self::REQ, 'db-prefix' => self::REQ, 'db-su' => self::REQ, 'db-su-pw' => self::REQ, 'account-name' => 'admin', 'account-mail' => '', 'site-mail' => '', 'account-pass' => self::REQ, 'locale' => 'en', 'site-name' => 'Drush Site-Install', 'site-pass' => self::REQ, 'sites-subdir' => self::REQ, 'config-dir' => self::REQ]) { $additional = $profile; $profile = array_shift($additional) ?: ''; $form_options = []; foreach ((array)$additional as $arg) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $arg, 2); // Allow for numeric and NULL values to be passed in. if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = intval($value); } elseif ($value == 'NULL') { $value = null; } $form_options[$key] = $value; } $this->serverGlobals(Drush::bootstrapManager()->getUri()); $class_loader = Drush::service('loader'); $profile = $this->determineProfile($profile, $options, $class_loader); $sql = SqlBase::create($options); $db_spec = $sql->getDbSpec(); $account_pass = $options['account-pass'] ?: StringUtils::generatePassword(); $settings = [ 'parameters' => [ 'profile' => $profile, 'langcode' => $options['locale'], ], 'forms' => [ 'install_settings_form' => [ 'driver' => $db_spec['driver'], $db_spec['driver'] => $db_spec, 'op' => dt('Save and continue'), ], 'install_configure_form' => [ 'site_name' => $options['site-name'], 'site_mail' => $options['site-mail'], 'account' => [ 'name' => $options['account-name'], 'mail' => $options['account-mail'], 'pass' => [ 'pass1' => $account_pass, 'pass2' => $account_pass, ], ], 'enable_update_status_module' => true, 'enable_update_status_emails' => true, 'clean_url' => true, 'op' => dt('Save and continue'), ], ], ]; // Merge in the additional options. foreach ($form_options as $key => $value) { $current = &$settings['forms']; foreach (explode('.', $key) as $param) { $current = &$current[$param]; } $current = $value; } $msg = 'Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while.'; if (is_null($options['notify'])) { $msg .= ' Consider using the --notify global option.'; } $this->logger()->notice(dt($msg)); // Define some functions which alter away the install_finished task. require_once Path::join(DRUSH_BASE_PATH, 'includes/'); require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . '/includes/'; drush_op('install_drupal', $class_loader, $settings); if (empty($options['account-pass'])) { $this->logger()->success(dt('Installation complete. User name: @name User password: @pass', ['@name' => $options['account-name'], '@pass' => $account_pass])); } else { $this->logger()->success(dt('Installation complete.')); } } protected function determineProfile($profile, $options, $class_loader) { // --config-dir fails with Standard profile and any other one that carries content entities. // Force to minimal install profile. if ($options['config-dir']) { $this->logger()->info(dt("Using 'minimal' install profile since --config-dir option was provided.")); $profile = 'minimal'; } if (empty($profile)) { $boot = Drush::bootstrap(); $profile = $boot->getKernel()->getInstallProfile(); } if (empty($profile)) { // If there is an installation profile that acts as a distribution, use it. // You can turn your installation profile into a distribution by providing a // @code // distribution: // name: 'Distribution name' // @endcode // block in the profile's info YAML file. // See for more information. require_once DRUSH_DRUPAL_CORE . '/includes/'; $install_state = ['interactive' => false] + install_state_defaults(); try { install_begin_request($class_loader, $install_state); $profile = _install_select_profile($install_state); } catch (\Exception $e) { // This is only a best effort to provide a better default, no harm done // if it fails. } } if (empty($profile)) { $profile = 'standard'; } return $profile; } /** * Post installation, run the configuration import. * * @hook post-command site-install */ public function post($result, CommandData $commandData) { if ($config = $commandData->input()->getOption('config-dir')) { // Set the destination site UUID to match the source UUID, to bypass a core fail-safe. $source_storage = new FileStorage($config); $options = ['yes' => true]; drush_invoke_process('@self', 'config-set', ['', 'uuid', $source_storage->read('')['uuid']], $options); // Run a full configuration import. drush_invoke_process('@self', 'config-import', [], ['source' => $config] + $options); } } /** * Check to see if there are any .yml files in the provided config directory. */ protected function hasConfigFiles($config) { $files = glob("$config/*.yml"); return !empty($files); } /** * @hook validate site-install */ public function validate(CommandData $commandData) { if ($sites_subdir = $commandData->input()->getOption('sites-subdir')) { $lower = strtolower($sites_subdir); if ($sites_subdir != $lower) { $this->logger()->warning(dt('Only lowercase sites-subdir are valid. Switching to !lower.', ['!lower' => $lower])); $commandData->input()->setOption('sites-subdir', $lower); } // Make sure that we will bootstrap to the 'sites-subdir' site. $bootstrapManager = Drush::bootstrapManager(); $bootstrapManager->setUri('http://' . $sites_subdir); } if ($config = $commandData->input()->getOption('config-dir')) { if (!file_exists($config)) { throw new \Exception('The config source directory does not exist.'); } if (!is_dir($config)) { throw new \Exception('The config source is not a directory.'); } // Skip config import with a warning if specified config dir is empty. if (!