defaultBootstrapObject = $default; // Reset our bootstrap phase to the beginning drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE', DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE); } /** * Add a bootstrap object to the list of candidates * * @param \Drush\Boot\Boot|Array * List of boot candidates */ public function add($candidateList) { foreach (func_get_args() as $candidate) { $this->bootstrapCandidates[] = $candidate; } } public function drupalFinder() { if (!isset($this->drupalFinder)) { $this->drupalFinder = new DrupalFinder(); } return $this->drupalFinder; } public function setDrupalFinder(DrupalFinder $drupalFinder) { $this->drupalFinder = $drupalFinder; } /** * Return the framework root selected by the user. */ public function getRoot() { return $this->drupalFinder()->getDrupalRoot(); } /** * Return the composer root for the selected Drupal site. */ public function getComposerRoot() { return $this->drupalFinder()->getComposerRoot(); } public function locateRoot($root, $start_path = null) { // TODO: Throw if we already bootstrapped a framework? if (!isset($root)) { $root = $this->getConfig()->cwd(); } if (!$this->drupalFinder()->locateRoot($root)) { // echo ' Drush must be executed within a Drupal site.'. PHP_EOL; // exit(1); } } /** * Return the framework uri selected by the user. */ public function getUri() { return $this->uri; } /** * This method is called by the Application iff the user * did not explicitly provide a URI. */ public function selectUri($cwd) { $uri = $this->bootstrap()->findUri($this->getRoot(), $cwd); $this->setUri($uri); return $uri; } public function setUri($uri) { // TODO: Throw if we already bootstrapped a framework? // n.b. site-install needs to set the uri. $this->uri = $uri; if ($this->bootstrap) { $this->bootstrap->setUri($this->getUri()); } } /** * Return the bootstrap object in use. This will * be the latched bootstrap object if we have started * bootstrapping; otherwise, it will be whichever bootstrap * object is best for the selected root. * * @return \Drush\Boot\Boot */ public function bootstrap() { if ($this->bootstrap) { return $this->bootstrap; } return $this->selectBootstrapClass(); } /** * Look up the best bootstrap class for the given location * from the set of available candidates. * * @return \Drush\Boot\Boot */ public function bootstrapObjectForRoot($path) { foreach ($this->bootstrapCandidates as $candidate) { if ($candidate->validRoot($path)) { // This is not necessary when the autoloader is inflected // TODO: The autoloader is inflected in the symfony dispatch, but not the traditional Drush dispatcher if ($candidate instanceof AutoloaderAwareInterface) { $candidate->setAutoloader($this->autoloader()); } $candidate->setUri($this->getUri()); return $candidate; } } return null; } /** * Select the bootstrap class to use. If this is called multiple * times, the bootstrap class returned might change on subsequent * calls, if the root directory changes. Once the bootstrap object * starts changing the state of the system, however, it will * be 'latched', and further calls to Drush::bootstrapf() * will always return the same object. */ protected function selectBootstrapClass() { // Once we have selected a Drupal root, we will reduce our bootstrap // candidates down to just the one used to select this site root. $bootstrap = $this->bootstrapObjectForRoot($this->getRoot()); // If we have not found a bootstrap class by this point, // then return our default bootstrap object. The default bootstrap object // should pass through all calls without doing anything that // changes state in a CMS-specific way. if ($bootstrap == null) { $bootstrap = $this->defaultBootstrapObject; } return $bootstrap; } /** * Once bootstrapping has started, we stash the bootstrap * object being used, and do not allow it to change any * longer. */ public function latch($bootstrap) { $this->bootstrap = $bootstrap; } /** * Returns an array that determines what bootstrap phases * are necessary to bootstrap the CMS. * * @param bool $function_names * (optional) If TRUE, return an array of method names index by their * corresponding phase values. Otherwise return an array of phase values. * * @return array * * @see \Drush\Boot\Boot::bootstrapPhases() */ public function bootstrapPhases($function_names = false) { $result = []; if ($bootstrap = $this->bootstrap()) { $result = $bootstrap->bootstrapPhases(); if (!