* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License */ namespace FontLib\Table\Type; use FontLib\Table\Table; use FontLib\Glyph\Outline; use FontLib\Glyph\OutlineSimple; /** * `glyf` font table. * * @package php-font-lib * @property Outline[] $data */ class glyf extends Table { protected function _parse() { $font = $this->getFont(); $offset = $font->pos(); $loca = $font->getData("loca"); $real_loca = array_slice($loca, 0, -1); // Not the last dummy loca entry $data = array(); foreach ($real_loca as $gid => $location) { $_offset = $offset + $loca[$gid]; $_size = $loca[$gid + 1] - $loca[$gid]; $data[$gid] = Outline::init($this, $_offset, $_size, $font); } $this->data = $data; } public function getGlyphIDs($gids = array()) { $glyphIDs = array(); foreach ($gids as $_gid) { $_glyph = $this->data[$_gid]; $glyphIDs = array_merge($glyphIDs, $_glyph->getGlyphIDs()); } return array_unique(array_merge($gids, $glyphIDs)); } public function toHTML() { $max = 160; $font = $this->getFont(); $head = $font->getData("head"); $head_json = json_encode($head); $os2 = $font->getData("OS/2"); $os2_json = json_encode($os2); $hmtx = $font->getData("hmtx"); $hmtx_json = json_encode($hmtx); $names = $font->getData("post", "names"); $glyphIndexArray = array_flip($font->getUnicodeCharMap()); $width = (abs($head["xMin"]) + $head["xMax"]); $height = (abs($head["yMin"]) + $head["yMax"]); $ratio = 1; if ($width > $max || $height > $max) { $ratio = max($width, $height) / $max; $width = round($width / $ratio); $height = round($height / $ratio); } $n = 500; $s = "

" . "Only the first $n simple glyphs are shown (" . count($this->data) . " total)
Simple glyph
Composite glyph

"; foreach ($this->data as $g => $glyph) { if ($n-- <= 0) { break; } $glyph->parseData(); $shape = array( "SVGContours" => $glyph->getSVGContours(), "xMin" => $glyph->xMin, "yMin" => $glyph->yMin, "xMax" => $glyph->xMax, "yMax" => $glyph->yMax, ); $shape_json = json_encode($shape); $type = ($glyph instanceof OutlineSimple ? "simple" : "composite"); $char = isset($glyphIndexArray[$g]) ? $glyphIndexArray[$g] : 0; $name = isset($names[$g]) ? $names[$g] : sprintf("uni%04x", $char); $char = $char ? "&#{$glyphIndexArray[$g]};" : ""; $s .= "
$g $char $name "; if ($type == "composite") { foreach ($glyph->getGlyphIDs() as $_id) { $s .= "$_id "; } } $s .= "
"; } return $s; } protected function _encode() { $font = $this->getFont(); $subset = $font->getSubset(); $data = $this->data; $loca = array(); $length = 0; foreach ($subset as $gid) { $loca[] = $length; $length += $data[$gid]->encode(); } $loca[] = $length; // dummy loca $font->getTableObject("loca")->data = $loca; return $length; } }