php_ini_loaded_file())); } else { return dt('Please check your configuration settings in your php.ini file or in your drush.ini file; see examples/example.drush.ini for details.'); } } /** * Evalute the environment after an abnormal termination and * see if we can determine any configuration settings that the user might * want to adjust. */ function _drush_postmortem() { // Make sure that the memory limit has been bumped up from the minimum default value of 32M. $php_memory_limit = drush_memory_limit(); if (($php_memory_limit > 0) && ($php_memory_limit <= 32*DRUSH_KILOBYTE*DRUSH_KILOBYTE)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_MEMORY_LIMIT', dt('Your memory limit is set to !memory_limit; Drush needs as much memory to run as Drupal. !php_ini_msg', array('!memory_limit' => $php_memory_limit / (DRUSH_KILOBYTE*DRUSH_KILOBYTE) . 'M', '!php_ini_msg' => _drush_php_ini_loaded_file_message()))); } } /** * Evaluate the environment before command bootstrapping * begins. If the php environment is too restrictive, then * notify the user that a setting change is needed and abort. */ function _drush_environment_check_php_ini() { $ini_checks = array('safe_mode' => '', 'open_basedir' => '', 'disable_functions' => array('exec', 'system'), 'disable_classes' => ''); // Test to insure that certain php ini restrictions have not been enabled $prohibited_list = array(); foreach ($ini_checks as $prohibited_mode => $disallowed_value) { $ini_value = ini_get($prohibited_mode); $invalid_value = FALSE; if (empty($disallowed_value)) { $invalid_value = !empty($ini_value) && (strcasecmp($ini_value, 'off') != 0); } else { foreach ($disallowed_value as $test_value) { if (preg_match('/(^|,)' . $test_value . '(,|$)/', $ini_value)) { $invalid_value = TRUE; } } } if ($invalid_value) { $prohibited_list[] = $prohibited_mode; } } if (!empty($prohibited_list)) { drush_log(dt('The following restricted PHP modes have non-empty values: !prohibited_list. This configuration is incompatible with drush. !php_ini_msg', array('!prohibited_list' => implode(' and ', $prohibited_list), '!php_ini_msg' => _drush_php_ini_loaded_file_message())), LogLevel::ERROR); } return TRUE; } /** * Returns the current working directory. * * This is the directory as it was when drush was started, not the * directory we are currently in. For that, use getcwd() directly. */ function drush_cwd() { if ($path = drush_get_context('DRUSH_OLDCWD')) { return $path; } // We use PWD if available because getcwd() resolves symlinks, which // could take us outside of the Drupal root, making it impossible to find. // $_SERVER['PWD'] isn't set on windows and generates a Notice. $path = isset($_SERVER['PWD']) ? $_SERVER['PWD'] : ''; if (empty($path)) { $path = getcwd(); } // Convert windows paths. $path = Path::canonicalize($path); // Save original working dir case some command wants it. drush_set_context('DRUSH_OLDCWD', $path); return $path; } /** * Converts a Windows path (dir1\dir2\dir3) into a Unix path (dir1/dir2/dir3). * Also converts a cygwin "drive emulation" path (/cygdrive/c/dir1) into a * proper drive path, still with Unix slashes (c:/dir1). */ function _drush_convert_path($path) { $path = str_replace('\\','/', $path); if (drush_is_windows(_drush_get_os()) && !drush_is_cygwin(_drush_get_os())) { $path = preg_replace('/^\/cygdrive\/([A-Za-z])(.*)$/', '\1:\2', $path); } return $path; } /** * Returns parent directory. * * @param string * Path to start from. * * @return string * Parent path of given path. */ function _drush_shift_path_up($path) { if (empty($path)) { return FALSE; } $path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); // Move one directory up. array_pop($path); return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); // return dirname($path); } /** * Like Drupal conf_path, but searching from beneath. * Allows proper site uri detection in site sub-directories. * * Essentially looks for a settings.php file. Drush uses this * function to find a usable site based on the user's current * working directory. * * @param string * Search starting path. Defaults to current working directory. * * @return * Current site path (folder containing settings.php) or FALSE if not found. */ function drush_site_path($path = NULL) { $site_path = FALSE; $path = empty($path) ? drush_cwd() : $path; // Check the current path. if (file_exists($path . '/settings.php')) { $site_path = $path; } else { // Move up dir by dir and check each. // Stop if we get to a Drupal root. We don't care // if it is DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT or some other root. while (($path = _drush_shift_path_up($path)) && !drush_valid_root($path)) { if (file_exists($path . '/settings.php')) { $site_path = $path; break; } } } $site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT'); if (file_exists($site_root . '/sites/sites.php')) { $sites = array(); // This will overwrite $sites with the desired mappings. include($site_root . '/sites/sites.php'); // We do a reverse lookup here to determine the URL given the site key. if ($match = array_search($site_path, $sites)) { $site_path = $match; } } // Last resort: try from site root if (!