'listcli', 'raw' => false, 'filter' => self::REQ]) { $application = Drush::getApplication(); $all = $application->all(); $namespaced = $this->categorize($all); // Filter out namespaces that the user does not want to see $filter_category = $options['filter']; if (!empty($filter_category)) { if (!array_key_exists($filter_category, $namespaced)) { throw new \Exception(dt("The specified command category !filter does not exist.", ['!filter' => $filter_category])); } $namespaced = [$filter_category => $namespaced[$filter_category]]; } /** * The listcli,json and raw formats don't yet go through the output formatter system. * because \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\Transformations\DomToArraySimplifier * can't yet handle the DomDocument that produces the Symfony expected XML. For consistency, the XML * output chooses to use the Symfony descriptor as well. */ if ($options['raw']) { $this->renderListRaw($namespaced); return null; } elseif ($options['format'] == 'listcli') { $preamble = dt('Run `drush help [command]` to view command-specific help. Run `drush topic` to read even more documentation.'); $this->renderListCLI($application, $namespaced, $this->output(), $preamble); if (!Drush::bootstrapManager()->hasBootstrapped((DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT))) { $this->io()->note(dt('Drupal root not found. Pass --root or a @siteAlias in order to see Drupal-specific commands.')); } return null; } elseif ($options['format'] == 'xml') { $descriptor = new XmlDescriptor($this->output(), []); return $descriptor->describe($this->output, $application, []); } elseif ($options['format'] == 'json') { $descriptor = new JsonDescriptor($this->output(), []); return $descriptor->describe($this->output, $application, []); } else { // No longer used. Works for XML, but gives error for JSON. // $dom = $this->buildDom($namespaced, $application); // return $dom; } } /** * @param $namespaced * @param $application * @return \DOMDocument */ public function buildDom($namespaced, $application) { $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $rootXml = $dom->createElement('symfony'); $rootXml->setAttribute('name', $application->getName()); if ($application->getVersion() !== 'UNKNOWN') { $rootXml->setAttribute('version', $application->getVersion()); } // Create two top level elements. $commandsXML = $dom->createElement('commands'); $namespacesXML = $dom->createElement('namespaces'); foreach ($namespaced as $namespace => $commands) { $namespaceXML = $dom->createElement('namespace'); $namespaceXML->setAttribute('id', $namespace); foreach ($commands as $key => $command) { $helpDocument = new HelpDocument($command); $domData = $helpDocument->getDomData(); $node = $domData->getElementsByTagName("command")->item(0); $element = $dom->importNode($node, true); $commandsXML->appendChild($element); $ncommandXML = $dom->createElement('command', $key); $namespaceXML->appendChild($ncommandXML); } $namespacesXML->appendChild($namespaceXML); } // Append top level elements to root element in correct order. $rootXml->appendChild($commandsXML); $rootXml->appendChild($namespacesXML); $dom->appendChild($rootXml); return $dom; } /** * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Application $application * @param array $namespaced * @param OutputInterface $output * @param string $preamble */ public static function renderListCLI($application, $namespaced, $output, $preamble) { $output->writeln($application->getHelp()); $output->writeln(''); $output ->writeln($preamble); $output->writeln(''); $rows[] = ['Available commands:', '']; foreach ($namespaced as $namespace => $list) { $rows[] = ['' . $namespace . ':', '']; foreach ($list as $name => $command) { $description = $command->getDescription(); // For commands such as foo:bar, remove // any alias 'foo-bar' from the alias list. $aliasList = array_filter( $command->getAliases(), function ($aliasName) use ($name) { return $aliasName != str_replace(':', '-', $name); } ); $aliases = implode(', ', $aliasList); $suffix = $aliases ? " ($aliases)" : ''; $rows[] = [' ' . $name . $suffix, $description]; } } $formatterManager = new FormatterManager(); list($terminalWidth,) = $application->getTerminalDimensions(); $opts = [ FormatterOptions::INCLUDE_FIELD_LABELS => false, FormatterOptions::TABLE_STYLE => 'compact', FormatterOptions::TERMINAL_WIDTH => $terminalWidth, ]; $formatterOptions = new FormatterOptions([], $opts); $formatterManager->write($output, 'table', new RowsOfFields($rows), $formatterOptions); } public function getTerminalWidth() { // From \Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\Options\PrepareTerminalWidthOption::getTerminalWidth $application = Drush::getApplication(); $dimensions = $application->getTerminalDimensions(); if ($dimensions[0] == null) { return 0; } return $dimensions[0]; } /** * @param array $namespaced */ public function renderListRaw($namespaced) { $table = new Table($this->output()); $table->setStyle('compact'); foreach ($namespaced as $namespace => $commands) { foreach ($commands as $command) { $table->addRow([$command->getName(), $command->getDescription()]); } } $table->render(); } /** * @param Command[] $all * @param string $separator * * @return array */ public static function categorize($all, $separator = ':') { foreach ($all as $key => $command) { $hidden = method_exists($command, 'getAnnotationData') && $command->getAnnotationData()->has('hidden'); if (!in_array($key, $command->getAliases()) && !$hidden) { $parts = explode($separator, $key); $namespace = count($parts) >= 2 ? array_shift($parts) : '_global'; $namespaced[$namespace][$key] = $command; } } // Avoid solo namespaces. foreach ($namespaced as $namespace => $commands) { if (count($commands) == 1) { $namespaced['_global'] += $commands; unset($namespaced[$namespace]); } } ksort($namespaced); return $namespaced; } }