state = $state; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, MigrationInterface $migration = NULL) { return new static( $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $migration, $container->get('state') ); } /** * Prints the query string when the object is used as a string. * * @return string * The query string. */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->query(); } /** * Gets the database connection object. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection * The database connection. */ public function getDatabase() { if (!isset($this->database)) { // Look first for an explicit state key containing the configuration. if (isset($this->configuration['database_state_key'])) { $this->database = $this->setUpDatabase($this->state->get($this->configuration['database_state_key'])); } // Next, use explicit configuration in the source plugin. elseif (isset($this->configuration['key'])) { $this->database = $this->setUpDatabase($this->configuration); } // Next, try falling back to the global state key. elseif (($fallback_state_key = $this->state->get('migrate.fallback_state_key'))) { $this->database = $this->setUpDatabase($this->state->get($fallback_state_key)); } // If all else fails, let setUpDatabase() fallback to the 'migrate' key. else { $this->database = $this->setUpDatabase([]); } } return $this->database; } /** * Gets a connection to the referenced database. * * This method will add the database connection if necessary. * * @param array $database_info * Configuration for the source database connection. The keys are: * 'key' - The database connection key. * 'target' - The database connection target. * 'database' - Database configuration array as accepted by * Database::addConnectionInfo. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection * The connection to use for this plugin's queries. * * @throws \Drupal\migrate\Exception\RequirementsException * Thrown if no source database connection is configured. */ protected function setUpDatabase(array $database_info) { if (isset($database_info['key'])) { $key = $database_info['key']; } else { // If there is no explicit database configuration at all, fall back to a // connection named 'migrate'. $key = 'migrate'; } if (isset($database_info['target'])) { $target = $database_info['target']; } else { $target = 'default'; } if (isset($database_info['database'])) { Database::addConnectionInfo($key, $target, $database_info['database']); } try { $connection = Database::getConnection($target, $key); } catch (ConnectionNotDefinedException $e) { // If we fell back to the magic 'migrate' connection and it doesn't exist, // treat the lack of the connection as a RequirementsException. if ($key == 'migrate') { throw new RequirementsException("No database connection configured for source plugin " . $this->pluginId, [], 0, $e); } else { throw $e; } } return $connection; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function checkRequirements() { if ($this->pluginDefinition['requirements_met'] === TRUE) { $this->getDatabase(); } } /** * Wrapper for database select. */ protected function select($table, $alias = NULL, array $options = []) { $options['fetch'] = \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; return $this->getDatabase()->select($table, $alias, $options); } /** * Adds tags and metadata to the query. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface * The query with additional tags and metadata. */ protected function prepareQuery() { $this->query = clone $this->query(); $this->query->addTag('migrate'); $this->query->addTag('migrate_' . $this->migration->id()); $this->query->addMetaData('migration', $this->migration); return $this->query; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function initializeIterator() { // Initialize the batch size. if ($this->batchSize == 0 && isset($this->configuration['batch_size'])) { // Valid batch sizes are integers >= 0. if (is_int($this->configuration['batch_size']) && ($this->configuration['batch_size']) >= 0) { $this->batchSize = $this->configuration['batch_size']; } else { throw new MigrateException("batch_size must be greater than or equal to zero"); } } // If a batch has run the query is already setup. if ($this->batch == 0) { $this->prepareQuery(); // Get the key values, for potential use in joining to the map table. $keys = []; // The rules for determining what conditions to add to the query are as // follows (applying first applicable rule): // 1. If the map is joinable, join it. We will want to accept all rows // which are either not in the map, or marked in the map as NEEDS_UPDATE. // Note that if high water fields are in play, we want to accept all rows // above the high water mark in addition to those selected by the map // conditions, so we need to OR them together (but AND with any existing // conditions in the query). So, ultimately the SQL condition will look // like (original conditions) AND (map IS NULL OR map needs update // OR above high water). $conditions = $this->query->orConditionGroup(); $condition_added = FALSE; $added_fields = []; if (empty($this->configuration['ignore_map']) && $this->mapJoinable()) { // Build the join to the map table. Because the source key could have // multiple fields, we need to build things up. $count = 1; $map_join = ''; $delimiter = ''; foreach ($this->getIds() as $field_name => $field_schema) { if (isset($field_schema['alias'])) { $field_name = $field_schema['alias'] . '.' . $this->query->escapeField($field_name); } $map_join .