$site_path) { if ($site_root) { if (file_exists($site_root . '/sites/default/settings.php')) { $site_path = $site_root . '/sites/default'; } } } return $site_path; } /** * Lookup a site's directory via the sites.php file given a hostname. * * @param $hostname * The hostname of a site. May be converted from URI. * * @return $dir * The directory associated with that hostname or FALSE if not found. */ function drush_site_dir_lookup_from_hostname($hostname, $site_root = NULL) { if (!isset($site_root)) { $site_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT'); } if (!empty($site_root) && file_exists($site_root . '/sites/sites.php')) { $sites = array(); // This will overwrite $sites with the desired mappings. include($site_root . '/sites/sites.php'); return isset($sites[$hostname]) ? $sites[$hostname] : FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * This is a copy of Drupal's conf_path function, taken from D7 and * adjusted slightly to search from the selected Drupal Root. * * Drush uses this routine to find a usable site based on a URI * passed in via a site alias record or the --uri commandline option. * * Drush uses Drupal itself (specifically, the Drupal conf_path function) * to bootstrap the site itself. If the implementation of conf_path * changes, the site should still bootstrap correctly; the only consequence * of this routine not working is that drush configuration files * (drushrc.php) stored with the site's drush folders might not be found. */ function drush_conf_path($server_uri, $require_settings = TRUE) { $drupal_root = drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_DRUPAL_ROOT'); if(empty($drupal_root) || empty($server_uri)) { return NULL; } $parsed_uri = parse_url($server_uri); if (is_array($parsed_uri) && !array_key_exists('scheme', $parsed_uri)) { $parsed_uri = parse_url('http://' . $server_uri); } if (!is_array($parsed_uri)) { return NULL; } $server_host = $parsed_uri['host']; if (array_key_exists('path', $parsed_uri)) { $server_uri = $parsed_uri['path'] . '/index.php'; } else { $server_uri = "/index.php"; } $confdir = 'sites'; $sites = array(); if (file_exists($drupal_root . '/' . $confdir . '/sites.php')) { // This will overwrite $sites with the desired mappings. include($drupal_root . '/' . $confdir . '/sites.php'); } $uri = explode('/', $server_uri); $server = explode('.', implode('.', array_reverse(explode(':', rtrim($server_host, '.'))))); for ($i = count($uri) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { for ($j = count($server); $j > 0; $j--) { $dir = implode('.', array_slice($server, -$j)) . implode('.', array_slice($uri, 0, $i)); if (isset($sites[$dir]) && file_exists($drupal_root . '/' . $confdir . '/' . $sites[$dir])) { $dir = $sites[$dir]; } if (file_exists($drupal_root . '/' . $confdir . '/' . $dir . '/settings.php') || (!$require_settings && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $confdir . '/' . $dir))) { $conf = "$confdir/$dir"; return $conf; } } } $conf = "$confdir/default"; return $conf; } /** * Exhaustive depth-first search to try and locate the Drupal root directory. * This makes it possible to run Drush from a subdirectory of the drupal root. * * @param * Search start path. Defaults to current working directory. * @return * A path to drupal root, or FALSE if not found. */ function drush_locate_root($start_path = NULL) { $drupal_root = FALSE; $start_path = empty($start_path) ? drush_cwd() : $start_path; foreach (array(TRUE, FALSE) as $follow_symlinks) { $path = $start_path; if ($follow_symlinks && is_link($path)) { $path = realpath($path); } // Check the start path. if (drush_valid_root($path)) { $drupal_root = $path; break; } else { // Move up dir by dir and check each. while ($path = _drush_shift_path_up($path)) { if ($follow_symlinks && is_link($path)) { $path = realpath($path); } if (drush_valid_root($path)) { $drupal_root = $path; break 2; } } } } return $drupal_root; } /** * Checks whether given path qualifies as a Drupal root. * * @param string * Path to check. * * @return string * The relative path to (varies by Drupal version), or FALSE if not * a Drupal root. */ function drush_valid_root($path) { $bootstrap_class = drush_bootstrap_class_for_root($path); return $bootstrap_class != NULL; } /** * Tests the currently loaded database credentials to ensure a database connection can be made. * * @param bool $log_errors * (optional) If TRUE, log error conditions; otherwise be quiet. * * @return bool * TRUE if database credentials are valid. */ function drush_valid_db_credentials() { try { $sql = drush_sql_get_class(); if (!$sqlVersion = drush_sql_get_version()) { drush_log(dt('While checking DB credentials, could not instantiate SQLVersion class.'), 'debug'); return FALSE; } if (!$sqlVersion->valid_credentials($sql->db_spec())) { drush_log(dt('DB credentials are invalid.'), 'debug'); return FALSE; } return $sql->query('SELECT 1;'); } catch (Exception $e) { drush_log(dt('Checking DB credentials yielded error: @e', array('@e' => $e->getMessage())), 'debug'); return FALSE; } } /** * Determine a proper way to call drush again * * This check if we were called directly or as an argument to some * wrapper command (php and sudo are checked now). * * Calling ./drush.php directly yields the following environment: * * _SERVER["argv"][0] => ./drush.php * * Calling php ./drush.php also yields the following: * * _SERVER["argv"][0] => ./drush.php * * Note that the $_ global is defined only in bash and therefore cannot * be relied upon. * * The DRUSH_COMMAND constant is initialised to the value of this * function when is loaded. * * @see DRUSH_COMMAND */ function drush_find_drush() { if ($drush = realpath($_SERVER['argv']['0'])) { return Path::canonicalize($drush); } return FALSE; } /** * Verify that we are running PHP through the command line interface. * * This function is useful for making sure that code cannot be run via the web server, * such as a function that needs to write files to which the web server should not have * access to. * * @return * A boolean value that is true when PHP is being run through the command line, * and false if being run through cgi or mod_php. */ function drush_verify_cli() { return (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' || (is_numeric($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 0)); } /** * Build a drush command suitable for use for Drush to call itself * e.g. in backend_invoke. */ function drush_build_drush_command($drush_path = NULL, $php = NULL, $os = NULL, $remote_command = FALSE, $environment_variables = array()) { $os = _drush_get_os($os); $additional_options = ''; $prefix = ''; if (!$drush_path) { if (!$remote_command) { $drush_path = DRUSH_COMMAND; } else { $drush_path = 'drush'; // drush_is_windows($os) ? 'drush.bat' : 'drush'; } } // If the path to drush points to drush.php, then we will need to // run it via php rather than direct execution. By default, we // will use 'php' unless something more specific was passed in // via the --php flag. if (substr($drush_path, -4) == ".php") { if (!isset($php)) { $php = drush_get_option('php'); if (!isset($php)) { $php = 'php'; } } if (isset($php) && ($php != "php")) { $additional_options .= ' --php=' . drush_escapeshellarg($php, $os); } // We will also add in the php options from --php-options $prefix .= drush_escapeshellarg($php, $os); $php_options = implode(' ', drush_get_context_options('php-options')); if (!empty($php_options)) { $prefix .= ' ' . $php_options; $additional_options .= ' --php-options=' . drush_escapeshellarg($php_options, $os); } } else { // Set environment variables to propogate config to redispatched calls. if (drush_has_bash($os)) { if ($php) { $environment_variables['DRUSH_PHP'] = $php; } if ($php_options_alias = drush_get_option('php-options', NULL, 'alias')) { $environment_variables['PHP_OPTIONS'] = $php_options_alias; } $columns = drush_get_context('DRUSH_COLUMNS'); if (($columns) && ($columns != 80)) { $environment_variables['COLUMNS'] = $columns; } } } // Add environmental variables, if present if (!empty($environment_variables)) { $env = 'env'; foreach ($environment_variables as $key=>$value) { $env .