namespaces: custom: Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Fixtures\ Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Fixtures\Entity: group_sequence: - Foo - Entity constraints: # Custom constraint - Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Fixtures\ConstraintA: ~ # Custom constraint with namespaces prefix - "custom:ConstraintB": ~ # Callbacks - Callback: validateMe - Callback: validateMeStatic - Callback: [Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Fixtures\CallbackClass, callback] properties: firstName: # Constraint without value - NotNull: ~ # Constraint with single value - Range: min: 3 # Constraint with multiple values - Choice: [A, B] # Constraint with child constraints - All: - NotNull: ~ - Range: min: 3 # Option with child constraints - All: constraints: - NotNull: ~ - Range: min: 3 # Value with child constraints - Collection: fields: foo: - NotNull: ~ - Range: min: 3 bar: - Range: min: 5 # Constraint with options - Choice: { choices: [A, B], message: Must be one of %choices% } dummy: getters: lastName: - NotNull: ~ valid: - "IsTrue": ~ permissions: - "IsTrue": ~ Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Fixtures\GroupSequenceProviderEntity: group_sequence_provider: true