= "$delimiter$field_name = map.sourceid" . $count++; $delimiter = ' AND '; } $alias = $this->query->leftJoin($this->migration->getIdMap() ->getQualifiedMapTableName(), 'map', $map_join); $conditions->isNull($alias . '.sourceid1'); $conditions->condition($alias . '.source_row_status', MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE); $condition_added = TRUE; // And as long as we have the map table, add its data to the row. $n = count($this->getIds()); for ($count = 1; $count <= $n; $count++) { $map_key = 'sourceid' . $count; $this->query->addField($alias, $map_key, "migrate_map_$map_key"); $added_fields[] = "$alias.$map_key"; } if ($n = count($this->migration->getDestinationIds())) { for ($count = 1; $count <= $n; $count++) { $map_key = 'destid' . $count++; $this->query->addField($alias, $map_key, "migrate_map_$map_key"); $added_fields[] = "$alias.$map_key"; } } $this->query->addField($alias, 'source_row_status', 'migrate_map_source_row_status'); $added_fields[] = "$alias.source_row_status"; } // 2. If we are using high water marks, also include rows above the mark. // But, include all rows if the high water mark is not set. if ($this->getHighWaterProperty()) { $high_water_field = $this->getHighWaterField(); $high_water = $this->getHighWater(); if ($high_water) { $conditions->condition($high_water_field, $high_water, '>'); $condition_added = TRUE; } // Always sort by the high water field, to ensure that the first run // (before we have a high water value) also has the results in a // consistent order. $this->query->orderBy($high_water_field); } if ($condition_added) { $this->query->condition($conditions); } // If the query has a group by, our added fields need it too, to keep the // query valid. // @see $group_by = $this->query->getGroupBy(); if ($group_by && $added_fields) { foreach ($added_fields as $added_field) { $this->query->groupBy($added_field); } } } // Download data in batches for performance. if (($this->batchSize > 0)) { $this->query->range($this->batch * $this->batchSize, $this->batchSize); } $statement = $this->query->execute(); $statement->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return new \IteratorIterator($statement); } /** * Position the iterator to the following row. */ protected function fetchNextRow() { $this->getIterator()->next(); // We might be out of data entirely, or just out of data in the current // batch. Attempt to fetch the next batch and see. if ($this->batchSize > 0 && !$this->getIterator()->valid()) { $this->fetchNextBatch(); } } /** * Prepares query for the next set of data from the source database. */ protected function fetchNextBatch() { $this->batch++; unset($this->iterator); $this->getIterator()->rewind(); } /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface */ abstract public function query(); /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function count($refresh = FALSE) { return (int) $this->query()->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); } /** * Checks if we can join against the map table. * * This function specifically catches issues when we're migrating with * unique sets of credentials for the source and destination database. * * @return bool * TRUE if we can join against the map table otherwise FALSE. */ protected function mapJoinable() { if (!$this->getIds()) { return FALSE; } // With batching, we want a later batch to return the same rows that would // have been returned at the same point within a monolithic query. If we // join to the map table, the first batch is writing to the map table and // thus affecting the results of subsequent batches. To be safe, we avoid // joining to the map table when batching. if ($this->batchSize > 0) { return FALSE; } $id_map = $this->migration->getIdMap(); if (!$id_map instanceof Sql) { return FALSE; } $id_map_database_options = $id_map->getDatabase()->getConnectionOptions(); $source_database_options = $this->getDatabase()->getConnectionOptions(); // Special handling for sqlite which deals with files. if ($id_map_database_options['driver'] === 'sqlite' && $source_database_options['driver'] === 'sqlite' && $id_map_database_options['database'] != $source_database_options['database'] ) { return FALSE; } // FALSE if driver is PostgreSQL and database doesn't match. if ($id_map_database_options['driver'] === 'pgsql' && $source_database_options['driver'] === 'pgsql' && $id_map_database_options['database'] != $source_database_options['database'] ) { return FALSE; } foreach (['username', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'namespace', 'driver'] as $key) { if (isset($source_database_options[$key])) { if ($id_map_database_options[$key] != $source_database_options[$key]) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } }