nodeSearch = SearchPage::load('node_search'); // Log in with sufficient privileges. $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['post comments', 'skip comment approval', 'create page content', 'administer search'])); } public function testRankings() { // Add a comment field. $this->addDefaultCommentField('node', 'page'); // Build a list of the rankings to test. $node_ranks = ['sticky', 'promote', 'relevance', 'recent', 'comments', 'views']; // Create nodes for testing. $nodes = []; foreach ($node_ranks as $node_rank) { $settings = [ 'type' => 'page', 'comment' => [ ['status' => CommentItemInterface::HIDDEN], ], 'title' => 'Drupal rocks', 'body' => [['value' => "Drupal's search rocks"]], // Node is one day old. 'created' => REQUEST_TIME - 24 * 3600, 'sticky' => 0, 'promote' => 0, ]; foreach ([0, 1] as $num) { if ($num == 1) { switch ($node_rank) { case 'sticky': case 'promote': $settings[$node_rank] = 1; break; case 'relevance': $settings['body'][0]['value'] .= " really rocks"; break; case 'recent': // Node is 1 hour hold. $settings['created'] = REQUEST_TIME - 3600; break; case 'comments': $settings['comment'][0]['status'] = CommentItemInterface::OPEN; break; } } $nodes[$node_rank][$num] = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings); } } // Add a comment to one of the nodes. $edit = []; $edit['subject[0][value]'] = 'my comment title'; $edit['comment_body[0][value]'] = 'some random comment'; $this->drupalGet('comment/reply/node/' . $nodes['comments'][1]->id() . '/comment'); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Preview')); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); // Enable counting of statistics. $this->config('statistics.settings')->set('count_content_views', 1)->save(); // Simulating content views is kind of difficult in the test. Leave that // to the Statistics module. So instead go ahead and manually update the // counter for this node. $nid = $nodes['views'][1]->id(); db_insert('node_counter') ->fields(['totalcount' => 5, 'daycount' => 5, 'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME, 'nid' => $nid]) ->execute(); // Run cron to update the search index and comment/statistics totals. $this->cronRun(); // Test that the settings form displays the content ranking section. $this->drupalGet('admin/config/search/pages/manage/node_search'); $this->assertText(t('Content ranking')); // Check that all rankings are visible and set to 0. foreach ($node_ranks as $node_rank) { $this->assertTrue($this->xpath('//select[@id="edit-rankings-' . $node_rank . '-value"]//option[@value="0"]'), 'Select list to prioritize ' . $node_rank . ' for node ranks is visible and set to 0.'); } // Test each of the possible rankings. $edit = []; foreach ($node_ranks as $node_rank) { // Enable the ranking we are testing. $edit['rankings[' . $node_rank . '][value]'] = 10; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/pages/manage/node_search', $edit, t('Save search page')); $this->drupalGet('admin/config/search/pages/manage/node_search'); $this->assertTrue($this->xpath('//select[@id="edit-rankings-' . $node_rank . '-value"]//option[@value="10"]'), 'Select list to prioritize ' . $node_rank . ' for node ranks is visible and set to 10.'); // Reload the plugin to get the up-to-date values. $this->nodeSearch = SearchPage::load('node_search'); // Do the search and assert the results. $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setSearch('rocks', [], []); $set = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->execute(); $this->assertEqual($set[0]['node']->id(), $nodes[$node_rank][1]->id(), 'Search ranking "' . $node_rank . '" order.'); // Clear this ranking for the next test. $edit['rankings[' . $node_rank . '][value]'] = 0; } // Save the final node_rank change then check that all rankings are visible // and have been set back to 0. $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/pages/manage/node_search', $edit, t('Save search page')); $this->drupalGet('admin/config/search/pages/manage/node_search'); foreach ($node_ranks as $node_rank) { $this->assertTrue($this->xpath('//select[@id="edit-rankings-' . $node_rank . '-value"]//option[@value="0"]'), 'Select list to prioritize ' . $node_rank . ' for node ranks is visible and set to 0.'); } // Try with sticky, then promoted. This is a test for issue // $node_ranks = [ 'sticky' => 10, 'promote' => 