id: d6_user_picture_file label: User pictures migration_tags: - Drupal 6 source: plugin: d6_user_picture_file constants: is_public: true # source_base_path must be set by the tool configuring this migration. It # represents the fully qualified path relative to which URIs in the files # table are specified, and must end with a /. source_base_path: '' process: filename: filename uid: uid source_full_path: - plugin: concat delimiter: / source: - constants/source_base_path - picture - plugin: urlencode destination_full_path: plugin: file_uri source: - picture - file_directory_path - temp_directory_path - 'constants/is_public' uri: plugin: file_copy source: - '@source_full_path' - '@destination_full_path' destination: plugin: entity:file migration_dependencies: # Every migration that references a file by Drupal 6 fid should specify d6_file as an # optional dependency. optional: - d6_file