$function_names) { $result = array_keys($result); } } return $result; } /** * Bootstrap Drush to the desired phase. * * This function will sequentially bootstrap each * lower phase up to the phase that has been requested. * * @param int $phase * The bootstrap phase to bootstrap to. * @param int $phase_max * (optional) The maximum level to boot to. This does not have a use in this * function itself but can be useful for other code called from within this * function, to know if e.g. a caller is in the process of booting to the * specified level. If specified, it should never be lower than $phase. * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotationData $annotationData * Optional annotation data from the command. * * @return bool * TRUE if the specified bootstrap phase has completed. * * @see \Drush\Boot\Boot::bootstrapPhases() */ public function doBootstrap($phase, $phase_max = false, AnnotationData $annotationData = null) { $bootstrap = $this->bootstrap(); $phases = $this->bootstrapPhases(true); $result = true; // If the requested phase does not exist in the list of available // phases, it means that the command requires bootstrap to a certain // level, but no site root could be found. if (!isset($phases[$phase])) { $result = drush_bootstrap_error('DRUSH_NO_SITE', dt("We could not find an applicable site for that command.")); } // Once we start bootstrapping past the DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH phase, we // will latch the bootstrap object, and prevent it from changing. if ($phase > DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH) { $this->latch($bootstrap); } drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAPPING', true); foreach ($phases as $phase_index => $current_phase) { $bootstrapped_phase = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE', -1); if ($phase_index > $phase) { break; } if ($phase_index > $bootstrapped_phase) { if ($result = $this->bootstrapValidate($phase_index)) { if (method_exists($bootstrap, $current_phase) && !drush_get_error()) { $this->logger->log(LogLevel::BOOTSTRAP, 'Drush bootstrap phase: {function}()', ['function' => $current_phase]); $bootstrap->{$current_phase}($annotationData); } drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE', $phase_index); } } } drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAPPING', false); if (!$result || drush_get_error()) { $errors = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_ERRORS', []); foreach ($errors as $code => $message) { drush_set_error($code, $message); } } return !drush_get_error(); } /** * Determine whether a given bootstrap phase has been completed * * This function name has a typo which makes me laugh so we choose not to * fix it. Take a deep breath, and smile. See * * * * @param int $phase * The bootstrap phase to test * * @return bool * TRUE if the specified bootstrap phase has completed. */ public function hasBootstrapped($phase) { $phase_index = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE'); return isset($phase_index) && ($phase_index >= $phase); } /** * Validate whether a bootstrap phase can be reached. * * This function will validate the settings that will be used * during the actual bootstrap process, and allow commands to * progressively bootstrap to the highest level that can be reached. * * This function will only run the validation function once, and * store the result from that execution in a local static. This avoids * validating phases multiple times. * * @param int $phase * The bootstrap phase to validate to. * * @return bool * TRUE if bootstrap is possible, FALSE if the validation failed. * * @see \Drush\Boot\Boot::bootstrapPhases() */ public function bootstrapValidate($phase) { $bootstrap = $this->bootstrap(); $phases = $this->bootstrapPhases(true); static $result_cache = []; if (!array_key_exists($phase, $result_cache)) { drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_ERRORS', []); drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_VALUES', []); foreach ($phases as $phase_index => $current_phase) { $validated_phase = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_VALIDATION_PHASE', -1); if ($phase_index > $phase) { break; } if ($phase_index > $validated_phase) { $current_phase .