1, 'relevance' => 0, 'recent' => 0, 'comments' => 0, 'views' => 0, ]; $configuration = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->getConfiguration(); foreach ($node_ranks as $var => $value) { $configuration['rankings'][$var] = $value; } $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setConfiguration($configuration); $this->nodeSearch->save(); // Do the search and assert the results. The sticky node should show up // first, then the promoted node, then all the rest. $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setSearch('rocks', [], []); $set = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->execute(); $this->assertEqual($set[0]['node']->id(), $nodes['sticky'][1]->id(), 'Search ranking for sticky first worked.'); $this->assertEqual($set[1]['node']->id(), $nodes['promote'][1]->id(), 'Search ranking for promoted second worked.'); // Try with recent, then comments. This is a test for issues // and // $node_ranks = [ 'sticky' => 0, 'promote' => 0, 'relevance' => 0, 'recent' => 10, 'comments' => 1, 'views' => 0, ]; $configuration = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->getConfiguration(); foreach ($node_ranks as $var => $value) { $configuration['rankings'][$var] = $value; } $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setConfiguration($configuration); $this->nodeSearch->save(); // Do the search and assert the results. The recent node should show up // first, then the commented node, then all the rest. $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setSearch('rocks', [], []); $set = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->execute(); $this->assertEqual($set[0]['node']->id(), $nodes['recent'][1]->id(), 'Search ranking for recent first worked.'); $this->assertEqual($set[1]['node']->id(), $nodes['comments'][1]->id(), 'Search ranking for comments second worked.'); } /** * Test rankings of HTML tags. */ public function testHTMLRankings() { $full_html_format = FilterFormat::create([ 'format' => 'full_html', 'name' => 'Full HTML', ]); $full_html_format->save(); // Test HTML tags with different weights. $sorted_tags = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'a', 'h5', 'h6', 'notag']; $shuffled_tags = $sorted_tags; // Shuffle tags to ensure HTML tags are ranked properly. shuffle($shuffled_tags); $settings = [ 'type' => 'page', 'title' => 'Simple node', ]; $nodes = []; foreach ($shuffled_tags as $tag) { switch ($tag) { case 'a': $settings['body'] = [['value' => \Drupal::l('Drupal Rocks', new Url('')), 'format' => 'full_html']]; break; case 'notag': $settings['body'] = [['value' => 'Drupal Rocks']]; break; default: $settings['body'] = [['value' => "<$tag>Drupal Rocks", 'format' => 'full_html']]; break; } $nodes[$tag] = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings); } // Update the search index. $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->updateIndex(); search_update_totals(); $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setSearch('rocks', [], []); // Do the search and assert the results. $set = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->execute(); // Test the ranking of each tag. foreach ($sorted_tags as $tag_rank => $tag) { // Assert the results. if ($tag == 'notag') { $this->assertEqual($set[$tag_rank]['node']->id(), $nodes[$tag]->id(), 'Search tag ranking for plain text order.'); } else { $this->assertEqual($set[$tag_rank]['node']->id(), $nodes[$tag]->id(), 'Search tag ranking for "<' . $sorted_tags[$tag_rank] . '>" order.'); } } // Test tags with the same weight against the sorted tags. $unsorted_tags = ['u', 'b', 'i', 'strong', 'em']; foreach ($unsorted_tags as $tag) { $settings['body'] = [['value' => "<$tag>Drupal Rocks", 'format' => 'full_html']]; $node = $this->drupalCreateNode($settings); // Update the search index. $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->updateIndex(); search_update_totals(); $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->setSearch('rocks', [], []); // Do the search and assert the results. $set = $this->nodeSearch->getPlugin()->execute(); // Ranking should always be second to last. $set = array_slice($set, -2, 1); // Assert the results. $this->assertEqual($set[0]['node']->id(), $node->id(), 'Search tag ranking for "<' . $tag . '>" order.'); // Delete node so it doesn't show up in subsequent search results. $node->delete(); } } }