= ' ' . drush_escapeshellarg($key, $os) . '=' . drush_escapeshellarg($value, $os); } $prefix = $env . ' ' . $prefix; } return trim($prefix . ' ' . drush_escapeshellarg($drush_path, $os) . $additional_options); } /** * Check if the operating system is Winodws * running some variant of cygwin -- either * Cygwin or the MSYSGIT shell. If you care * which is which, test mingw first. */ function drush_is_cygwin($os = NULL) { return _drush_test_os($os, array("CYGWIN","CWRSYNC","MINGW")); } function drush_is_mingw($os = NULL) { return _drush_test_os($os, array("MINGW")); } /** * Return tar executable name specific for the current OS */ function drush_get_tar_executable() { return drush_is_windows() ? (drush_is_mingw() ? "tar.exe" : "bsdtar.exe") : "tar"; } /** * Check if the operating system is OS X. * This will return TRUE for Mac OS X (Darwin). */ function drush_is_osx($os = NULL) { return _drush_test_os($os, array("DARWIN")); } /** * Checks if the operating system has bash. * * MinGW has bash, but PHP isn't part of MinGW and hence doesn't run in bash. */ function drush_has_bash($os = NULL) { return (drush_is_cygwin($os) && !drush_is_mingw($os)) || !drush_is_windows($os); } /** * Checks operating system and returns * supported bit bucket folder. */ function drush_bit_bucket() { if (drush_has_bash()) { return '/dev/null'; } else { return 'nul'; } } /** * Return the OS we are running under. * * @return string * Linux * WIN* (e.g. WINNT) * CYGWIN * MINGW* (e.g. MINGW32) */ function _drush_get_os($os = NULL) { // The special os "CWRSYNC" can be used to indicate that we are testing // a path that will be passed as an argument to cwRsync, which requires // that the path be converted to /cygdrive/c/path, even on DOS or Powershell. // The special os "RSYNC" can be used to indicate that we want to assume // "CWRSYNC" when cwrsync is installed, or default to the local OS otherwise. if (strtoupper($os) == "RSYNC") { $os = _drush_get_os("LOCAL"); // For now we assume that cwrsync is always installed on Windows, and never installed son any other platform. return drush_is_windows($os) ? "CWRSYNC" : $os; } // We allow "LOCAL" to document, in instances where some parameters are being escaped // for use on a remote machine, that one particular parameter will always be used on // the local machine (c.f. drush_backend_invoke). if (isset($os) && ($os != "LOCAL")) { return $os; } if (_drush_test_os(getenv("MSYSTEM"), array("MINGW"))) { return getenv("MSYSTEM"); } // QUESTION: Can we differentiate between DOS and POWERSHELL? They appear to have the same environment. // At the moment, it does not seem to matter; they behave the same from PHP. // At this point we will just return PHP_OS. return PHP_OS; } function _drush_test_os($os, $os_list_to_check) { $os = _drush_get_os($os); foreach ($os_list_to_check as $test) { if (strtoupper(substr($os, 0, strlen($test))) == strtoupper($test)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Read the drush info file. */ function drush_read_drush_info() { $drush_info_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'; return parse_ini_file($drush_info_file); } /** * Make a determination whether or not the given * host is local or not. * * @param host * A hostname, 'localhost' or ''. * @return * True if the host is local. */ function drush_is_local_host($host) { // Check to see if the provided host is "local". // @see hook_drush_sitealias_alter() in drush.api.php. if ( ($host == 'localhost') || ($host == '') ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Return the user's home directory. */ function drush_server_home() { try { return Path::getHomeDirectory(); } catch (Exception $e) { return NULL; } } /** * Return the name of the user running drush. */ function drush_get_username() { $name = NULL; if (!$name = getenv("username")) { // Windows if (!$name = getenv("USER")) { // If USER not defined, use posix if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $name = $processUser['name']; } } } return $name; } /** * The path to the global cache directory. * * @param subdir * Return the specified subdirectory inside the global * cache directory instead. The subdirectory is created. */ function drush_directory_cache($subdir = '') { $cache_locations = array(); if (getenv('CACHE_PREFIX')) { $cache_locations[getenv('CACHE_PREFIX')] = 'cache'; } $home = drush_server_home(); if ($home) { $cache_locations[$home] = '.drush/cache'; } $cache_locations[drush_find_tmp()] = 'drush-' . drush_get_username() . '/cache'; foreach ($cache_locations as $base => $dir) { if (!empty($base) && is_writable($base)) { $cache_dir = $base . '/' . $dir; if (!empty($subdir)) { $cache_dir .