nodeStorage = $this->container->get('entity.manager') ->getStorage('node'); } /** * Tests the frontpage. */ public function testFrontPage() { $site_name = $this->randomMachineName(); $this->config('') ->set('name', $site_name) ->save(); $view = Views::getView('frontpage'); // Tests \Drupal\node\Plugin\views\row\RssPluginBase::calculateDependencies(). $expected = [ 'config' => [ 'core.entity_view_mode.node.rss', 'core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser', ], 'module' => [ 'node', 'user', ], ]; $this->assertIdentical($expected, $view->getDependencies()); $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $this->executeView($view); $view->preview(); $this->assertEqual($view->getTitle(), format_string('Welcome to @site_name', ['@site_name' => $site_name]), 'The welcome title is used for the empty view.'); $view->destroy(); // Create some nodes on the frontpage view. Add more than 10 nodes in order // to enable paging. $expected = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $values = []; $values['type'] = 'article'; $values['title'] = $this->randomMachineName(); $values['promote'] = TRUE; $values['status'] = TRUE; // Test descending sort order. $values['created'] = REQUEST_TIME - $i; // Test the sticky order. if ($i == 5) { $values['sticky'] = TRUE; $node = $this->nodeStorage->create($values); $node->save(); // Put the sticky on at the front. array_unshift($expected, ['nid' => $node->id()]); } else { $values['sticky'] = FALSE; $node = $this->nodeStorage->create($values); $node->save(); array_push($expected, ['nid' => $node->id()]); } } // Create some nodes which aren't on the frontpage, either because they // aren't promoted or because they aren't published. $not_expected_nids = []; $values = []; $values['type'] = 'article'; $values['title'] = $this->randomMachineName(); $values['status'] = TRUE; $values['promote'] = FALSE; $node = $this->nodeStorage->create($values); $node->save(); $not_expected_nids[] = $node->id(); $values['promote'] = TRUE; $values['status'] = FALSE; $values['title'] = $this->randomMachineName(); $node = $this->nodeStorage->create($values); $node->save(); $not_expected_nids[] = $node->id(); $values['promote'] = TRUE; $values['sticky'] = TRUE; $values['status'] = FALSE; $values['title'] = $this->randomMachineName(); $node = $this->nodeStorage->create($values); $node->save(); $not_expected_nids[] = $node->id(); $column_map = ['nid' => 'nid']; $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertIdenticalResultset($view, array_slice($expected, 0, 10), $column_map, 'Ensure that the right nodes are displayed on the frontpage.'); $this->assertNotInResultSet($view, $not_expected_nids, 'Ensure no unexpected node is in the result.'); $view->destroy(); $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $view->setCurrentPage(1); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertIdenticalResultset($view, array_slice($expected, 10, 10), $column_map, 'Ensure that the right nodes are displayed on second page of the frontpage.'); $this->assertNotInResultSet($view, $not_expected_nids, 'Ensure no unexpected node is in the result.'); $view->destroy(); } /** * Verifies that an amount of nids aren't in the result. * * @param \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view * An executed View. * @param array $not_expected_nids * An array of nids which should not be part of the resultset. * @param string $message * (optional) A custom message to display with the assertion. */ protected function assertNotInResultSet(ViewExecutable $view, array $not_expected_nids, $message = '') { $found_nids = array_filter($view->result, function ($row) use ($not_expected_nids) { return in_array($row->nid, $not_expected_nids); }); $this->assertFalse($found_nids, $message); } /** * Tests the frontpage when logged in as admin. */ public function testAdminFrontPage() { // When a user with sufficient permissions is logged in, views_ui adds // contextual links to the homepage view. This verifies there are no errors. \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['views_ui']); // Log in root user with sufficient permissions. $this->drupalLogin($this->rootUser); // Test frontpage view. $this->drupalGet('node'); $this->assertResponse(200); // Check that the frontpage view was rendered. $this->assertPattern('/class=".