set('system_test.module_hidden', FALSE); } /** * Tests the module list form. */ public function testModuleListForm() { $this->drupalLogin( $this->drupalCreateUser( ['administer modules', 'administer permissions'] ) ); $this->drupalGet('admin/modules'); $this->assertResponse('200'); // Check that system_test's configure link was rendered correctly. $this->assertFieldByXPath("//a[contains(@href, '/system-test/configure/bar') and text()='Configure ']/span[contains(@class, 'visually-hidden') and text()='the System test module']"); // Check that system_test's permissions link was rendered correctly. $this->assertFieldByXPath("//a[contains(@href, '/admin/people/permissions#module-system_test') and @title='Configure permissions']"); // Check that system_test's help link was rendered correctly. $this->assertFieldByXPath("//a[contains(@href, '/admin/help/system_test') and @title='Help']"); // Ensure that the Testing module's machine name is printed. Testing module // is used because its machine name is different than its human readable // name. $this->assertText('simpletest'); } }