cacheContextsManager = $this->getMockBuilder('Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $this->cacheContextsManager->method('assertValidTokens')->willReturn(TRUE); $container = new ContainerBuilder(); $container->set('cache_contexts_manager', $this->cacheContextsManager); \Drupal::setContainer($container); } protected function assertDefaultCacheability(AccessResult $access) { $this->assertSame([], $access->getCacheContexts()); $this->assertSame([], $access->getCacheTags()); $this->assertSame(Cache::PERMANENT, $access->getCacheMaxAge()); } /** * Tests the construction of an AccessResult object. * * @covers ::neutral */ public function testConstruction() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access) { $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); }; // Verify the object when using the constructor. $a = new AccessResultNeutral(); $verify($a); // Verify the object when using the ::create() convenience method. $b = AccessResult::neutral(); $verify($b); $this->assertEquals($a, $b); } /** * @covers ::allowed * @covers ::isAllowed * @covers ::isForbidden * @covers ::isNeutral */ public function testAccessAllowed() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access) { $this->assertTrue($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); }; // Verify the object when using the ::allowed() convenience static method. $b = AccessResult::allowed(); $verify($b); } /** * @covers ::forbidden * @covers ::isAllowed * @covers ::isForbidden * @covers ::isNeutral */ public function testAccessForbidden() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access) { $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); }; // Verify the object when using the ::forbidden() convenience static method. $b = AccessResult::forbidden(); $verify($b); } /** * @covers ::forbidden */ public function testAccessForbiddenReason() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access, $reason) { $this->assertInstanceOf(AccessResultReasonInterface::class, $access); $this->assertSame($reason, $access->getReason()); }; $b = AccessResult::forbidden(); $verify($b, NULL); $reason = $this->getRandomGenerator()->string(); $b = AccessResult::forbidden($reason); $verify($b, $reason); $b = AccessResult::forbiddenIf(TRUE, $reason); $verify($b, $reason); } /** * @covers ::allowedIf * @covers ::isAllowed * @covers ::isForbidden * @covers ::isNeutral */ public function testAccessConditionallyAllowed() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access, $allowed) { $this->assertSame($allowed, $access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertSame(!$allowed, $access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); }; $b1 = AccessResult::allowedIf(TRUE); $verify($b1, TRUE); $b2 = AccessResult::allowedIf(FALSE); $verify($b2, FALSE); } /** * @covers ::forbiddenIf * @covers ::isAllowed * @covers ::isForbidden * @covers ::isNeutral */ public function testAccessConditionallyForbidden() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access, $forbidden) { $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertSame($forbidden, $access->isForbidden()); $this->assertSame(!$forbidden, $access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); }; $b1 = AccessResult::forbiddenIf(TRUE); $verify($b1, TRUE); $b2 = AccessResult::forbiddenIf(FALSE); $verify($b2, FALSE); } /** * @covers ::andIf */ public function testAndIf() { $neutral = AccessResult::neutral('neutral message'); $allowed = AccessResult::allowed(); $forbidden = AccessResult::forbidden('forbidden message'); $unused_access_result_due_to_lazy_evaluation = $this->getMock('\Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface'); $unused_access_result_due_to_lazy_evaluation->expects($this->never()) ->method($this->anything()); // ALLOWED && ALLOWED === ALLOWED. $access = $allowed->andIf($allowed); $this->assertTrue($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // ALLOWED && NEUTRAL === NEUTRAL. $access = $allowed->andIf($neutral); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('neutral message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // ALLOWED && FORBIDDEN === FORBIDDEN. $access = $allowed->andIf($forbidden); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // NEUTRAL && ALLOW == NEUTRAL $access = $neutral->andIf($allowed); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('neutral message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // NEUTRAL && NEUTRAL === NEUTRAL. $access = $neutral->andIf($neutral); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('neutral message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // NEUTRAL && FORBIDDEN === FORBIDDEN. $access = $neutral->andIf($forbidden); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN && ALLOWED = FORBIDDEN $access = $forbidden->andif($allowed); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN && NEUTRAL = FORBIDDEN $access = $forbidden->andif($neutral); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN && FORBIDDEN = FORBIDDEN $access = $forbidden->andif($forbidden); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN && * === FORBIDDEN: