookManager::PRE_ARGUMENT_VALIDATOR, ], $commandData ); } /** * Convert from an old-style Drush validate hook into annotated-command hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * * @return boolean|object */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_hook_validate($names, CommandData $commandData) { return annotationcommand_adapter_call_validate_interface( $names, [ HookManager::ARGUMENT_VALIDATOR, ], $commandData ); } /** * Convert from an old-style Drush pre-command hook into annotated-command hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * * @return boolean|object */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_hook_pre_command($names, CommandData $commandData) { return annotationcommand_adapter_call_validate_interface( $names, [ HookManager::PRE_COMMAND_HOOK, ], $commandData ); } /** * Convert from an old-style Drush 'command' hook into annotated-command hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * * @return boolean|object */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_hook_command($names, CommandData $commandData) { return annotationcommand_adapter_call_validate_interface( $names, [ HookManager::COMMAND_HOOK, ], $commandData ); } /** * Convert from an old-style Drush post-command hook into annotated-command hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * @param mixed $return The return value of the command being executed * * @return mixed The altered command return value */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_hook_post_command($names, CommandData $commandData, $return) { return annotationcommand_adapter_call_process_interface( $names, [ HookManager::POST_COMMAND_HOOK, ], $commandData, $return ); } /** * After the primary Drush command hook is called, call all of the annotated-command * process and alter hooks. * @see _drush_invoke_hooks(). * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * @param mixed $return The return value of the command being executed * * @return mixed The altered command return value */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_hook_process_and_alter($names, $commandData, $return) { return annotationcommand_adapter_call_process_interface( $names, [ HookManager::PRE_PROCESS_RESULT, HookManager::PROCESS_RESULT, HookManager::POST_PROCESS_RESULT, HookManager::PRE_ALTER_RESULT, HookManager::ALTER_RESULT, HookManager::POST_ALTER_RESULT, ], $commandData, $return ); } /** * Given a list of hooks that conform to the interface ProcessResultInterface, * call them and return the result. * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param string[] $hooks All of the HookManager hooks that should be called * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * @param mixed $return The return value of the command being executed * * @return mixed The altered command return value */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_process_interface($names, $hooks, CommandData $commandData, $return) { $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); $hookManager = $factory->hookManager(); $hooks = $hookManager->getHooks($names, $hooks, $commandData->annotationData()); foreach ((array)$hooks as $hook) { $result = $hook($return, $commandData); if (isset($result)) { $return = $result; } } return $return; } /** * Given a list of hooks that conform to the interface ValidatorInterface, * call them and return the result. * * @param string[] $names All of the applicable names for the command being hooked * @param string[] $hooks All of the HookManager hooks that should be called * @param CommandData $commandData All of the parameter data associated with the * current command invokation, including the InputInterface, OutputInterface * and AnnotationData * * @return boolean|object */ function annotationcommand_adapter_call_validate_interface($names, $hooks, CommandData $commandData) { $factory = annotationcommand_adapter_get_factory(); $hookManager = $factory->hookManager(); $annotationData = $commandData->annotationData(); $hooks = $hookManager->getHooks($names, $hooks, $annotationData); foreach ((array)$hooks as $hook) { $validated = $hook($commandData); // TODO: if $validated is a CommandError, maybe the best thing to do is 'return drush_set_error()'? if (is_object($validated) || ($validated === false)) { return $validated; } } return true; } /** * TODO: Document */ function annotationcommand_adapter_alter_option_description_format($option_help, $commandinfo, $default) { $formatterManager = annotatedcomand_adapter_get_formatter(); $return_type = $commandinfo->getReturnType(); if (!empty($return_type)) { $available_formats = $formatterManager->validFormats($return_type); $option_help['description'] = dt('Select output format. Available: !formats.', array('!formats' => implode(', ', $available_formats))); if (!empty($default)) { $option_help['description'] .= dt(' Default is !default.', array('!default' => $default)); } } return $option_help; } /** * TODO: Document */ function annotationcommand_adapter_alter_option_description_fields($option_help, $commandinfo, $default) { $formatOptions = new FormatterOptions($commandinfo->getAnnotations()->getArrayCopy()); $field_labels = $formatOptions->get(FormatterOptions::FIELD_LABELS); $default_fields = $formatOptions->get(FormatterOptions::DEFAULT_FIELDS, [], array_keys($field_labels)); $available_fields = array_keys($field_labels); $option_help['example-value'] = implode(', ', $default_fields); $option_help['description'] = dt('Fields to output. All available fields are: !available.', array('!available' => implode(', ', $available_fields))); return $option_help; } /** * In some circumstances, Drush just does a deep search for any * * file, so that it can find all commands, in enabled and disabled modules alike, * for the purpose of displaying the help text for that command. */ function annotationcommand_adapter_refine_searchpaths($searchpath) { $result = []; foreach ($searchpath as $path) { $max_depth = TRUE; $pattern = '/.*\.info$/'; if (drush_drupal_major_version() > 7) { $pattern = '/.*\.info.yml$/'; } $locations = drush_scan_directory($path, $pattern, ['.', '..'], false, $max_depth); // Search for any directory that might be a module or theme (contains // a *.info or a *.info.yml file) foreach ($locations as $key => $info) { $result[dirname($key)] = true; } } return array_keys($result); }