setValidator(function ($path) { if ($path && !is_file($path)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Could not open file "%s".', $path)); } return $path; }); $vars = &$this->collectVars($input, $output, $questions); $vars['class'] = Utils::camelize($vars['machine_name'] . 'Commands'); if ($vars['source']) { require_once $vars['source']; $filename = str_replace(['', ''], '', basename($vars['source'])); $command_hook = $filename . '_drush_command'; if (!function_exists($command_hook)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Drush command hook "' . $command_hook . '" does not exist.'); } $commands = call_user_func($filename . '_drush_command'); $vars['commands'] = $this->adjustCommands($commands); } $this->addFile() ->path('src/Commands/{class}.php') ->template('drush-command-file.twig'); $json = $this->getComposerJson($vars); $content = json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $this->addFile() ->path('composer.json') ->content($content) ->action('replace'); $this->addFile() ->path('') ->template(''); } protected function getComposerJson(array $vars) { $composer_json_template_path = __DIR__ . '/dcf-composer.json'; // TODO: look up the path of the 'machine_name' module. $composer_json_existing_path = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/modules/' . $vars['machine_name'] . '/composer.json'; $composer_json_path = file_exists($composer_json_existing_path) ? $composer_json_existing_path : $composer_json_template_path; $composer_json_contents = file_get_contents($composer_json_path); $composer_json_data = json_decode($composer_json_contents, true); // If there is no name, fill something in if (empty($composer_json_data['name'])) { $composer_json_data['name'] = 'org/' . $vars['machine_name']; } // Add an entry for the drush services file. $composer_json_data['extra']['drush']['services'] = [ '' => '^9', ]; return $composer_json_data; } protected function getOwningModulePath(array $vars) { $module_name = $vars['machine_name']; $modules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getModuleList(); $themes = \Drupal::service('theme_handler')->listInfo(); $projects = array_merge($modules, $themes); if (!isset($projects[$module_name])) { throw new \Exception(dt('{module} does not exist. Run `drush generate module-standard` to create it.', ['module' => $module_name])); } return $projects[$module_name]->getPath(); } protected function adjustCommands(array $commands) { foreach ($commands as $name => &$command) { // Drush9 uses colons in command names. Replace first dash with colon. $pos = strpos($name, '-'); if ($pos !== false) { $command['name'] = substr_replace($name, ':', $pos, 1); } if ($command['name'] !== $name) { $command['aliases'][] = $name; } $command['method'] = $name; if (($pos = strpos($name, '-')) !== false) { $command['method'] = substr($name, $pos + 1); } $command['method'] = Utils::camelize(str_replace('-', '_', $command['method']), false); if ($command['arguments']) { foreach ($command['arguments'] as $aName => $description) { // Prepend name with a '$' and replace dashes. $command['arguments']['$' . Utils::human2machine($aName)] = $description; unset($command['arguments'][$aName]); } $command['argumentsConcat'] = implode(', ', array_keys($command['arguments'])); } if ($command['options']) { foreach ($command['options'] as $oName => &$option) { // We only care about option description so make value a simple string. if (is_array($option)) { $option = $option['description']; } $oNames[] = "'$oName' => null"; } $command['optionsConcat'] = 'array $options = [' . implode(', ', $oNames) . ']'; if (!empty($command['arguments'])) { $command['optionsConcat'] = ', ' . $command['optionsConcat']; } unset($oNames); } if ($deps = $command['drupal dependencies']) { $command['depsConcat'] = implode(',', $deps); } } return $commands; } }