lazy evaluation verification. $access = $forbidden->andIf($unused_access_result_due_to_lazy_evaluation); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); } /** * @covers ::orIf */ public function testOrIf() { $neutral = AccessResult::neutral('neutral message'); $allowed = AccessResult::allowed(); $forbidden = AccessResult::forbidden('forbidden message'); $unused_access_result_due_to_lazy_evaluation = $this->getMock('\Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface'); $unused_access_result_due_to_lazy_evaluation->expects($this->never()) ->method($this->anything()); // ALLOWED || ALLOWED === ALLOWED. $access = $allowed->orIf($allowed); $this->assertTrue($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // ALLOWED || NEUTRAL === ALLOWED. $access = $allowed->orIf($neutral); $this->assertTrue($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // ALLOWED || FORBIDDEN === FORBIDDEN. $access = $allowed->orIf($forbidden); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // NEUTRAL || NEUTRAL === NEUTRAL. $access = $neutral->orIf($neutral); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('neutral message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // NEUTRAL || ALLOWED === ALLOWED. $access = $neutral->orIf($allowed); $this->assertTrue($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // NEUTRAL || FORBIDDEN === FORBIDDEN. $access = $neutral->orIf($forbidden); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN || ALLOWED === FORBIDDEN. $access = $forbidden->orIf($allowed); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN || NEUTRAL === FORBIDDEN. $access = $forbidden->orIf($allowed); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN || FORBIDDEN === FORBIDDEN. $access = $forbidden->orIf($allowed); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); // FORBIDDEN || * === FORBIDDEN. $access = $forbidden->orIf($unused_access_result_due_to_lazy_evaluation); $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertTrue($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertFalse($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertEquals('forbidden message', $access->getReason()); $this->assertDefaultCacheability($access); } /** * @covers ::setCacheMaxAge * @covers ::getCacheMaxAge */ public function testCacheMaxAge() { $this->assertSame(Cache::PERMANENT, AccessResult::neutral()->getCacheMaxAge()); $this->assertSame(1337, AccessResult::neutral()->setCacheMaxAge(1337)->getCacheMaxAge()); } /** * @covers ::addCacheContexts * @covers ::resetCacheContexts * @covers ::getCacheContexts * @covers ::cachePerPermissions * @covers ::cachePerUser * @covers ::allowedIfHasPermission */ public function testCacheContexts() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access, array $contexts) { $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertSame(Cache::PERMANENT, $access->getCacheMaxAge()); $this->assertSame($contexts, $access->getCacheContexts()); $this->assertSame([], $access->getCacheTags()); }; $access = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheContexts(['foo']); $verify($access, ['foo']); // Verify resetting works. $access->resetCacheContexts(); $verify($access, []); // Verify idempotency. $access->addCacheContexts(['foo']) ->addCacheContexts(['foo']); $verify($access, ['foo']); // Verify same values in different call order yields the same result. $access->resetCacheContexts() ->addCacheContexts(['foo']) ->addCacheContexts(['bar']); $verify($access, ['bar', 'foo']); $access->resetCacheContexts() ->addCacheContexts(['bar']) ->addCacheContexts(['foo']); $verify($access, ['bar', 'foo']); // ::cachePerPermissions() convenience method. $contexts = ['user.permissions']; $a = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheContexts($contexts); $verify($a, $contexts); $b = AccessResult::neutral()->cachePerPermissions(); $verify($b, $contexts); $this->assertEquals($a, $b); // ::cachePerUser() convenience method. $contexts = ['user']; $a = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheContexts($contexts); $verify($a, $contexts); $b = AccessResult::neutral()->cachePerUser(); $verify($b, $contexts); $this->assertEquals($a, $b); // Both. $contexts = ['user', 'user.permissions']; $a = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheContexts($contexts); $verify($a, $contexts); $b = AccessResult::neutral()->cachePerPermissions()->cachePerUser(); $verify($b, $contexts); $c = AccessResult::neutral()->cachePerUser()->cachePerPermissions(); $verify($c, $contexts); $this->assertEquals($a, $b); $this->assertEquals($a, $c); // ::allowIfHasPermission and ::allowedIfHasPermission convenience methods. $account = $this->getMock('\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface'); $account->expects($this->any()) ->method('hasPermission') ->with('may herd llamas') ->will($this->returnValue(FALSE)); $contexts = ['user.permissions']; // Verify the object when using the ::allowedIfHasPermission() convenience // static method. $b = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'may herd llamas'); $verify($b, $contexts); } /** * @covers ::addCacheTags * @covers ::addCacheableDependency * @covers ::getCacheTags * @covers ::resetCacheTags */ public function testCacheTags() { $verify = function (AccessResult $access, array $tags, array $contexts = [], $max_age = Cache::PERMANENT) { $this->assertFalse($access->isAllowed()); $this->assertFalse($access->isForbidden()); $this->assertTrue($access->isNeutral()); $this->assertSame($max_age, $access->getCacheMaxAge()); $this->assertSame($contexts, $access->getCacheContexts()); $this->assertSame($tags, $access->getCacheTags()); }; $access = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheTags(['foo:bar']); $verify($access, ['foo:bar']); // Verify resetting works. $access->resetCacheTags(); $verify($access, []); // Verify idempotency. $access->addCacheTags(['foo:bar']) ->addCacheTags(['foo:bar']); $verify($access, ['foo:bar']); // Verify same values in different call order yields the same result. $access->resetCacheTags() ->addCacheTags(['bar:baz']) ->addCacheTags(['bar:qux']) ->addCacheTags(['foo:bar']) ->addCacheTags(['foo:baz']); $verify($access, ['bar:baz', 'bar:qux', 'foo:bar', 'foo:baz']); $access->resetCacheTags() ->addCacheTags(['foo:bar']) ->addCacheTags(['bar:qux']) ->addCacheTags(['foo:baz']) ->addCacheTags(['bar:baz']); $verify($access, ['bar:baz', 'bar:qux', 'foo:bar', 'foo:baz']); // ::addCacheableDependency() convenience method. $node = $this->getMock('\Drupal\node\NodeInterface'); $node->expects($this->any()) ->method('getCacheTags') ->will($this->returnValue(['node:20011988'])); $node->expects($this->any()) ->method('getCacheMaxAge') ->willReturn(600); $node->expects($this->any()) ->method('getCacheContexts') ->willReturn(['user']); $tags = ['node:20011988']; $a = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheTags($tags); $verify($a, $tags); $b = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheableDependency($node); $verify($b, $tags, ['user'], 600); $non_cacheable_dependency = new \stdClass(); $non_cacheable = AccessResult::neutral()->addCacheableDependency($non_cacheable_dependency); $verify($non_cacheable, [], [], 0); } /** * @covers ::inheritCacheability */ public function testInheritCacheability() { // andIf(); 1st has defaults, 2nd has custom tags, contexts and max-age. $access = AccessResult::allowed(); $other = AccessResult::allowed()->setCacheMaxAge(1500)->cachePerPermissions()->addCacheTags(['node:20011988']); $this->assertTrue($access->inheritCacheability($other) instanceof AccessResult); $this->assertSame(['user.permissions'], $access->getCacheContexts()); $this->assertSame(['node:20011988'], $access->getCacheTags()); $this->assertSame(1500, $access->getCacheMaxAge()); // andIf(); 1st has custom tags, max-age, 2nd has custom contexts and max-age. $access = AccessResult::allowed()->cachePerUser()->setCacheMaxAge(43200); $other = AccessResult::forbidden()->addCacheTags(['node:14031991'])->setCacheMaxAge(86400); $this->assertTrue($access->inheritCacheability($other) instanceof AccessResult); $this->assertSame(['user'], $access->getCacheContexts()); $this->assertSame(['node:14031991'], $access->getCacheTags()); $this->assertSame(43200, $access->getCacheMaxAge()); } /** * Provides a list of access result pairs and operations to test. * * This tests the propagation of cacheability metadata. Rather than testing * every single bit of cacheability metadata, which would lead to a mind- * boggling number of permutations, in this test, we only consider the * permutations of all pairs of the following set: * - Allowed, implements CDI and is cacheable. * - Allowed, implements CDI and is not cacheable. * - Allowed, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable). * - Forbidden, implements CDI and is cacheable. * - Forbidden, implements CDI and is not cacheable. * - Forbidden, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable). * - Neutral, implements CDI and is cacheable. * - Neutral, implements CDI and is not cacheable. * - Neutral, does not implement CDI (hence not cacheable). * * (Where "CDI" is CacheableDependencyInterface.) * * This leads to 72 permutations (9!/(9-2)! = 9*8 = 72) per operation. There * are two operations to test (AND and OR), so that leads to a grand total of * 144 permutations, all of which are tested. * * There are two "contagious" patterns: * - Any operation with a forbidden access result yields a forbidden result. * This therefore also applies to the cacheability metadata associated with * a forbidden result. This is the case for bullets 4, 5 and 6 in the set * above. * - Any operation yields an access result object that is of the same class * (implementation) as the first operand. This is because operations are * invoked on the first operand. Therefore, if the first implementation * does not implement CacheableDependencyInterface, then the result won't * either. This is the case for bullets 3, 6 and 9 in the set above. */ public function andOrCacheabilityPropagationProvider() { // ct: cacheable=true, cf: cacheable=false, un: uncacheable. // Note: the test cases that have a "un" access result as the first operand // test UncacheableTestAccessResult, not AccessResult. However, we // definitely want