save(); $this->rebuildContainer(); // Created a content type. $this->drupalCreateContentType([ 'name' => 'moderated', 'type' => 'moderated', ]); // Set the content type as moderated. $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'moderated'); $workflow->save(); $this->drupalLogin($this->rootUser); // Enable URL language detection and selection. $edit = ['language_interface[enabled][language-url]' => 1]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/detection', $edit, 'Save settings'); // Enable translation for moderated node. $edit = [ 'entity_types[node]' => 1, 'settings[node][moderated][translatable]' => 1, 'settings[node][moderated][fields][path]' => 1, 'settings[node][moderated][fields][body]' => 1, 'settings[node][moderated][settings][language][language_alterable]' => 1, ]; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/content-language', $edit, 'Save configuration'); \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->clearCachedDefinitions(); } /** * Tests node path aliases on a moderated content type. */ public function testNodePathAlias() { // Create some moderated content with a path alias. $this->drupalGet('node/add/moderated'); $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('path[0][alias]', ''); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [ 'title[0][value]' => 'moderated content', 'path[0][alias]' => '/moderated-content', 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'published', ], t('Save')); $node = $this->getNodeByTitle('moderated content'); // Add a pending revision with the same alias. $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit'); $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('path[0][alias]', '/moderated-content'); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [ 'title[0][value]' => 'pending revision', 'path[0][alias]' => '/moderated-content', 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', ], t('Save')); $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); // Create some moderated content with no path alias. $this->drupalGet('node/add/moderated'); $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('path[0][alias]', ''); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [ 'title[0][value]' => 'moderated content 2', 'path[0][alias]' => '', 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'published', ], t('Save')); $node = $this->getNodeByTitle('moderated content 2'); // Add a pending revision with a new alias. $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit'); $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('path[0][alias]', ''); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [ 'title[0][value]' => 'pending revision', 'path[0][alias]' => '/pending-revision', 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', ], t('Save')); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); // Create some moderated content with no path alias. $this->drupalGet('node/add/moderated'); $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('path[0][alias]', ''); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [ 'title[0][value]' => 'moderated content 3', 'path[0][alias]' => '', 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'published', ], t('Save')); $node = $this->getNodeByTitle('moderated content 3'); // Add a pending revision with no path alias. $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit'); $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('path[0][alias]', ''); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [ 'title[0][value]' => 'pending revision', 'path[0][alias]' => '', 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', ], t('Save')); $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); } /** * Tests that translated and moderated node can get new draft revision. */ public function testTranslatedModeratedNodeAlias() { // Create one node with a random alias. $default_node = $this->drupalCreateNode([ 'type' => 'moderated', 'langcode' => 'en', 'moderation_state' => 'published', 'path' => '/' . $this->randomMachineName(), ]); // Add published translation with another alias. $this->drupalGet('node/' . $default_node->id()); $this->drupalGet('node/' . $default_node->id() . '/translations'); $this->clickLink('Add'); $edit_translation = [ 'body[0][value]' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'published', 'path[0][alias]' => '/' . $this->randomMachineName(), ]; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit_translation, 'Save (this translation)'); // Confirm that the alias works. $this->drupalGet('fr' . $edit_translation['path[0][alias]']); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains($edit_translation['body[0][value]']); $default_path = $default_node->path->alias; $translation_path = 'fr' . $edit_translation['path[0][alias]']; $this->assertPathsAreAccessible([$default_path, $translation_path]); // Try to create new draft revision for translation with a new path alias. $edit_new_translation_draft_with_alias = [ 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', 'path[0][alias]' => '/' . $this->randomMachineName(), ]; $this->drupalPostForm('fr/node/' . $default_node->id() . '/edit', $edit_new_translation_draft_with_alias, 'Save (this translation)'); // Confirm the expected error. $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); // Create new draft revision for translation without changing path alias. $edit_new_translation_draft = [ 'body[0][value]' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('fr/node/' . $default_node->id() . '/edit', $edit_new_translation_draft, t('Save (this translation)')); // Confirm that the new draft revision was created. $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains($edit_new_translation_draft['body[0][value]']); $this->assertPathsAreAccessible([$default_path, $translation_path]); // Try to create a new draft revision for translation with path alias from // the original language's default revision. $edit_new_translation_draft_with_defaults_alias = [ 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', 'path[0][alias]' => $default_node->path->alias, ]; $this->drupalPostForm('fr/node/' . $default_node->id() . '/edit', $edit_new_translation_draft_with_defaults_alias, 'Save (this translation)'); // Verify the expected error. $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); // Try to create new draft revision for translation with deleted (empty) // path alias. $edit_new_translation_draft_empty_alias = [ 'body[0][value]' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'draft', 'path[0][alias]' => '', ]; $this->drupalPostForm('fr/node/' . $default_node->id() . '/edit', $edit_new_translation_draft_empty_alias, 'Save (this translation)'); // Confirm the expected error. $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); // Create new default (published) revision for translation with new path // alias. $edit_new_translation = [ 'body[0][value]' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'moderation_state[0][state]' => 'published', 'path[0][alias]' => '/' . $this->randomMachineName(), ]; $this->drupalPostForm('fr/node/' . $default_node->id() . '/edit', $edit_new_translation, 'Save (this translation)'); // Confirm that the new published revision was created. $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains('You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.'); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains($edit_new_translation['body[0][value]']); $this->assertSession()->addressEquals('fr' . $edit_new_translation['path[0][alias]']); $this->assertPathsAreAccessible([$default_path]); } /** * Helper callback to verify paths are responding with status 200. * * @param string[] $paths * An array of paths to check for. */ public function assertPathsAreAccessible(array $paths) { foreach ($paths as $path) { $this->drupalGet($path); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); } } }