= 'Validate'; if (method_exists($bootstrap, $current_phase)) { $result_cache[$phase_index] = $bootstrap->{$current_phase}(); } else { $result_cache[$phase_index] = true; } drush_set_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_VALIDATION_PHASE', $phase_index); } } } return $result_cache[$phase]; } /** * Bootstrap to the specified phase. * * @param string $bootstrapPhase * Name of phase to bootstrap to. Will be converted to appropriate index. * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotationData $annotationData * Optional annotation data from the command. * * @return bool * TRUE if the specified bootstrap phase has completed. * * @throws \Exception * Thrown when an unknown bootstrap phase is passed in the annotation * data. */ public function bootstrapToPhase($bootstrapPhase, AnnotationData $annotationData = null) { $this->logger->log(LogLevel::BOOTSTRAP, 'Starting bootstrap to {phase}', ['phase' => $bootstrapPhase]); $phase = $this->bootstrap()->lookUpPhaseIndex($bootstrapPhase); if (!isset($phase)) { throw new \Exception(dt('Bootstrap phase !phase unknown.', ['!phase' => $bootstrapPhase])); } // Do not attempt to bootstrap to a phase that is unknown to the selected bootstrap object. $phases = $this->bootstrapPhases(); if (!array_key_exists($phase, $phases) && ($phase >= 0)) { return false; } return $this->bootstrapToPhaseIndex($phase, $annotationData); } protected function maxPhaseLimit($bootstrap_str) { $bootstrap_words = explode(' ', $bootstrap_str); array_shift($bootstrap_words); if (empty($bootstrap_words)) { return null; } $stop_phase_name = array_shift($bootstrap_words); return $this->bootstrap()->lookUpPhaseIndex($stop_phase_name); } /** * Bootstrap to the specified phase. * * @param int $max_phase_index * Only attempt bootstrap to the specified level. * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotationData $annotationData * Optional annotation data from the command. * * @return bool * TRUE if the specified bootstrap phase has completed. */ public function bootstrapToPhaseIndex($max_phase_index, AnnotationData $annotationData = null) { if ($max_phase_index == DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_MAX) { // Try get a max phase. $bootstrap_str = $annotationData->get('bootstrap'); $stop_phase = $this->maxPhaseLimit($bootstrap_str); $this->bootstrapMax($stop_phase); return true; } $this->logger->log(LogLevel::BOOTSTRAP, 'Drush bootstrap phase {phase}', ['phase' => $max_phase_index]); $phases = $this->bootstrapPhases(); $result = true; // Try to bootstrap to the maximum possible level, without generating errors foreach ($phases as $phase_index) { if ($phase_index > $max_phase_index) { // Stop trying, since we achieved what was specified. break; } $this->logger->log(LogLevel::BOOTSTRAP, 'Try to validate bootstrap phase {phase}', ['phase' => $max_phase_index]); if ($this->bootstrapValidate($phase_index)) { if ($phase_index > drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE', DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_NONE)) { $this->logger->log(LogLevel::BOOTSTRAP, 'Try to bootstrap at phase {phase}', ['phase' => $max_phase_index]); $result = $this->doBootstrap($phase_index, $max_phase_index, $annotationData); } } else { $this->logger->log(LogLevel::BOOTSTRAP, 'Could not bootstrap at phase {phase}', ['phase' => $max_phase_index]); $result = false; break; } } return $result; } /** * Bootstrap to the highest level possible, without triggering any errors. * * @param int $max_phase_index * (optional) Only attempt bootstrap to the specified level. * @param \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotationData $annotationData * Optional annotation data from the command. * * @return int * The maximum phase to which we bootstrapped. */ public function bootstrapMax($max_phase_index = false, AnnotationData $annotationData = null) { // Bootstrap as far as we can without throwing an error, but log for // debugging purposes. $phases = $this->bootstrapPhases(true); if (!$max_phase_index) { $max_phase_index = count($phases); } if ($max_phase_index >= count($phases)) { $this->logger->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Trying to bootstrap as far as we can'); } // Try to bootstrap to the maximum possible level, without generating errors. foreach ($phases as $phase_index => $current_phase) { if ($phase_index > $max_phase_index) { // Stop trying, since we achieved what was specified. break; } if ($this->bootstrapValidate($phase_index)) { if ($phase_index > drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE')) { $this->doBootstrap($phase_index, $max_phase_index, $annotationData); } } else { // $this->bootstrapValidate() only logs successful validations. For us, // knowing what failed can also be important. $previous = drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE'); $this->logger->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Bootstrap phase {function}() failed to validate; continuing at {current}()', ['function' => $current_phase, 'current' => $phases[$previous]]); break; } } return drush_get_context('DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE'); } }