to verify that AccessResult's orIf() and andIf() methods // work correctly when given an AccessResultInterface implementation that // does not implement CacheableDependencyInterface, and we want to test the // full gamut of permutations, so that's not a problem. $allowed_ct = AccessResult::allowed(); $allowed_cf = AccessResult::allowed()->setCacheMaxAge(0); $allowed_un = new UncacheableTestAccessResult('ALLOWED'); $forbidden_ct = AccessResult::forbidden(); $forbidden_cf = AccessResult::forbidden()->setCacheMaxAge(0); $forbidden_un = new UncacheableTestAccessResult('FORBIDDEN'); $neutral_ct = AccessResult::neutral(); $neutral_cf = AccessResult::neutral()->setCacheMaxAge(0); $neutral_un = new UncacheableTestAccessResult('NEUTRAL'); // Structure: // - First column: first access result. // - Second column: operator ('OR' or 'AND'). // - Third column: second access result. // - Fourth column: whether result implements CacheableDependencyInterface // - Fifth column: whether the result is cacheable (if column 4 is TRUE) return [ // Allowed (ct) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $allowed_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $allowed_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Allowed (cf) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (un) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_un, 'OR', $allowed_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'OR', $allowed_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'OR', $allowed_un, FALSE, NULL], // Allowed (ct) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (cf) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (un) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_un, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'OR', $forbidden_un, FALSE, NULL], // Allowed (ct) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $neutral_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'OR', $neutral_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Allowed (cf) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $neutral_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'OR', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (un) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_un, 'OR', $neutral_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'OR', $neutral_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'OR', $neutral_un, FALSE, NULL], // Forbidden (ct) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $allowed_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $allowed_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Forbidden (cf) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $allowed_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Forbidden (un) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $allowed_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $allowed_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $allowed_un, FALSE, NULL], // Forbidden (ct) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $neutral_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $neutral_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Forbidden (cf) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $neutral_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Forbidden (un) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $neutral_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $neutral_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $neutral_un, FALSE, NULL], // Forbidden (ct) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Forbidden (cf) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Forbidden (un) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'OR', $forbidden_un, FALSE, NULL], // Neutral (ct) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (cf) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (un) OR allowed (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_un, 'OR', $allowed_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'OR', $allowed_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'OR', $allowed_un, FALSE, NULL], // Neutral (ct) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $neutral_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $neutral_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Neutral (cf) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (un) OR neutral (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_un, 'OR', $neutral_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'OR', $neutral_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'OR', $neutral_un, FALSE, NULL], // Neutral (ct) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_ct, 'OR', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (cf) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'OR', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (un) OR forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_un, 'OR', $forbidden_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'OR', $forbidden_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'OR', $forbidden_un, FALSE, NULL], // Allowed (ct) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (cf) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $allowed_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (un) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_un, 'AND', $allowed_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'AND', $allowed_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'AND', $allowed_un, FALSE, NULL], // Allowed (ct) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (cf) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (un) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_un, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'AND', $forbidden_un, FALSE, NULL], // Allowed (ct) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_ct, 'AND', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (cf) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $neutral_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$allowed_cf, 'AND', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Allowed (un) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$allowed_un, 'AND', $neutral_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'AND', $neutral_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$allowed_un, 'AND', $neutral_un, FALSE, NULL], // Forbidden (ct) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $allowed_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $allowed_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Forbidden (cf) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $allowed_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Forbidden (un) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $allowed_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $allowed_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $allowed_un, FALSE, NULL], // Forbidden (ct) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $neutral_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $neutral_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Forbidden (cf) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $neutral_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Forbidden (un) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $neutral_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $neutral_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $neutral_un, FALSE, NULL], // Forbidden (ct) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$forbidden_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Forbidden (cf) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$forbidden_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Forbidden (un) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$forbidden_un, 'AND', $forbidden_un, FALSE, NULL], // Neutral (ct) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $allowed_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $allowed_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $allowed_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Neutral (cf) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $allowed_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $allowed_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $allowed_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (un) AND allowed (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_un, 'AND', $allowed_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'AND', $allowed_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'AND', $allowed_un, FALSE, NULL], // Neutral (ct) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $neutral_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $neutral_cf, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $neutral_un, TRUE, TRUE], // Neutral (cf) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $neutral_ct, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $neutral_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $neutral_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (un) AND neutral (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_un, 'AND', $neutral_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'AND', $neutral_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'AND', $neutral_un, FALSE, NULL], // Neutral (ct) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_ct, 'AND', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (cf) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, TRUE, TRUE], [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, TRUE, FALSE], [$neutral_cf, 'AND', $forbidden_un, TRUE, FALSE], // Neutral (un) AND forbidden (ct,cf,un). [$neutral_un, 'AND', $forbidden_ct, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'AND', $forbidden_cf, FALSE, NULL], [$neutral_un, 'AND', $forbidden_un, FALSE, NULL], ]; } /** * @covers ::andIf * @covers ::orIf * @covers ::inheritCacheability * * @dataProvider andOrCacheabilityPropagationProvider */ public function testAndOrCacheabilityPropagation(AccessResultInterface $first, $op, AccessResultInterface $second, $implements_cacheable_dependency_interface, $is_cacheable) { if ($op === 'OR') { $result = $first->orIf($second); } elseif ($op === 'AND') { $result = $first->andIf($second); } else { throw new \LogicException('Invalid operator specified'); } if ($implements_cacheable_dependency_interface) { $this->assertTrue($result instanceof CacheableDependencyInterface, 'Result is an instance of CacheableDependencyInterface.'); if ($result instanceof CacheableDependencyInterface) { $this->assertSame($is_cacheable, $result->getCacheMaxAge() !