+view-frontpage/', 'Frontpage view was rendered'); } /** * Tests the cache tags when using the "none" cache plugin. */ public function testCacheTagsWithCachePluginNone() { $this->enablePageCaching(); $this->doTestFrontPageViewCacheTags(FALSE); } /** * Tests the cache tags when using the "tag" cache plugin. */ public function testCacheTagsWithCachePluginTag() { $this->enablePageCaching(); $view = Views::getView('frontpage'); $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $view->display_handler->overrideOption('cache', [ 'type' => 'tag', ]); $view->save(); $this->doTestFrontPageViewCacheTags(TRUE); } /** * Tests the cache tags when using the "time" cache plugin. */ public function testCacheTagsWithCachePluginTime() { $this->enablePageCaching(); $view = Views::getView('frontpage'); $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $view->display_handler->overrideOption('cache', [ 'type' => 'time', 'options' => [ 'results_lifespan' => 3600, 'output_lifespan' => 3600, ], ]); $view->save(); $this->doTestFrontPageViewCacheTags(TRUE); } /** * Tests the cache tags on the front page. * * @param bool $do_assert_views_caches * Whether to check Views' result & output caches. */ protected function doTestFrontPageViewCacheTags($do_assert_views_caches) { $view = Views::getView('frontpage'); $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $cache_contexts = [ // Cache contexts associated with the view. 'user.node_grants:view', 'languages:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE, // Cache contexts associated with the route's access checking. 'user.permissions', // Default cache contexts of the renderer. 'theme', 'url.query_args', // Attached feed. '', ]; $cache_context_tags = \Drupal::service('cache_contexts_manager')->convertTokensToKeys($cache_contexts)->getCacheTags(); // Test before there are any nodes. $empty_node_listing_cache_tags = [ 'config:views.view.frontpage', 'node_list', ]; $render_cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($empty_node_listing_cache_tags, $cache_context_tags); $render_cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($render_cache_tags, ['']); $this->assertViewsCacheTags( $view, $empty_node_listing_cache_tags, $do_assert_views_caches, $render_cache_tags ); $expected_tags = Cache::mergeTags($empty_node_listing_cache_tags, $cache_context_tags); $expected_tags = Cache::mergeTags($expected_tags, ['http_response', 'rendered', 'config:user.role.anonymous', '']); $this->assertPageCacheContextsAndTags( Url::fromRoute('view.frontpage.page_1'), $cache_contexts, $expected_tags ); // Create some nodes on the frontpage view. Add more than 10 nodes in order // to enable paging. $this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => 'article']); for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) { $node = Node::create([ 'body' => [ [ 'value' => $this->randomMachineName(32), 'format' => filter_default_format(), ] ], 'type' => 'article', 'created' => $i, 'title' => $this->randomMachineName(8), 'nid' => $i + 1, ]); $node->enforceIsNew(TRUE); $node->save(); } $cache_contexts = Cache::mergeContexts($cache_contexts, [ 'timezone', ]); $this->pass('First page'); // First page. $first_page_result_cache_tags = [ 'config:views.view.frontpage', 'node_list', 'node:6', 'node:7', 'node:8', 'node:9', 'node:10', 'node:11', 'node:12', 'node:13', 'node:14', 'node:15', ]; $cache_context_tags = \Drupal::service('cache_contexts_manager')->convertTokensToKeys($cache_contexts)->getCacheTags(); $first_page_output_cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($first_page_result_cache_tags, $cache_context_tags); $first_page_output_cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($first_page_output_cache_tags, [ 'config:filter.format.plain_text', 'node_view', 'user_view', 'user:0', ] ); $view->setDisplay('page_1'); $view->setCurrentPage(0); $this->assertViewsCacheTags( $view, $first_page_result_cache_tags, $do_assert_views_caches, $first_page_output_cache_tags ); $this->assertPageCacheContextsAndTags( Url::fromRoute('view.frontpage.page_1'), $cache_contexts, Cache::mergeTags($first_page_output_cache_tags, ['http_response', 'rendered', 'config:user.role.anonymous']) ); // Second page. $this->pass('Second page'); $this->assertPageCacheContextsAndTags(Url::fromRoute('view.frontpage.page_1', [], ['query' => ['page' => 1]]), $cache_contexts, [ // The cache tags for the listed nodes. 'node:1', 'node:2', 'node:3', 'node:4', 'node:5', // The rest. 'config:filter.format.plain_text', 'config:views.view.frontpage', 'node_list', 'node_view', 'user_view', 'user:0', 'http_response', 'rendered', // FinishResponseSubscriber adds this cache tag to responses that have the // 'user.permissions' cache context for anonymous users. 'config:user.role.anonymous', ]); // Let's update a node title on the first page and ensure that the page // cache entry invalidates. $node = Node::load(10); $title = $node->getTitle() . 'a'; $node->setTitle($title); $node->save(); $this->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('view.frontpage.page_1')); $this->assertText($title); } }