drush('pm-download', array('devel'), array('cache' => NULL, 'skip' => NULL)); // No FirePHP $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/devel/README.txt'); $this->drush('pm-download', array('drupal-7.500'), array('backend' => NULL), NULL, NULL, self::EXIT_ERROR); $parsed = $this->parse_backend_output($this->getOutput()); $this->assertArrayHasKey('DRUSH_PM_COULD_NOT_FIND_VERSION', $parsed['error_log']); } // @todo Test pure drush commandfile projects. They get special destination. public function testDestination() { // Setup two Drupal sites. Skip install for speed. $sites = $this->setUpDrupal(2, FALSE); $uri = key($sites); $root = $this->webroot(); // Common options for the invocations below. $devel_options = array( 'cache' => NULL, 'skip' => NULL, // No FirePHP 'strict' => 0, // Invoke from script: do not verify options ); // Default to Drupal sitewide directory. $options = array( 'root' => $root, 'uri' => $uri, ) + $devel_options; $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options); $this->assertFileExists($root . '/' . $this->drupalSitewideDirectory() . '/modules/devel/README.txt'); // --use-site-dir // Expand above $options. $options += array('use-site-dir' => NULL); $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options); $this->assertFileExists("$root/sites/$uri/modules/devel/README.txt"); unish_file_delete_recursive("{$root}/sites/{$uri}/modules/devel", TRUE); // If we are in site specific dir, then download belongs there. $path_stage = "$root/sites/$uri"; // dir gets created by --use-site-dir above, $options = $devel_options; $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options, NULL, $path_stage); $this->assertFileExists($path_stage . '/modules/devel/README.txt'); // --destination with absolute path. $destination = UNISH_SANDBOX . '/test-destination1'; mkdir($destination); $options = array( 'destination' => $destination, ) + $devel_options; $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options); $this->assertFileExists($destination . '/devel/README.txt'); // --destination with a relative path. $destination = 'test-destination2'; mkdir(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/' . $destination); $options = array( 'destination' => $destination, ) + $devel_options; $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options); $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/' . $destination . '/devel/README.txt'); } public function testSelect() { $options = array( 'select' => NULL, 'choice' => 0, // Cancel. ); // --select. Specify 6.x since that has so many releases. $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel-6.x'), $options, NULL, NULL, CommandUnishTestCase::UNISH_EXITCODE_USER_ABORT); $items = $this->getOutputAsList(); $output = $this->getOutput(); // 4 items are: Select message + Cancel + 2 versions. $this->assertEquals(4, count($items), '--select offerred 2 options.'); $this->assertContains('6.x-1.x-dev', $output, 'Dev release was shown by --select.'); // --select --dev. Specify 6.x since that has so many releases. $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel-6.x'), $options + array('dev' => NULL), NULL, NULL, CommandUnishTestCase::UNISH_EXITCODE_USER_ABORT); $items = $this->getOutputAsList(); $output = $this->getOutput(); // 12 items are: Select message + Cancel + 1 option. $this->assertEquals(3, count($items), '--select --dev expected to offer only one option.'); $this->assertContains('6.x-1.x-dev', $output, 'Assure that --dev lists the only dev release.'); // --select --all. Specify 5.x since this is frozen. $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel-5.x'), $options + array('all' => NULL), NULL, NULL, CommandUnishTestCase::UNISH_EXITCODE_USER_ABORT); $items = $this->getOutputAsList(); $output = $this->getOutput(); // 12 items are: Select message + Cancel + 9 options. $this->assertEquals(11, count($items), '--select --all offerred 8 options.'); $this->assertContains('5.x-0.1', $output, 'Assure that --all lists very old releases.'); } public function testPackageHandler() { $options = array( 'cache' => NULL, 'package-handler' => 'git_drupalorg', 'yes' => NULL, ); $this->drush('pm-download', array('devel'), $options); $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/devel/README.txt'); $this->assertFileExists(UNISH_SANDBOX . '/devel/.git'); } }