getForm('\Drupal\form_test\Form\FormTestCheckboxTypeJugglingForm', $default_value, $return_value); $form = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderRoot($form_array); if ($default_value === TRUE) { $checked = TRUE; } elseif ($return_value === '0') { $checked = ($default_value === '0'); } elseif ($return_value === '') { $checked = ($default_value === ''); } elseif ($return_value === 1 || $return_value === '1') { $checked = ($default_value === 1 || $default_value === '1'); } elseif ($return_value === 'foobar') { $checked = ($default_value === 'foobar'); } elseif ($return_value === '1foobar') { $checked = ($default_value === '1foobar'); } $checked_in_html = strpos($form, 'checked') !== FALSE; $message = format_string('#default_value is %default_value #return_value is %return_value.', ['%default_value' => var_export($default_value, TRUE), '%return_value' => var_export($return_value, TRUE)]); $this->assertIdentical($checked, $checked_in_html, $message); } } // Ensure that $form_state->getValues() is populated correctly for a // checkboxes group that includes a 0-indexed array of options. $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/checkboxes-zero/1', [], 'Save'); $results = json_decode($this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent()); $this->assertIdentical($results->checkbox_off, [0, 0, 0], 'All three in checkbox_off are zeroes: off.'); $this->assertIdentical($results->checkbox_zero_default, ['0', 0, 0], 'The first choice is on in checkbox_zero_default'); $this->assertIdentical($results->checkbox_string_zero_default, ['0', 0, 0], 'The first choice is on in checkbox_string_zero_default'); // Due to Mink driver differences, we cannot submit an empty checkbox value // to drupalPostForm(), even if that empty value is the 'true' value for // the checkbox. $this->drupalGet('form-test/checkboxes-zero/1'); $this->assertSession()->fieldExists('checkbox_off[0]')->check(); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, 'Save'); $results = json_decode($this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent()); $this->assertIdentical($results->checkbox_off, ['0', 0, 0], 'The first choice is on in checkbox_off but the rest is not'); // Ensure that each checkbox is rendered correctly for a checkboxes group // that includes a 0-indexed array of options. $this->drupalPostForm('form-test/checkboxes-zero/0', [], 'Save'); $checkboxes = $this->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox"]'); $this->assertIdentical(count($checkboxes), 9, 'Correct number of checkboxes found.'); foreach ($checkboxes as $checkbox) { $checked = $checkbox->isChecked(); $name = $checkbox->getAttribute('name'); $this->assertIdentical($checked, $name == 'checkbox_zero_default[0]' || $name == 'checkbox_string_zero_default[0]', format_string('Checkbox %name correctly checked', ['%name' => $name])); } // Due to Mink driver differences, we cannot submit an empty checkbox value // to drupalPostForm(), even if that empty value is the 'true' value for // the checkbox. $this->drupalGet('form-test/checkboxes-zero/0'); $this->assertSession()->fieldExists('checkbox_off[0]')->check(); $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, NULL, 'Save'); $checkboxes = $this->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox"]'); $this->assertIdentical(count($checkboxes), 9, 'Correct number of checkboxes found.'); foreach ($checkboxes as $checkbox) { $checked = $checkbox->isChecked(); $name = (string) $checkbox->getAttribute('name'); $this->assertIdentical($checked, $name == 'checkbox_off[0]' || $name == 'checkbox_zero_default[0]' || $name == 'checkbox_string_zero_default[0]', format_string('Checkbox %name correctly checked', ['%name' => $name])); } } }