'test', ]; /** * The php.ini memory_limit value. * * @var int */ protected $memoryLimit = 10000000; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->migration = $this->getMigration(); $this->message = $this->getMock('Drupal\migrate\MigrateMessageInterface'); $this->executable = new TestMigrateExecutable($this->migration, $this->message); $this->executable->setStringTranslation($this->getStringTranslationStub()); } /** * Runs the actual test. * * @param string $message * The second message to assert. * @param bool $memory_exceeded * Whether to test the memory exceeded case. * @param int|null $memory_usage_first * (optional) The first memory usage value. Defaults to NULL. * @param int|null $memory_usage_second * (optional) The fake amount of memory usage reported after memory reclaim. * Defaults to NULL. * @param int|null $memory_limit * (optional) The memory limit. Defaults to NULL. */ protected function runMemoryExceededTest($message, $memory_exceeded, $memory_usage_first = NULL, $memory_usage_second = NULL, $memory_limit = NULL) { $this->executable->setMemoryLimit($memory_limit ?: $this->memoryLimit); $this->executable->setMemoryUsage($memory_usage_first ?: $this->memoryLimit, $memory_usage_second ?: $this->memoryLimit); $this->executable->setMemoryThreshold(0.85); if ($message) { $this->executable->message->expects($this->at(0)) ->method('display') ->with($this->stringContains('reclaiming memory')); $this->executable->message->expects($this->at(1)) ->method('display') ->with($this->stringContains($message)); } else { $this->executable->message->expects($this->never()) ->method($this->anything()); } $result = $this->executable->memoryExceeded(); $this->assertEquals($memory_exceeded, $result); } /** * Tests memoryExceeded method when a new batch is needed. */ public function testMemoryExceededNewBatch() { // First case try reset and then start new batch. $this->runMemoryExceededTest('starting new batch', TRUE); } /** * Tests memoryExceeded method when enough is cleared. */ public function testMemoryExceededClearedEnough() { $this->runMemoryExceededTest('reclaimed enough', FALSE, $this->memoryLimit, $this->memoryLimit * 0.75); } /** * Tests memoryExceeded when memory usage is not exceeded. */ public function testMemoryNotExceeded() { $this->runMemoryExceededTest('', FALSE, floor($this->memoryLimit * 0.85) - 1); } }