container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('media_type'); $this->assertInstanceOf(MediaTypeInterface::class, MediaType::load($this->testMediaType->id()), 'The new media type has not been correctly created in the database.'); // Test a media type created from default configuration. $this->container->get('module_installer')->install(['media_test_type']); $test_media_type = $media_type_storage->load('test'); $this->assertInstanceOf(MediaTypeInterface::class, $test_media_type, 'The media type from default configuration has not been created in the database.'); $this->assertSame('Test type', $test_media_type->get('label'), 'Could not assure the correct type name.'); $this->assertSame('Test type.', $test_media_type->get('description'), 'Could not assure the correct type description.'); $this->assertSame('test', $test_media_type->get('source'), 'Could not assure the correct media source.'); // Source field is not set on the media source, but it should never // be created automatically when a config is being imported. $this->assertSame(['source_field' => '', 'test_config_value' => 'Kakec'], $test_media_type->get('source_configuration'), 'Could not assure the correct media source configuration.'); $this->assertSame(['metadata_attribute' => 'field_attribute_config_test'], $test_media_type->get('field_map'), 'Could not assure the correct field map.'); // Check the Media Type access handler behavior. // We grant access to the 'view label' operation to all users having // permission to 'view media'. $user1 = User::create([ 'name' => 'username1', 'status' => 1, ]); $user1->save(); $user2 = User::create([ 'name' => 'username2', 'status' => 1, ]); $user2->save(); $role = Role::create([ 'id' => 'role1', 'label' => 'role1', ]); $role->grantPermission('view media')->trustData()->save(); $user2->addRole($role->id()); $this->assertFalse($test_media_type->access('view label', $user1)); $this->assertTrue($test_media_type->access('view label', $user2)); } /** * Tests creating a media item programmatically. */ public function testMediaEntityCreation() { $media = Media::create([ 'bundle' => $this->testMediaType->id(), 'name' => 'Unnamed', 'field_media_test' => 'Nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs.', ]); $media->save(); $this->assertNotInstanceOf(MediaInterface::class, Media::load(rand(1000, 9999)), 'Failed asserting a non-existent media.'); $this->assertInstanceOf(MediaInterface::class, Media::load($media->id()), 'The new media item has not been created in the database.'); $this->assertSame($this->testMediaType->id(), $media->bundle(), 'The media item was not created with the correct type.'); $this->assertSame('Unnamed', $media->getName(), 'The media item was not created with the correct name.'); $source_field_name = $media->bundle->entity->getSource()->getSourceFieldDefinition($media->bundle->entity)->getName(); $this->assertSame('Nation of sheep, ruled by wolves, owned by pigs.', $media->get($source_field_name)->value, 'Source returns incorrect source field value.'); } }