* - {'foo':'bar'} => {foo:'bar'} * - Dead code removal (never used function) * - Munge primitives: var WINDOW=window, etc. */ class JSqueeze { const SPECIAL_VAR_PACKER = '(\$+[a-zA-Z_]|_[a-zA-Z0-9$])[a-zA-Z0-9_$]*'; public $charFreq; protected $strings, $closures, $str0, $str1, $argFreq, $specialVarRx, $keepImportantComments, $varRx = '(?:[a-zA-Z_$])[a-zA-Z0-9_$]*', $reserved = array( 'abstract','as','boolean','break','byte','case','catch','char','class', 'const','continue','debugger','default','delete','do','double','else', 'enum','export','extends','false','final','finally','float','for', 'function','goto','if','implements','import','in','instanceof','int', 'long','native','new','null','package','private','protected','public', 'return','short','static','super','switch','synchronized','this', 'throw','throws','transient','true','try','typeof','var','void', 'while','with','yield','let','interface', ); function __construct() { $this->reserved = array_flip($this->reserved); $this->charFreq = array_fill(0, 256, 0); } /** * Squeezes a JavaScript source code. * * Set $singleLine to false if you want optional * semi-colons to be replaced by line feeds. * * Set $keepImportantComments to false if you want /*! comments to be removed. * * $specialVarRx defines the regular expression of special variables names * for global vars, methods, properties and in string substitution. * Set it to false if you don't want any. * * If the analysed javascript source contains a single line comment like * this one, then the directive will overwrite $specialVarRx: * * // jsqueeze.specialVarRx = your_special_var_regexp_here * * Only the first directive is parsed, others are ignored. It is not possible * to redefine $specialVarRx in the middle of the javascript source. * * Example: * $parser = new JSqueeze; * $squeezed_js = $parser->squeeze($fat_js); */ function squeeze($code, $singleLine = true, $keepImportantComments = true, $specialVarRx = false) { $code = trim($code); if ('' === $code) return ''; $this->argFreq = array(-1 => 0); $this->specialVarRx = $specialVarRx; $this->keepImportantComments = !!$keepImportantComments; if (preg_match("#//[ \t]*jsqueeze\.specialVarRx[ \t]*=[ \t]*([\"']?)(.*)\1#i", $code, $key)) { if (!$key[1]) { $key[2] = trim($key[2]); $key[1] = strtolower($key[2]); $key[1] = $key[1] && $key[1] != 'false' && $key[1] != 'none' && $key[1] != 'off'; } $this->specialVarRx = $key[1] ? $key[2] : false; } // Remove capturing parentheses $this->specialVarRx && $this->specialVarRx = preg_replace('/(?specialVarRx); false !== strpos($code, "\r" ) && $code = strtr(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $code), "\r", "\n"); false !== strpos($code, "\xC2\x85" ) && $code = str_replace("\xC2\x85" , "\n", $code); // Next Line false !== strpos($code, "\xE2\x80\xA8") && $code = str_replace("\xE2\x80\xA8", "\n", $code); // Line Separator false !== strpos($code, "\xE2\x80\xA9") && $code = str_replace("\xE2\x80\xA9", "\n", $code); // Paragraph Separator list($code, $this->strings ) = $this->extractStrings( $code); list($code, $this->closures) = $this->extractClosures($code); $key = "//''\"\"#0'"; // This crap has a wonderful property: it can not happen in any valid javascript, even in strings $this->closures[$key] =& $code; $tree = array($key => array('parent' => false)); $this->makeVars($code, $tree[$key], $key); $this->renameVars($tree[$key], true); $code = substr($tree[$key]['code'], 1); $code = preg_replace("'\breturn !'", 'return!', $code); $code = preg_replace("'\}(?