createTestField(); // Add the mapping. $mapping = rdf_get_mapping('entity_test', 'entity_test'); $mapping->setFieldMapping($this->fieldName, [ 'properties' => ['schema:link'], ])->save(); } /** * Tests all formatters with link to external page. */ public function testAllFormattersExternal() { // Set up test values. $this->testValue = ''; $this->entity = EntityTest::create([]); $this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = $this->testValue; // Set up the expected result. $expected_rdf = [ 'value' => $this->testValue, 'type' => 'uri', ]; $this->runTestAllFormatters($expected_rdf, 'external'); } /** * Tests all formatters with link to internal page. */ public function testAllFormattersInternal() { // Set up test values. $this->testValue = 'admin'; $this->entity = EntityTest::create([]); $this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = 'internal:/admin'; // Set up the expected result. // AssertFormatterRdfa looks for a full path. $expected_rdf = [ 'value' => $this->uri . '/' . $this->testValue, 'type' => 'uri', ]; $this->runTestAllFormatters($expected_rdf, 'internal'); } /** * Tests all formatters with link to frontpage. */ public function testAllFormattersFront() { // Set up test values. $this->testValue = '/'; $this->entity = EntityTest::create([]); $this->entity->{$this->fieldName}->uri = 'internal:/'; // Set up the expected result. $expected_rdf = [ 'value' => $this->uri . '/', 'type' => 'uri', ]; $this->runTestAllFormatters($expected_rdf, 'front'); } /** * Helper function to test all link formatters. */ public function runTestAllFormatters($expected_rdf, $type = NULL) { // Test the link formatter: trim at 80, no other settings. $formatter = [ 'type' => 'link', 'settings' => [ 'trim_length' => 80, 'url_only' => FALSE, 'url_plain' => FALSE, 'rel' => '', 'target' => '', ], ]; $this->assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, '', $expected_rdf); // Test the link formatter: trim at 40, nofollow, new window. $formatter = [ 'type' => 'link', 'settings' => [ 'trim_length' => 40, 'url_only' => FALSE, 'url_plain' => FALSE, 'rel' => 'nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', ], ]; $this->assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, '', $expected_rdf); // Test the link formatter: trim at 40, URL only (not plaintext) nofollow, // new window. $formatter = [ 'type' => 'link', 'settings' => [ 'trim_length' => 40, 'url_only' => TRUE, 'url_plain' => FALSE, 'rel' => 'nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', ], ]; $this->assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, '', $expected_rdf); // Test the link_separate formatter: trim at 40, nofollow, new window. $formatter = [ 'type' => 'link_separate', 'settings' => [ 'trim_length' => 40, 'rel' => 'nofollow', 'target' => '_blank', ], ]; $this->assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, '', $expected_rdf); // Change the expected value here to literal. When formatted as plaintext // then the RDF is expecting a 'literal' not a 'uri'. $expected_rdf = [ 'value' => $this->testValue, 'type' => 'literal', ]; // Test the link formatter: trim at 20, url only (as plaintext.) $formatter = [ 'type' => 'link', 'settings' => [ 'trim_length' => 20, 'url_only' => TRUE, 'url_plain' => TRUE, 'rel' => '0', 'target' => '0', ], ]; $this->assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, '', $expected_rdf); // Test the link formatter: do not trim, url only (as plaintext.) $formatter = [ 'type' => 'link', 'settings' => [ 'trim_length' => 0, 'url_only' => TRUE, 'url_plain' => TRUE, 'rel' => '0', 'target' => '0', ], ]; $this->assertFormatterRdfa($formatter, '', $expected_rdf); } }