_testGenerateMake('devel', 'bootstrap'); } function testGenerateMakeOmega() { # TODO: Don't skip this test by default once the underlying issue is resolved. # See: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/issues/2030 $run_omega_make_test = getenv("DRUSH_TEST_MAKE_OMEGA"); if ($run_omega_make_test) { return $this->_testGenerateMake('devel', 'omega'); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('Set `DRUSH_TEST_MAKE_OMEGA=1`, in order to run this test. See: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/issues/2028'); } } function _testGenerateMake($module, $theme) { $sites = $this->setUpDrupal(1, TRUE); $major_version = UNISH_DRUPAL_MAJOR_VERSION . '.x'; $options = array( 'yes' => NULL, 'pipe' => NULL, 'root' => $this->webroot(), 'uri' => key($sites), 'cache' => NULL, 'strict' => 0, // Don't validate options ); // Omega requires these core modules. $this->drush('pm-enable', array('block', 'search', 'help'), $options); $this->drush('pm-download', array($theme, $module), $options); $this->drush('pm-enable', array($theme, $module), $options); $makefile = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/dev.make.yml'; // First generate a simple makefile with no version information $this->drush('generate-makefile', array($makefile), array('exclude-versions' => NULL) + $options); $expected = <<assertEquals($expected, $actual); // Next generate a simple makefile with no version information in .ini format $makefile = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/dev.make'; $this->drush('generate-makefile', array($makefile), array('exclude-versions' => NULL, 'format' => 'ini') + $options); $expected = <<assertEquals($expected, $actual); // Download a module to a 'contrib' directory to test the subdir feature $this->mkdir(Path::join($this->webroot(). '/sites/all/modules/contrib')); $this->drush('pm-download', array('libraries'), array('destination' => 'sites/all/modules/contrib') + $options); $this->drush('pm-enable', array('libraries'), $options); $makefile = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/dev.make.yml'; $this->drush('generate-makefile', array($makefile), array('exclude-versions' => NULL) + $options); $expected = <<assertEquals($expected, $actual); // Again in .ini format. $makefile = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/dev.make'; $this->drush('generate-makefile', array($makefile), array('exclude-versions' => NULL, 'format' => 'ini') + $options); $expected = <<assertEquals($expected, $actual); // Generate a makefile with version numbers (in .ini format). $this->drush('generate-makefile', array($makefile), array('format' => 'ini') + $options); $actual = file_get_contents($makefile); $this->assertContains('projects[' . $module . '][version] = "', $actual); } }