language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 7.0 - hhvm matrix: fast_finish: true include: - php: 5.4 env: COMPOSER_FLAGS='--prefer-lowest --prefer-stable' SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak - php: 5.6 env: DEPENDENCIES=dev allow_failures: - php: 7.0 - php: hhvm env: global: # Force the mink test server to use PHP 5.6 as HHVM does not provide the builtin webserver - MINK_PHP_BIN=~/.phpenv/versions/5.6/bin/php # Force the mink test server to bin on IPv4, as PhantomJS resolves localhost as IPv4 while PHP seems to prefer resolving it as IPv6 on Travis - MINK_HOST= # Avoid restarting the browser api at the end of tests (see bin/ - MINK_STOP_BROWSER=1 cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache/files before_install: - composer self-update - if [ "$DEPENDENCIES" = "dev" ]; then perl -pi -e 's/^}$/,"minimum-stability":"dev"}/' composer.json; fi; install: - composer update $COMPOSER_FLAGS before_script: - mkdir -p /tmp/jcalderonzumba/phantomjs script: - bin/