* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\Loader; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\IniFileLoader; use Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator; class IniFileLoaderTest extends TestCase { protected $container; protected $loader; protected function setUp() { $this->container = new ContainerBuilder(); $this->loader = new IniFileLoader($this->container, new FileLocator(realpath(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/').'/ini')); } public function testIniFileCanBeLoaded() { $this->loader->load('parameters.ini'); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => '%foo%'), $this->container->getParameterBag()->all(), '->load() takes a single file name as its first argument'); } /** * @dataProvider getTypeConversions */ public function testTypeConversions($key, $value, $supported) { $this->loader->load('types.ini'); $parameters = $this->container->getParameterBag()->all(); $this->assertSame($value, $parameters[$key], '->load() converts values to PHP types'); } /** * @dataProvider getTypeConversions * @requires PHP 5.6.1 * This test illustrates where our conversions differs from INI_SCANNER_TYPED introduced in PHP 5.6.1 */ public function testTypeConversionsWithNativePhp($key, $value, $supported) { if (defined('HHVM_VERSION_ID')) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } if (!$supported) { $this->markTestSkipped(sprintf('Converting the value "%s" to "%s" is not supported by the IniFileLoader.', $key, $value)); } $this->loader->load('types.ini'); $expected = parse_ini_file(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/ini/types.ini', true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED); $this->assertSame($value, $expected['parameters'][$key], '->load() converts values to PHP types'); } public function getTypeConversions() { return array( array('true_comment', true, true), array('true', true, true), array('false', false, true), array('on', true, true), array('off', false, true), array('yes', true, true), array('no', false, true), array('none', false, true), array('null', null, true), array('constant', PHP_VERSION, true), array('12', 12, true), array('12_string', '12', true), array('12_comment', 12, true), array('12_string_comment', '12', true), array('12_string_comment_again', '12', true), array('-12', -12, true), array('1', 1, true), array('0', 0, true), array('0b0110', bindec('0b0110'), false), // not supported by INI_SCANNER_TYPED array('11112222333344445555', '1111,2222,3333,4444,5555', true), array('0777', 0777, false), // not supported by INI_SCANNER_TYPED array('255', 0xFF, false), // not supported by INI_SCANNER_TYPED array('100.0', 1e2, false), // not supported by INI_SCANNER_TYPED array('-120.0', -1.2E2, false), // not supported by INI_SCANNER_TYPED array('-10100.1', -10100.1, false), // not supported by INI_SCANNER_TYPED array('-10,100.1', '-10,100.1', true), ); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage The file "foo.ini" does not exist (in: */ public function testExceptionIsRaisedWhenIniFileDoesNotExist() { $this->loader->load('foo.ini'); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage The "nonvalid.ini" file is not valid. */ public function testExceptionIsRaisedWhenIniFileCannotBeParsed() { @$this->loader->load('nonvalid.ini'); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage The "almostvalid.ini" file is not valid. */ public function testExceptionIsRaisedWhenIniFileIsAlmostValid() { @$this->loader->load('almostvalid.ini'); } public function testSupports() { $loader = new IniFileLoader(new ContainerBuilder(), new FileLocator()); $this->assertTrue($loader->supports('foo.ini'), '->supports() returns true if the resource is loadable'); $this->assertFalse($loader->supports('foo.foo'), '->supports() returns false if the resource is not loadable'); $this->assertTrue($loader->supports('with_wrong_ext.yml', 'ini'), '->supports() returns true if the resource with forced type is loadable'); } }