=(else|while)[^\$.a-zA-Z0-9_])'", "}\r", $code); $code = str_replace(array_keys($this->strings), array_values($this->strings), $code); if ($singleLine) $code = strtr($code, "\n", ';'); else $code = str_replace("\n", ";\n", $code); false !== strpos($code, "\r") && $code = strtr(trim($code), "\r", "\n"); // Cleanup memory $this->charFreq = array_fill(0, 256, 0); $this->strings = $this->closures = $this->argFreq = array(); $this->str0 = $this->str1 = ''; return $code; } protected function extractStrings($f) { if ($cc_on = false !== strpos($f, '@cc_on')) { // Protect conditional comments from being removed $f = str_replace('#', '##', $f); $f = str_replace('/*@', '1#@', $f); $f = preg_replace("'//@([^\n]+)'", '2#@$1@#3', $f); $f = str_replace('@*/', '@#1', $f); } $len = strlen($f); $code = str_repeat(' ', $len); $j = 0; $strings = array(); $K = 0; $instr = false; $q = array( "'", '"', "'" => 0, '"' => 0, ); // Extract strings, removes comments for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { if ($instr) { if ('//' == $instr) { if ("\n" == $f[$i]) { $f[$i--] = ' '; $instr = false; } } else if ($f[$i] == $instr || ('/' == $f[$i] && "/'" == $instr)) { if ('!' == $instr) ; else if ('*' == $instr) { if ('/' == $f[$i+1]) { ++$i; $instr = false; } } else { if ("/'" == $instr) { while (isset ($f[$i+1]) && false !== strpos('gmi', $f[$i+1])) $s[] = $f[$i++]; $s[] = $f[$i]; } $instr = false; } } else if ('*' == $instr) ; else if ('!' == $instr) { if ('*' == $f[$i] && '/' == $f[$i+1]) { $s[] = "*/\r"; ++$i; $instr = false; } else if ("\n" == $f[$i]) $s[] = "\r"; else $s[] = $f[$i]; } else if ('\\' == $f[$i]) { ++$i; if ("\n" != $f[$i]) { isset($q[$f[$i]]) && ++$q[$f[$i]]; $s[] = '\\' . $f[$i]; } } else if ('[' == $f[$i] && "/'" == $instr) { $instr = '/['; $s[] = '['; } else if (']' == $f[$i] && '/[' == $instr) { $instr = "/'"; $s[] = ']'; } else if ("'" == $f[$i] || '"' == $f[$i]) { ++$q[$f[$i]]; $s[] = '\\' . $f[$i]; } else $s[] = $f[$i]; } else switch ($f[$i]) { case ';': // Remove triple semi-colon if ($i>0 && ';' == $f[$i-1] && $i+1 < $len && ';' == $f[$i+1]) $f[$i] = $f[$i+1] = '/'; else { $code[++$j] = ';'; break; } case '/': if ('*' == $f[$i+1]) { ++$i; $instr = '*'; if ($this->keepImportantComments && '!' == $f[$i+1]) { ++$i; // no break here } else break; } else if ('/' == $f[$i+1]) { ++$i; $instr = '//'; break; } else { $a = $j && ' ' == $code[$j] ? $code[$j-1] : $code[$j]; if (false !== strpos('-!%&;<=>~:^+|,(*?[{ ', $a) || (false !== strpos('oenfd', $a) && preg_match( "'(?restoreCc($s); $strings[$key] = array('/'); $s =& $strings[$key]; } else $code[++$j] = '/'; break; } case "'": case '"': $instr = $f[$i]; $key = "//''\"\"" . $K++ . ('!' == $instr ? ']' : "'"); $a = $j; $code .= $key; while (isset($key[++$j-$a-1])) $code[$j] = $key[$j-$a-1]; --$j; isset($s) && ($s = implode('', $s)) && $cc_on && $this->restoreCc($s); $strings[$key] = array(); $s =& $strings[$key]; '!' == $instr && $s[] = "\r/*!"; break; case "\n": if ($j > 5) { ' ' == $code[$j] && --$j; $code[++$j] = false !== strpos('kend', $code[$j-1]) && preg_match( "'(?restoreCc($s); unset($s); $code = substr($code, 0, $j+1); $cc_on && $this->restoreCc($code, false); // Protect wanted spaces and remove unwanted ones $code = str_replace('- -', "-\x7F-", $code); $code = str_replace('+ +', "+\x7F+", $code); $code = preg_replace("'(\d)\s+\.\s*([a-zA-Z\$_[(])'", "$1\x7F.$2", $code); $code = preg_replace("# ([-!%&;<=>~:.^+|,()*?[\]{}/']+)#", '$1', $code); $code = preg_replace( "#([-!%&;<=>~:.^+|,()*?