provisionResource([static::$format], $auth); } /** * Writes a log messages and retrieves it via the REST API. */ public function testWatchdog() { // Write a log message to the DB. $this->container->get('')->notice('Test message'); // Get the ID of the written message. $id = db_query_range("SELECT wid FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = :type ORDER BY wid DESC", 0, 1, [':type' => 'rest']) ->fetchField(); $this->initAuthentication(); $url = Url::fromRoute('rest.dblog.GET', ['id' => $id, '_format' => static::$format]); $request_options = $this->getAuthenticationRequestOptions('GET'); $response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options); $this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "The 'restful get dblog' permission is required.", $response); // Create a user account that has the required permissions to read // the watchdog resource via the REST API. $this->setUpAuthorization('GET'); $response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options); $this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response, ['config:rest.resource.dblog', 'config:rest.settings', 'http_response'], ['user.permissions'], FALSE, 'MISS'); $log = Json::decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEqual($log['wid'], $id, 'Log ID is correct.'); $this->assertEqual($log['type'], 'rest', 'Type of log message is correct.'); $this->assertEqual($log['message'], 'Test message', 'Log message text is correct.'); // Request an unknown log entry. $url->setRouteParameter('id', 9999); $response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options); $this->assertResourceErrorResponse(404, 'Log entry with ID 9999 was not found', $response); // Make a bad request (a true malformed request would never be a route match). $url->setRouteParameter('id', 0); $response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options); $this->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'No log entry ID was provided', $response); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUpAuthorization($method) { switch ($method) { case 'GET': $this->grantPermissionsToTestedRole(['restful get dblog']); break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function assertNormalizationEdgeCases($method, Url $url, array $request_options) {} /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage($method) {} /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getExpectedBcUnauthorizedAccessMessage($method) {} /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessCacheability() {} }