content = new StringBasedFileContent(null); $this->type = vfsStreamContent::TYPE_FILE; parent::__construct($name, $permissions); } /** * returns default permissions for concrete implementation * * @return int * @since 0.8.0 */ protected function getDefaultPermissions() { return 0666; } /** * checks whether the container can be applied to given name * * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function appliesTo($name) { return ($name === $this->name); } /** * alias for withContent() * * @param string $content * @return vfsStreamFile * @see withContent() */ public function setContent($content) { return $this->withContent($content); } /** * sets the contents of the file * * Setting content with this method does not change the time when the file * was last modified. * * @param string]FileContent $content * @return vfsStreamFile * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function withContent($content) { if (is_string($content)) { $this->content = new StringBasedFileContent($content); } elseif ($content instanceof FileContent) { $this->content = $content; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Given content must either be a string or an instance of org\bovigo\vfs\content\FileContent'); } return $this; } /** * returns the contents of the file * * Getting content does not change the time when the file * was last accessed. * * @return string */ public function getContent() { return $this->content->content(); } /** * simply open the file * * @since 0.9 */ public function open() { $this->content->seek(0, SEEK_SET); $this->lastAccessed = time(); } /** * open file and set pointer to end of file * * @since 0.9 */ public function openForAppend() { $this->content->seek(0, SEEK_END); $this->lastAccessed = time(); } /** * open file and truncate content * * @since 0.9 */ public function openWithTruncate() { $this->open(); $this->content->truncate(0); $time = time(); $this->lastAccessed = $time; $this->lastModified = $time; } /** * reads the given amount of bytes from content * * Using this method changes the time when the file was last accessed. * * @param int $count * @return string */ public function read($count) { $this->lastAccessed = time(); return $this->content->read($count); } /** * returns the content until its end from current offset * * Using this method changes the time when the file was last accessed. * * @return string * @deprecated since 1.3.0 */ public function readUntilEnd() { $this->lastAccessed = time(); return $this->content->readUntilEnd(); } /** * writes an amount of data * * Using this method changes the time when the file was last modified. * * @param string $data * @return amount of written bytes */ public function write($data) { $this->lastModified = time(); return $this->content->write($data); } /** * Truncates a file to a given length * * @param int $size length to truncate file to * @return bool * @since 1.1.0 */ public function truncate($size) { $this->content->truncate($size); $this->lastModified = time(); return true; } /** * checks whether pointer is at end of file * * @return bool */ public function eof() { return $this->content->eof(); } /** * returns the current position within the file * * @return int * @deprecated since 1.3.0 */ public function getBytesRead() { return $this->content->bytesRead(); } /** * seeks to the given offset * * @param int $offset * @param int $whence * @return bool */ public function seek($offset, $whence) { return $this->content->seek($offset, $whence); } /** * returns size of content * * @return int */ public function size() { return $this->content->size(); } /** * locks file for * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @param int $operation * @return bool * @since 0.10.0 * @see * @see */ public function lock($resource, $operation) { if ((LOCK_NB & $operation) == LOCK_NB) { $operation = $operation - LOCK_NB; } // call to lock file on the same file handler firstly releases the lock $this->unlock($resource); if (LOCK_EX === $operation) { if ($this->isLocked()) { return false; } $this->setExclusiveLock($resource); } elseif(LOCK_SH === $operation) { if ($this->hasExclusiveLock()) { return false; } $this->addSharedLock($resource); } return true; } /** * Removes lock from file acquired by given resource * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @see */ public function unlock($resource) { if ($this->hasExclusiveLock($resource)) { $this->exclusiveLock = null; } if ($this->hasSharedLock($resource)) { unset($this->sharedLock[$this->getResourceId($resource)]); } } /** * Set exlusive lock on file by given resource * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @see */ protected function setExclusiveLock($resource) { $this->exclusiveLock = $this->getResourceId($resource); } /** * Add shared lock on file by given resource * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @see */ protected function addSharedLock($resource) { $this->sharedLock[$this->getResourceId($resource)] = true; } /** * checks whether file is locked * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @return bool * @since 0.10.0 * @see * @see */ public function isLocked($resource = null) { return $this->hasSharedLock($resource) || $this->hasExclusiveLock($resource); } /** * checks whether file is locked in shared mode * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @return bool * @since 0.10.0 * @see * @see */ public function hasSharedLock($resource = null) { if (null !== $resource) { return isset($this->sharedLock[$this->getResourceId($resource)]); } return !empty($this->sharedLock); } /** * Returns unique resource id * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @return string * @see */ public function getResourceId($resource) { if (is_resource($resource)) { $data = stream_get_meta_data($resource); $resource = $data['wrapper_data']; } return spl_object_hash($resource); } /** * checks whether file is locked in exclusive mode * * @param resource|vfsStreamWrapper $resource * @return bool * @since 0.10.0 * @see * @see */ public function hasExclusiveLock($resource = null) { if (null !== $resource) { return $this->exclusiveLock === $this->getResourceId($resource); } return null !== $this->exclusiveLock; } }