== 0, 'getCacheMaxAge() matches expectations.'); } } else { $this->assertFalse($result instanceof CacheableDependencyInterface, 'Result is not an instance of CacheableDependencyInterface.'); } } /** * @covers ::orIf * * Tests the special case of ORing non-forbidden access results that are both * cacheable but have different cacheability metadata. * This is only the case for non-forbidden access results; we still abort the * ORing process as soon as a forbidden access result is encountered. This is * tested in ::testOrIf(). */ public function testOrIfCacheabilityMerging() { $merge_both_directions = function (AccessResult $a, AccessResult $b) { // A globally cacheable access result. $a->setCacheMaxAge(3600); // Another access result that is cacheable per permissions. $b->setCacheMaxAge(86400)->cachePerPermissions(); $r1 = $a->orIf($b); $this->assertTrue($r1->getCacheMaxAge() === 3600); $this->assertSame(['user.permissions'], $r1->getCacheContexts()); $r2 = $b->orIf($a); $this->assertTrue($r2->getCacheMaxAge() === 3600); $this->assertSame(['user.permissions'], $r2->getCacheContexts()); }; // Merge either direction, get the same result. $merge_both_directions(AccessResult::allowed(), AccessResult::allowed()); $merge_both_directions(AccessResult::allowed(), AccessResult::neutral()); $merge_both_directions(AccessResult::neutral(), AccessResult::neutral()); $merge_both_directions(AccessResult::neutral(), AccessResult::allowed()); } /** * Tests allowedIfHasPermissions(). * * @covers ::allowedIfHasPermissions * * @dataProvider providerTestAllowedIfHasPermissions * * @param string[] $permissions * The permissions to check for. * @param string $conjunction * The conjunction to use when checking for permission. 'AND' or 'OR'. * @param \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult $expected_access * The expected access check result. */ public function testAllowedIfHasPermissions($permissions, $conjunction, AccessResult $expected_access) { $account = $this->getMock('\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface'); $account->expects($this->any()) ->method('hasPermission') ->willReturnMap([ ['allowed', TRUE], ['denied', FALSE], ]); if ($permissions) { $expected_access->cachePerPermissions(); } $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermissions($account, $permissions, $conjunction); $this->assertEquals($expected_access, $access_result); } /** * Provides data for the testAllowedIfHasPermissions() method. * * @return array */ public function providerTestAllowedIfHasPermissions() { $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIf(FALSE); $data[] = [[], 'AND', $access_result]; $data[] = [[], 'OR', $access_result]; $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIf(TRUE); $data[] = [['allowed'], 'OR', $access_result]; $data[] = [['allowed'], 'AND', $access_result]; $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIf(FALSE); $access_result->setReason("The 'denied' permission is required."); $data[] = [['denied'], 'OR', $access_result]; $data[] = [['denied'], 'AND', $access_result]; $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIf(TRUE); $data[] = [['allowed', 'denied'], 'OR', $access_result]; $data[] = [['denied', 'allowed'], 'OR', $access_result]; $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIf(TRUE); $data[] = [['allowed', 'denied', 'other'], 'OR', $access_result]; $access_result = AccessResult::allowedIf(FALSE); $access_result->setReason("The following permissions are required: 'allowed' AND 'denied'."); $data[] = [['allowed', 'denied'], 'AND', $access_result]; return $data; } } class UncacheableTestAccessResult implements AccessResultInterface { /** * The access result value. 'ALLOWED', 'FORBIDDEN' or 'NEUTRAL'. * * @var string */ protected $value; /** * Constructs a new UncacheableTestAccessResult object. */ public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isAllowed() { return $this->value === 'ALLOWED'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isForbidden() { return $this->value === 'FORBIDDEN'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isNeutral() { return $this->value === 'NEUTRAL'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function orIf(AccessResultInterface $other) { if ($this->isForbidden() || $other->isForbidden()) { return new static('FORBIDDEN'); } elseif ($this->isAllowed() || $other->isAllowed()) { return new static('ALLOWED'); } else { return new static('NEUTRAL'); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function andIf(AccessResultInterface $other) { if ($this->isForbidden() || $other->isForbidden()) { return new static('FORBIDDEN'); } elseif ($this->isAllowed() && $other->isAllowed()) { return new static('ALLOWED'); } else { return new static('NEUTRAL'); } } }