installEntitySchema('taxonomy_term'); $this->installConfig(static::$modules); $this->executeMigrations([ 'd6_node_type', 'd6_field', 'd6_taxonomy_vocabulary', 'd6_field_instance', 'd6_taxonomy_term', 'd6_taxonomy_term_translation', ]); } /** * Validate a migrated term contains the expected values. * * @param int $id * Entity ID to load and check. * @param string $expected_language * The language code for this term. * @param string $expected_label * The label the migrated entity should have. * @param string $expected_vid * The parent vocabulary the migrated entity should have. * @param string $expected_description * The description the migrated entity should have. * @param string $expected_format * The format the migrated entity should have. * @param int $expected_weight * The weight the migrated entity should have. * @param array $expected_parents * The parent terms the migrated entity should have. * @param int $expected_field_integer_value * The value the migrated entity field should have. * @param int $expected_term_reference_tid * The term reference ID the migrated entity field should have. */ protected function assertEntity($id, $expected_language, $expected_label, $expected_vid, $expected_description = '', $expected_format = NULL, $expected_weight = 0, $expected_parents = [], $expected_field_integer_value = NULL, $expected_term_reference_tid = NULL) { /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $entity */ $entity = Term::load($id); $this->assertInstanceOf(TermInterface::class, $entity); $this->assertSame($expected_language, $entity->language()->getId()); $this->assertSame($expected_label, $entity->label()); $this->assertSame($expected_vid, $entity->bundle()); $this->assertSame($expected_description, $entity->getDescription()); $this->assertSame($expected_format, $entity->getFormat()); $this->assertSame($expected_weight, $entity->getWeight()); $this->assertHierarchy($expected_vid, $id, $expected_parents); } /** * Assert that a term is present in the tree storage, with the right parents. * * @param string $vid * Vocabulary ID. * @param int $tid * ID of the term to check. * @param array $parent_ids * The expected parent term IDs. */ protected function assertHierarchy($vid, $tid, array $parent_ids) { if (!isset($this->treeData[$vid])) { $tree = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadTree($vid); $this->treeData[$vid] = []; foreach ($tree as $item) { $this->treeData[$vid][$item->tid] = $item; } } $this->assertArrayHasKey($tid, $this->treeData[$vid], "Term $tid exists in taxonomy tree"); $term = $this->treeData[$vid][$tid]; // PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite may not return the parent terms in the same // order so sort before testing. sort($parent_ids); $actual_terms = array_filter($term->parents); sort($actual_terms); $this->assertEquals($parent_ids, $actual_terms, "Term $tid has correct parents in taxonomy tree"); } /** * Tests the Drupal 6 i18n taxonomy term to Drupal 8 migration. */ public function testTranslatedTaxonomyTerms() { $this->assertEntity(1, 'zu', 'zu - term 1 of vocabulary 1', 'vocabulary_1_i_0_', 'zu - description of term 1 of vocabulary 1', NULL, '0', []); $this->assertEntity(2, 'fr', 'fr - term 2 of vocabulary 2', 'vocabulary_2_i_1_', 'fr - description of term 2 of vocabulary 2', NULL, '3', []); $this->assertEntity(3, 'fr', 'fr - term 3 of vocabulary 2', 'vocabulary_2_i_1_', 'fr - description of term 3 of vocabulary 2', NULL, '4', ['2']); $this->assertEntity(4, 'en', 'term 4 of vocabulary 3', 'vocabulary_3_i_2_', 'description of term 4 of vocabulary 3', NULL, '6', []); $this->assertEntity(5, 'en', 'term 5 of vocabulary 3', 'vocabulary_3_i_2_', 'description of term 5 of vocabulary 3', NULL, '7', ['4']); $this->assertEntity(6, 'en', 'term 6 of vocabulary 3', 'vocabulary_3_i_2_', 'description of term 6 of vocabulary 3', NULL, '8', ['4', '5']); $this->assertEntity(7, 'fr', 'fr - term 2 of vocabulary 1', 'vocabulary_1_i_0_', 'fr - desc of term 2 vocab 1', NULL, '0', []); } }