messenger = $messenger; $this->resourceFetcher = $resource_fetcher; $this->urlResolver = $url_resolver; $this->logger = $logger_factory->get('media'); $this->config = $config_factory->get('media.settings'); $this->iFrameUrlHelper = $iframe_url_helper; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) { return new static( $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $configuration['field_definition'], $configuration['settings'], $configuration['label'], $configuration['view_mode'], $configuration['third_party_settings'], $container->get('messenger'), $container->get('media.oembed.resource_fetcher'), $container->get('media.oembed.url_resolver'), $container->get('logger.factory'), $container->get('config.factory'), $container->get('media.oembed.iframe_url_helper') ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function defaultSettings() { return [ 'max_width' => 0, 'max_height' => 0, ] + parent::defaultSettings(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) { $element = []; $max_width = $this->getSetting('max_width'); $max_height = $this->getSetting('max_height'); foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { $main_property = $item->getFieldDefinition()->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getMainPropertyName(); $value = $item->{$main_property}; if (empty($value)) { continue; } try { $resource_url = $this->urlResolver->getResourceUrl($value, $max_width, $max_height); $resource = $this->resourceFetcher->fetchResource($resource_url); } catch (ResourceException $exception) { $this->logger->error("Could not retrieve the remote URL (@url).", ['@url' => $value]); continue; } if ($resource->getType() === Resource::TYPE_LINK) { $element[$delta] = [ '#title' => $resource->getTitle(), '#type' => 'link', '#url' => Url::fromUri($value), ]; } elseif ($resource->getType() === Resource::TYPE_PHOTO) { $element[$delta] = [ '#theme' => 'image', '#uri' => $resource->getUrl()->toString(), '#width' => $max_width ?: $resource->getWidth(), '#height' => $max_height ?: $resource->getHeight(), ]; } else { $url = Url::fromRoute('media.oembed_iframe', [], [ 'query' => [ 'url' => $value, 'max_width' => $max_width, 'max_height' => $max_height, 'hash' => $this->iFrameUrlHelper->getHash($value, $max_width, $max_height), ], ]); $domain = $this->config->get('iframe_domain'); if ($domain) { $url->setOption('base_url', $domain); } // Render videos and rich content in an iframe for security reasons. // @see: $element[$delta] = [ '#type' => 'html_tag', '#tag' => 'iframe', '#attributes' => [ 'src' => $url->toString(), 'frameborder' => 0, 'scrolling' => FALSE, 'allowtransparency' => TRUE, 'width' => $max_width ?: $resource->getWidth(), 'height' => $max_height ?: $resource->getHeight(), ], ]; CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($resource) ->addCacheTags($this->config->getCacheTags()) ->applyTo($element[$delta]); } } return $element; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { return parent::settingsForm($form, $form_state) + [ 'max_width' => [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Maximum width'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('max_width'), '#size' => 5, '#maxlength' => 5, '#field_suffix' => $this->t('pixels'), '#min' => 0, ], 'max_height' => [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => $this->t('Maximum height'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('max_height'), '#size' => 5, '#maxlength' => 5, '#field_suffix' => $this->t('pixels'), '#min' => 0, ], ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsSummary() { $summary = parent::settingsSummary(); if ($this->getSetting('max_width') && $this->getSetting('max_height')) { $summary[] = $this->t('Maximum size: %max_width x %max_height pixels', [ '%max_width' => $this->getSetting('max_width'), '%max_height' => $this->getSetting('max_height'), ]); } elseif ($this->getSetting('max_width')) { $summary[] = $this->t('Maximum width: %max_width pixels', [ '%max_width' => $this->getSetting('max_width'), ]); } elseif ($this->getSetting('max_height')) { $summary[] = $this->t('Maximum height: %max_height pixels', [ '%max_height' => $this->getSetting('max_height'), ]); } return $summary; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function isApplicable(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) { if ($field_definition->getTargetEntityTypeId() !== 'media') { return FALSE; } if (parent::isApplicable($field_definition)) { $media_type = $field_definition->getTargetBundle(); if ($media_type) { $media_type = MediaType::load($media_type); return $media_type && $media_type->getSource() instanceof OEmbedInterface; } } return FALSE; } }