id: d7_file_private label: Private files migration_tags: - Drupal 7 source: plugin: d7_file scheme: private constants: # source_base_path must be set by the tool configuring this migration. # It represents the fully qualified path relative to which uris in the files # table are specified, and must end with a /. See source_full_path # configuration in this migration's process pipeline as an example. source_base_path: '' process: # If you are using this file to build a custom migration consider removing # the fid field to allow incremental migrations. fid: fid filename: filename source_full_path: - plugin: concat delimiter: / source: - constants/source_base_path - filepath uri: plugin: file_copy source: - '@source_full_path' - uri filemime: filemime status: status # Drupal 7 didn't keep track of the file's creation or update time -- all it # had was the vague "timestamp" column. So we'll use it for both. created: timestamp changed: timestamp uid: uid destination: plugin: entity:file