langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - node - user id: test_argument_validation label: '' module: views description: 'This view is used to test the argument validator schema.' tag: '' base_table: views_test_data base_field: '' core: '8' display: default: display_options: defaults: fields: false pager: false sorts: false arguments: false fields: age: field: age id: age relationship: none table: views_test_data id: field: id id: id relationship: none table: views_test_data name: field: name id: name relationship: none table: views_test_data pager: options: offset: 0 type: none sorts: id: field: id id: id order: ASC relationship: none table: views_test_data arguments: id: id: id table: views_test_data field: id relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' default_action: ignore exception: value: all title_enable: false title: All title_enable: false title: '' default_argument_type: fixed default_argument_options: argument: '' default_argument_skip_url: false summary_options: base_path: '' count: true items_per_page: 25 override: false summary: sort_order: asc number_of_records: 0 format: default_summary specify_validation: false validate: type: numeric fail: 'not found' validate_options: { } break_phrase: true not: false entity_type: node entity_field: nid plugin_id: numeric name: id: title table: views_test_data field: name relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' default_action: ignore exception: value: all title_enable: false title: All title_enable: false title: '' default_argument_type: fixed default_argument_options: argument: '' default_argument_skip_url: false summary_options: base_path: '' count: true items_per_page: 25 override: false summary: sort_order: asc number_of_records: 0 format: default_summary specify_validation: false validate: type: none fail: 'not found' validate_options: { } glossary: false limit: 0 case: none path_case: none transform_dash: false break_phrase: true entity_type: node entity_field: name plugin_id: string user: id: user table: node_field_data field: uid relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' default_action: ignore exception: value: all title_enable: false title: All title_enable: false title: '' default_argument_type: fixed default_argument_options: argument: '' default_argument_skip_url: false summary_options: base_path: '' count: true items_per_page: 25 override: false summary: sort_order: asc number_of_records: 0 format: default_summary specify_validation: false validate: type: 'entity:user' fail: 'access denied' validate_options: access: true operation: view multiple: 0 restrict_roles: true roles: authenticated: authenticated administrator: administrator glossary: false limit: 0 case: none path_case: none transform_dash: false break_phrase: true entity_type: node entity_field: name plugin_id: numeric nid: id: nid table: node_field_data field: nid relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' default_action: default exception: value: all title_enable: false title: All title_enable: false title: '' default_argument_type: node default_argument_options: { } default_argument_skip_url: false summary_options: base_path: '' count: true items_per_page: 25 override: false summary: sort_order: asc number_of_records: 0 format: default_summary specify_validation: false validate: type: 'entity:node' fail: 'not found' validate_options: bundles: article: article page: page access: true operation: view multiple: 0 break_phrase: false not: false entity_type: node entity_field: nid plugin_id: node_nid display_extenders: { } display_plugin: default display_title: Master id: default position: 0 cache_metadata: max-age: -1 contexts: - 'languages:language_interface' - url tags: { }