getAuthors(); if (isset($authors[$index])) { return $authors[$index]; } return; } /** * Get an array with feed authors * * @return array */ public function getAuthors() { if (array_key_exists('authors', $this->data)) { return $this->data['authors']; } $authors = []; $list = $this->getXpath()->evaluate($this->getXpathPrefix() . '//dc11:creator'); if (! $list->length) { $list = $this->getXpath()->evaluate($this->getXpathPrefix() . '//dc10:creator'); } if (! $list->length) { $list = $this->getXpath()->evaluate($this->getXpathPrefix() . '//dc11:publisher'); if (! $list->length) { $list = $this->getXpath()->evaluate($this->getXpathPrefix() . '//dc10:publisher'); } } if ($list->length) { foreach ($list as $author) { $authors[] = [ 'name' => $author->nodeValue ]; } $authors = new Collection\Author( Reader\Reader::arrayUnique($authors) ); } else { $authors = null; } $this->data['authors'] = $authors; return $this->data['authors']; } /** * Get categories (subjects under DC) * * @return Collection\Category */ public function getCategories() { if (array_key_exists('categories', $this->data)) { return $this->data['categories']; } $list = $this->getXpath()->evaluate($this->getXpathPrefix() . '//dc11:subject'); if (! $list->length) { $list = $this->getXpath()->evaluate($this->getXpathPrefix() . '//dc10:subject'); } if ($list->length) { $categoryCollection = new Collection\Category; foreach ($list as $category) { $categoryCollection[] = [ 'term' => $category->nodeValue, 'scheme' => null, 'label' => $category->nodeValue, ]; } } else { $categoryCollection = new Collection\Category; } $this->data['categories'] = $categoryCollection; return $this->data['categories']; } /** * Get the entry content * * @return string */ public function getContent() { return $this->getDescription(); } /** * Get the entry description * * @return string */ public function getDescription() { if (array_key_exists('description', $this->data)) { return $this->data['description']; } $description = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc11:description)'); if (! $description) { $description = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc10:description)'); } if (! $description) { $description = null; } $this->data['description'] = $description; return $this->data['description']; } /** * Get the entry ID * * @return string */ public function getId() { if (array_key_exists('id', $this->data)) { return $this->data['id']; } $id = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc11:identifier)'); if (! $id) { $id = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc10:identifier)'); } $this->data['id'] = $id; return $this->data['id']; } /** * Get the entry title * * @return string */ public function getTitle() { if (array_key_exists('title', $this->data)) { return $this->data['title']; } $title = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc11:title)'); if (! $title) { $title = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc10:title)'); } if (! $title) { $title = null; } $this->data['title'] = $title; return $this->data['title']; } /** * * * @return DateTime|null */ public function getDate() { if (array_key_exists('date', $this->data)) { return $this->data['date']; } $d = null; $date = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc11:date)'); if (! $date) { $date = $this->getXpath()->evaluate('string(' . $this->getXpathPrefix() . '/dc10:date)'); } if ($date) { $d = new DateTime($date); } $this->data['date'] = $d; return $this->data['date']; } /** * Register DC namespaces * * @return void */ protected function registerNamespaces() { $this->getXpath()->registerNamespace('dc10', ''); $this->getXpath()->registerNamespace('dc11', ''); } }