$this->hasConfigFiles($config)) { $this->logger()->warning(dt('Configuration import directory @config does not contain any configuration; will skip import.', ['@config' => $config])); $commandData->input()->setOption('config-dir', ''); } } try { // Get AnnotationData. @todo Find a better way. $annotationData = Drush::getApplication()->find('site:install')->getAnnotationData(); Drush::bootstrapManager()->bootstrapMax(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_CONFIGURATION, $annotationData); $sql = SqlBase::create($commandData->input()->getOptions()); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Ask questions to get our data. // TODO: we should only 'ask' in hook interact, never in hook validate if ($commandData->input()->getOption('db-url') == '') { // Prompt for the db-url data if it was not provided via --db-url. $database = $this->io()->ask('Database name', 'drupal'); $driver = $this->io()->ask('Database driver', 'mysql'); $username = $this->io()->ask('Database username', 'drupal'); $password = $this->io()->ask('Database password', 'drupal'); $host = $this->io()->ask('Database host', ''); $port = $this->io()->ask('Database port', '3306'); $db_url = "$driver://$username:$password@$host:$port/$database"; $commandData->input()->setOption('db-url', $db_url); try { $sql = SqlBase::create($commandData->input()->getOptions()); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception(dt('Could not determine database connection parameters. Pass --db-url option.')); } } } } /** * Perform setup tasks before installation. * * @hook pre-command site-install * */ public function pre(CommandData $commandData) { $sql = SqlBase::create($commandData->input()->getOptions()); $db_spec = $sql->getDbSpec(); $aliasRecord = $this->siteAliasManager()->getSelf(); $root = $aliasRecord->root(); $dir = $commandData->input()->getOption('sites-subdir'); if (!$dir) { // We will allow the 'uri' from the site alias to provide // a fallback name when '--sites-subdir' is not specified, but // only if the uri and the folder name match, and only if // the sites directory has already been created. $dir = $this->getSitesSubdirFromUri($root, $aliasRecord->get('uri')); } if (!$dir) { throw new \Exception(dt('Could not determine target sites directory for site to install. Use --sites-subdir to specify.')); } $sites_subdir = Path::join('sites', $dir); $confPath = $sites_subdir; $settingsfile = Path::join($confPath, 'settings.php'); $sitesfile = "sites/sites.php"; $default = realpath(Path::join($root, 'sites/default')); $sitesfile_write = realpath($confPath) != $default && !file_exists($sitesfile); if (!file_exists($settingsfile)) { $msg[] = dt('create a @settingsfile file', ['@settingsfile' => $settingsfile]); } if ($sitesfile_write) { $msg[] = dt('create a @sitesfile file', ['@sitesfile' => $sitesfile]); } if ($sql->dbExists()) { $msg[] = dt("DROP all tables in your '@db' database.", ['@db' => $db_spec['database']]); } else { $msg[] = dt("CREATE the '@db' database.", ['@db' => $db_spec['database']]); } if (!$this->io()->confirm(dt('You are about to ') . implode(dt(' and '), $msg) . ' Do you want to continue?')) { throw new UserAbortException(); } // Can't install without sites subdirectory and settings.php. if (!file_exists($confPath)) { if (!drush_mkdir($confPath) && !Drush::simulate()) { throw new \Exception(dt('Failed to create directory @confPath', ['@confPath' => $confPath])); } } else { $this->logger()->info(dt('Sites directory @subdir already exists - proceeding.', ['@subdir' => $confPath])); } if (!drush_file_not_empty($settingsfile)) { if (!drush_op('copy', 'sites/default/default.settings.php', $settingsfile) && !Drush::simulate()) { throw new \Exception(dt('Failed to copy sites/default/default.settings.php to @settingsfile', ['@settingsfile' => $settingsfile])); } } // Write an empty sites.php if we using multi-site. if ($sitesfile_write) { if (!drush_op('copy', 'sites/example.sites.php', $sitesfile) && !Drush::simulate()) { throw new \Exception(dt('Failed to copy sites/example.sites.php to @sitesfile', ['@sitesfile' => $sitesfile])); } } // We need to be at least at DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE to select the site uri to install to define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'install'); $bootstrapManager = Drush::bootstrapManager(); $bootstrapManager->doBootstrap(DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE); if (!$sql->dropOrCreate()) { throw new \Exception(dt('Failed to create database: @error', ['@error' => implode(drush_shell_exec_output())])); } } /** * Determine an appropriate site subdir name to use for the * provided uri. */ protected function getSitesSubdirFromUri($root, $uri) { $dir = strtolower($uri); // Always accept simple uris (e.g. 'dev', 'stage', etc.) if (preg_match('#^[a-z0-9_-]*$#', $dir)) { return $dir; } // Strip off the protocol from the provided uri -- however, // now we will require that the sites subdir already exist. $dir = preg_replace('#[^/]*/*#', '', $dir); if ($dir && file_exists(Path::join($root, $dir))) { return $dir; } // Find the dir from sites.php file $sites_file = $root . '/sites/sites.php'; if (file_exists($sites_file)) { include $sites_file; if (array_key_exists($uri, $sites)) { return $sites[$uri]; } } return false; } /** * Fake the necessary HTTP headers that the Drupal installer still needs: * @see */ public function serverGlobals($drupal_base_url) { $drupal_base_url = parse_url($drupal_base_url); // Fill in defaults. $drupal_base_url += [ 'scheme' => null, 'path' => '', 'host' => null, 'port' => null, ]; $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $drupal_base_url['host']; if ($drupal_base_url['scheme'] == 'https') { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; } if ($drupal_base_url['port']) { $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .= ':' . $drupal_base_url['port']; } $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = $drupal_base_url['port']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $drupal_base_url['path'] . '/'; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . 'index.php'; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] = null; $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = null; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/index.php'; } }