drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['administer views'])); } /** * Checks that correct authentication providers are available for choosing. * * @link https://www.drupal.org/node/2825204 */ public function testAuthProvidersOptions() { $view_id = 'test_view_rest_export'; $view_label = 'Test view (REST export)'; $view_display = 'rest_export_1'; $view_rest_path = 'test-view/rest-export'; // Create new view. $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/views/add', [ 'id' => $view_id, 'label' => $view_label, 'show[wizard_key]' => 'users', 'rest_export[path]' => $view_rest_path, 'rest_export[create]' => TRUE, ], t('Save and edit')); $this->drupalGet("admin/structure/views/nojs/display/$view_id/$view_display/auth"); // The "basic_auth" will always be available since module, // providing it, has the same name. $this->assertField('edit-auth-basic-auth', 'Basic auth is available for choosing.'); // The "cookie" authentication provider defined by "user" module. $this->assertField('edit-auth-cookie', 'Cookie-based auth can be chosen.'); // Wrong behavior in "getAuthOptions()" method makes this option available // instead of "cookie". // @see \Drupal\rest\Plugin\views\display\RestExport::getAuthOptions() $this->assertNoField('edit-auth-user', 'Wrong authentication option is unavailable.'); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, ['auth[basic_auth]' => 1, 'auth[cookie]' => 1], 'Apply'); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save'); $view = View::load($view_id); $this->assertEquals(['basic_auth', 'cookie'], $view->getDisplay('rest_export_1')['display_options']['auth']); } }