= '/' . $subdir; } if (drush_mkdir($cache_dir)) { return $cache_dir; } else { // If the base directory is writable, but the cache directory // is not, then we will get an error. The error will be displayed, // but we will still call drush_clear_error so that we can go // on and try the next location to see if we can find a cache // directory somewhere. drush_clear_error(); } } } return drush_set_error('DRUSH_NO_WRITABLE_CACHE', dt('Drush must have a writable cache directory; please insure that one of the following locations is writable: @locations', array('@locations' => implode(',', array_keys($cache_locations))))); } /** * Get complete information for all available extensions (modules and themes). * * @return * An array containing info for all available extensions. In D8, these are Extension objects. */ function drush_get_extensions($include_hidden = TRUE) { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); $extensions = array_merge(drush_get_modules($include_hidden), drush_get_themes($include_hidden)); foreach ($extensions as $name => $extension) { if (isset($extension->info['name'])) { $extensions[$name]->label = $extension->info['name'].' ('.$name.')'; } else { drush_log(dt("Extension !name provides no human-readable name in .info file.", array('!name' => $name), LogLevel::DEBUG)); $extensions[$name]->label = $name.' ('.$name.')'; } if (empty($extension->info['package'])) { $extensions[$name]->info['package'] = dt('Other'); } } return $extensions; } /** * Gets the extension name. * * @param $info * The extension info. * @return string * The extension name. */ function drush_extension_get_name($info) { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_extension_get_name($info); } /** * Gets the extension type. * * @param $info * The extension info. * @return string * The extension type. */ function drush_extension_get_type($info) { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_extension_get_type($info); } /** * Gets the extension path. * * @param $info * The extension info. * @return string * The extension path. */ function drush_extension_get_path($info) { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_extension_get_path($info); } /** * Test compatibility of a extension with version of drupal core and php. * * @param $file Extension object as returned by system_rebuild_module_data(). * @return FALSE if the extension is compatible. */ function drush_extension_check_incompatibility($file) { if (!isset($file->info['core']) || $file->info['core'] != drush_get_drupal_core_compatibility()) { return 'Drupal'; } if (version_compare(phpversion(), $file->info['php']) < 0) { return 'PHP'; } return FALSE; } /** * */ function drush_drupal_required_modules($modules) { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_drupal_required_modules($modules); } /** * Return the default theme. * * @return * Machine name of the default theme. */ function drush_theme_get_default() { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_theme_default(); } /** * Return the administration theme. * * @return * Machine name of the administration theme. */ function drush_theme_get_admin() { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_theme_admin(); } /** * Return the path to public files directory. */ function drush_file_get_public() { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_file_public_path(); } /** * Return the path to private files directory. */ function drush_file_get_private() { drush_include_engine('drupal', 'environment'); return _drush_file_private_path(); } /** * Returns the sitewide Drupal directory for extensions. */ function drush_drupal_sitewide_directory($major_version = NULL) { if (!$major_version) { $major_version = drush_drupal_major_version(); } return ($major_version < 8) ? 'sites/all' : ''; } /** * Helper function to get core compatibility constant. * * @return string * The Drupal core compatibility constant. */ function drush_get_drupal_core_compatibility() { if (defined('DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY')) { return DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY; } elseif (defined('\Drupal::CORE_COMPATIBILITY')) { return \Drupal::CORE_COMPATIBILITY; } } /** * Set Env. Variables for given site-alias. */ function drush_set_environment_vars(array $site_record) { if (!empty($site_record)) { $os = drush_os($site_record); if (isset($site_record['#env-vars'])) { foreach ($site_record['#env-vars'] as $var => $value) { $env_var = drush_escapeshellarg($var, $os, TRUE) . '=' . drush_escapeshellarg($value, $os, TRUE); putenv($env_var); } } } }