getSites()) { $this->setUpDrupal(1, TRUE); } } /** * Test to see if rsync @site:%files calculates the %files path correctly. * This tests the non-optimized code path in drush_sitealias_resolve_path_references. */ function testRsyncPercentFiles() { $root = $this->webroot(); $site = key($this->getSites()); $options = array( 'root' => $root, 'uri' => key($this->getSites()), 'simulate' => NULL, 'include-conf' => NULL, 'include-vcs' => NULL, 'yes' => NULL, ); $this->drush('core-rsync', array("@$site:%files", "/tmp"), $options, NULL, NULL, self::EXIT_SUCCESS, '2>&1;'); $output = $this->getOutput(); $level = $this->log_level(); $pattern = in_array($level, array('verbose', 'debug')) ? "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh ' -akzv --stats --progress --yes %s /tmp);" : "Calling system(rsync -e 'ssh ' -akz --yes %s /tmp);"; $expected = sprintf($pattern, UNISH_SANDBOX . "/web/sites/$site/files"); $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); } /** * Test to see if the optimized code path in drush_sitealias_resolve_path_references * that avoids a call to backend invoke when evaluating %files works. */ function testPercentFilesOptimization() { $root = $this->webroot(); $site = key($this->getSites()); $options = array( 'root' => $root, 'uri' => key($this->getSites()), 'simulate' => NULL, 'include-conf' => NULL, 'include-vcs' => NULL, 'yes' => NULL, 'strict' => 0, // invoke from script: do not verify options ); $php = '$a=drush_sitealias_get_record("@' . $site . '"); drush_sitealias_resolve_path_references($a, "%files"); print_r($a["path-aliases"]["%files"]);'; $this->drush('ev', array($php), $options); $output = $this->getOutput(); $expected = "sites/dev/files"; $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); } /** * Test standalone php-script scripts. Assure that script args and options work. */ public function testStandaloneScript() { if ($this->is_windows()) { $this->markTestSkipped('Standalone scripts not currently available on Windows.'); } $this->drush('version', array('drush_version'), array('pipe' => NULL)); $standard = $this->getOutput(); // Write out a hellounish.script into the sandbox. The correct /path/to/drush // is in the shebang line. $filename = 'hellounish.script'; $data = '#!/usr/bin/env [PATH-TO-DRUSH] $arg = drush_shift(); drush_invoke("version", $arg); '; $data = str_replace('[PATH-TO-DRUSH]', UNISH_DRUSH, $data); $script = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/' . $filename; file_put_contents($script, $data); chmod($script, 0755); $this->execute("$script drush_version --pipe"); $standalone = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals($standard, $standalone); } function testDrupalDirectory() { $root = $this->webroot(); $sitewide = $this->drupalSitewideDirectory(); $options = array( 'root' => $root, 'uri' => key($this->getSites()), 'yes' => NULL, 'skip' => NULL, 'cache' => NULL, 'strict' => 0, // invoke from script: do not verify options ); $this->drush('drupal-directory', array('%files'), $options); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals($root . '/sites/dev/files', $output); $this->drush('drupal-directory', array('%modules'), $options); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals($root . $sitewide . '/modules', $output); $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options); $this->drush('pm-enable', array('devel'), $options); $this->drush('pm-download', array('empty_theme'), $options); $this->drush('drupal-directory', array('devel'), $options); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals(realpath($root . $sitewide . '/modules/devel'), $output); $this->drush('drupal-directory', array('empty_theme'), $options); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals(realpath($root . $sitewide . '/themes/empty_theme'), $output); } function testCoreRequirements() { $root = $this->webroot(); $options = array( 'root' => $root, 'uri' => key($this->getSites()), 'pipe' => NULL, 'ignore' => 'cron,http requests,update,update_core,trusted_host_patterns', // no network access when running in tests, so ignore these 'strict' => 0, // invoke from script: do not verify options ); // Drupal 6 has reached EOL, so we will always get errors for 'update_contrib'; // therefore, we ignore it for this release. if (UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION < 7) { $options['ignore'] .= ',update_contrib'; } // Verify that there are no severity 2 items in the status report $this->drush('core-requirements', array(), $options + array('severity' => '2')); $output = $this->getOutput(); $this->assertEquals('', $output); $this->drush('core-requirements', array(), $options); $loaded = $this->getOutputFromJSON(); // Pick a subset that are valid for D6/D7/D8. $expected = array( // 'install_profile' => -1, // 'node_access' => -1, 'php' => -1, // 'php_extensions' => -1, 'php_memory_limit' => -1, 'php_register_globals' => -1, 'settings.php' => -1, ); foreach ($expected as $key => $value) { if (isset($loaded->$key)) { $this->assertEquals($value, $loaded->$key->sid); } } } }