uri = $uri; } public function validRoot($path) { } public function getVersion($root) { } public function commandDefaults() { } public function reportCommandError($command) { // Set errors related to this command. $args = implode(' ', drush_get_arguments()); if (isset($command) && is_array($command)) { foreach ($command['bootstrap_errors'] as $key => $error) { drush_set_error($key, $error); } drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_EXECUTABLE', dt("The Drush command '!args' could not be executed.", ['!args' => $args])); } elseif (!empty($args)) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND', dt("The Drush command '!args' could not be found. Use 'drush core-status' to verify that Drupal is found and bootstrapped successfully. Look for 'Drupal bootstrap : Successful' in its output.", ['!args' => $args])); } // Set errors that occurred in the bootstrap phases. $errors = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_ERRORS', []); foreach ($errors as $code => $message) { drush_set_error($code, $message); } } public function bootstrapPhases() { return [ DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH => 'bootstrapDrush', ]; } public function bootstrapPhaseMap() { return [ 'none' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH, 'drush' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH, 'max' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX, 'root' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT, 'site' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE, 'configuration' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, 'database' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_DATABASE, 'full' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL ]; } public function lookUpPhaseIndex($phase) { $phaseMap = $this->bootstrapPhaseMap(); if (isset($phaseMap[$phase])) { return $phaseMap[$phase]; } if ((substr($phase, 0, 16) != 'DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_') || (!defined($phase))) { return; } return constant($phase); } public function bootstrapDrush() { } protected function hasRegisteredSymfonyCommand($application, $name) { try { $application->get($name); return true; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return false; } } protected function inflect($object) { // See \Drush\Runtime\DependencyInjection::addDrushServices and // \Robo\Robo\addInflectors $container = $this->getContainer(); if ($object instanceof \Robo\Contract\ConfigAwareInterface) { $object->setConfig($container->get('config')); } if ($object instanceof \Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface) { $object->setLogger($container->get('logger')); } if ($object instanceof \League\Container\ContainerAwareInterface) { $object->setContainer($container->get('container')); } if ($object instanceof \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputAwareInterface) { $object->setInput($container->get('input')); } if ($object instanceof \Robo\Contract\OutputAwareInterface) { $object->setOutput($container->get('output')); } if ($object instanceof \Robo\Contract\ProgressIndicatorAwareInterface) { $object->setProgressIndicator($container->get('progressIndicator')); } if ($object instanceof \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\Events\CustomEventAwareInterface) { $object->setHookManager($container->get('hookManager')); } if ($object instanceof \Robo\Contract\VerbosityThresholdInterface) { $object->setOutputAdapter($container->get('outputAdapter')); } if ($object instanceof \Drush\SiteAlias\SiteAliasManagerAwareInterface) { $object->setOutputAdapter($container->get('site.alias.manager')); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function terminate() { } }