supports('getMock')) { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder($originalClassName) ->setMethods($methods) ->setConstructorArgs($arguments) ->setMockClassName($mockClassName) ->setProxyTarget($proxyTarget); if ($callOriginalConstructor) { $mock->enableOriginalConstructor(); } else { $mock->disableOriginalConstructor(); } if ($callOriginalClone) { $mock->enableOriginalClone(); } else { $mock->disableOriginalClone(); } if ($callAutoload) { $mock->enableAutoload(); } else { $mock->disableAutoload(); } if ($cloneArguments) { $mock->enableArgumentCloning(); } else { $mock->disableArgumentCloning(); } if ($callOriginalMethods) { $mock->enableProxyingToOriginalMethods(); } else { $mock->disableProxyingToOriginalMethods(); } return $mock->getMock(); } else { return parent::getMock($originalClassName, $methods, $arguments, $mockClassName, $callOriginalConstructor, $callOriginalClone, $callAutoload, $cloneArguments, $callOriginalMethods, $proxyTarget); } } /** * Returns a mock object for the specified class using the available method. * * The createMock method does not exist in PHPUnit 4. To provide forward * compatibility this trait provides the createMock method and uses createMock * if this method is available on the parent class or falls back to getMock if * it isn't. * * @param string $originalClassName * Name of the class to mock. * * @see \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMock * * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ public function createMock($originalClassName) { if ($this->supports('createMock')) { return parent::createMock($originalClassName); } else { return $this->getMock($originalClassName, [], [], '', FALSE, FALSE); } } /** * Compatibility layer for PHPUnit 6 to support PHPUnit 4 code. * * @param mixed $class * The expected exception class. * @param string $message * The expected exception message. * @param int $exception_code * The expected exception code. */ public function setExpectedException($class, $message = '', $exception_code = NULL) { if (method_exists($this, 'expectException')) { $this->expectException($class); if (!empty($message)) { $this->expectExceptionMessage($message); } if ($exception_code !== NULL) { $this->expectExceptionCode($exception_code); } } else { parent::setExpectedException($class, $message, $exception_code); } } /** * Checks if the trait is used in a class that has a method. * * @param string $method * Method to check. * * @return bool * TRUE if the method is supported, FALSE if not. */ private function supports($method) { // Get the parent class of the currently running test class. $parent = get_parent_class($this); // Ensure that the method_exists() check on the createMock method is carried // out on the first parent of $this that does not have access to this // trait's methods. This is because the trait also has a method called // createMock(). Most often the check will be made on // \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase. while (method_exists($parent, 'supports')) { $parent = get_parent_class($parent); } return method_exists($parent, $method); } }