langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } id: test_page_display_menu label: 'Test page menu' module: views description: '' tag: '' base_table: views_test_data base_field: id core: '8' display: default: display_options: defaults: fields: false pager: false sorts: false fields: id: id: id table: views_test_data field: id plugin_id: numeric display_plugin: default display_title: Master id: default position: 0 page_1: display_options: path: test_page_display_menu/default title: 'Test default page' menu: type: 'default tab' title: 'Test default tab' description: '' menu_name: tools weight: -10 context: '0' tab_options: type: normal title: 'Test parent path' description: '' menu_name: tools weight: 0 defaults: title: false display_plugin: page display_title: Page id: page_1 position: 0 page_2: display_options: path: test_page_display_menu/local title: 'Test local page' menu: type: tab title: 'Test local tab' description: '' menu_name: tools weight: 0 context: '0' defaults: title: false display_plugin: page display_title: Page id: page_2 position: 0 page_3: display_options: path: test_page_display_menu_link title: 'Test menu link' menu: type: normal title: 'Test menu link' description: '' menu_name: tools weight: 0 context: '0' defaults: title: false display_plugin: page display_title: Page id: page_3 position: 0 page_4: display_options: path: test_page_display_menu/child title: 'Test page as child' menu: type: normal title: 'Test child (with parent)' parent: system.admin description: 'Sample description.' menu_name: admin weight: 0 context: '0' expanded: true defaults: title: false display_plugin: page display_title: Page id: page_4 position: 0 page_5: display_options: path: test-path title: 'Tests a menu with a non-existing parent' menu: type: normal title: 'Test child with non-existing parent' parent: llamasarelame description: '' menu_name: admin weight: 0 context: '0' defaults: title: false display_plugin: page display_title: Page id: page_5 position: 0