[\]{}/]+) #", '$1', $code); // Replace new Array/Object by []/{} false !== strpos($code, 'new Array' ) && $code = preg_replace( "'new Array(?:\(\)|([;\])},:]))'", '[]$1', $code); false !== strpos($code, 'new Object') && $code = preg_replace("'new Object(?:\(\)|([;\])},:]))'", '{}$1', $code); // Add missing semi-colons after curly braces // This adds more semi-colons than strictly needed, // but it seems that later gzipping is favorable to the repetition of "};" $code = preg_replace("'\}(?![:,;.()\[\]}\|&]|(else|catch|finally|while)[^\$.a-zA-Z0-9_])'", '};', $code); // Tag possible empty instruction for easy detection $code = preg_replace("'(?=0 && "\n" == $f[$j]) $f[$j] = ';'; ++$s; if ($i && '#' == $code[$i-1]) { $instrPool[$s - 1] = 1; if ('2' == $code[$i-2]) $forPool[$s] = 1; } $f[++$j] = '('; break; case ']': case ')': if ($i+1 < $len && !isset($forPool[$s]) && !isset($instrPool[$s-1]) && preg_match("'[a-zA-Z0-9_\$]'", $code[$i+1])) { $f[$j] .= $code[$i]; $f[++$j] = "\n"; } else $f[++$j] = $code[$i]; if (')' == $code[$i]) { unset($forPool[$s]); --$s; } continue 2; case '}': if ("\n" == $f[$j]) $f[$j] = '}'; else $f[++$j] = '}'; break; case ';': if (isset($forPool[$s]) || isset($instrPool[$s])) $f[++$j] = ';'; else if ($j>=0 && "\n" != $f[$j] && ';' != $f[$j]) $f[++$j] = "\n"; break; case '#': switch ($f[$j]) { case '1': $f[$j] = 'if'; break 2; case '2': $f[$j] = 'for'; break 2; case '3': $f[$j] = 'while'; break 2; } case '['; if ($j>=0 && "\n" == $f[$j]) $f[$j] = ';'; default: $f[++$j] = $code[$i]; } unset($instrPool[$s]); } $f = implode('', $f); $cc_on && $f = str_replace('@#3', "\n", $f); // Fix "else ;" empty instructions $f = preg_replace("'(? $q['"']) $q = array($q[1], $q[0]); $f = preg_replace("#//''\"\"[0-9]+'#", $q[0] . '$0' . $q[0], $f); strpos($f, $q[0] . '+' . $q[0]) && $f = str_replace($q[0] . '+' . $q[0], '', $f); $len = count($strings); foreach ($strings as $r1 => &$r2) { $r2 = "/'" == substr($r1, -2) ? str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $r2) : str_replace('\\' . $q[1], $q[1], $r2); } // Restore wanted spaces $f = strtr($f, "\x7F", ' '); return array($f, $strings); } protected function extractClosures($code) { $code = ';' . $code; $this->argFreq[-1] += substr_count($code, '}catch('); if ($this->argFreq[-1]) { // Special catch scope handling // FIXME: this implementation doesn't work with nested catch scopes who need // access to their parent's caught variable (but who needs that?). $f = preg_split("@}catch\(({$this->varRx})@", $code, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $code = 'catch$scope$var' . mt_rand(); $this->specialVarRx = $this->specialVarRx ? '(?:' . $this->specialVarRx . '|' . preg_quote($code) . ')' : preg_quote($code); $i = count($f) - 1; while ($i) { $c = 1; $j = 0; $l = strlen($f[$i]); while ($c && $j < $l) { $s = $f[$i][$j++]; $c += '(' == $s ? 1 : (')' == $s ? -1 : 0); } if (!$c) do { $s = $f[$i][$j++]; $c += '{' == $s ? 1 : ('}' == $s ? -1 : 0); } while ($c && $j < $l); $c = preg_quote($f[$i-1], '#'); $f[$i-2] .= '}catch(' . preg_replace("#([.,{]?)(?argFreq[$j]) ? ++$this->argFreq[$j] : $this->argFreq[$j] = 1; while ($j--); } $i -= 2; } return array($f[0], $closures); } protected function makeVars($closure, &$tree, $key) { $tree['code'] =& $closure; $tree['nfe'] = false; $tree['used'] = array(); $tree['local'] = array(); // Replace multiple "var" declarations by a single one $closure = preg_replace_callback("'(?<=[\n\{\}])var [^\n\{\}]+(?:\nvar [^\n\{\}]+)+'", array(&$this, 'mergeVarDeclarations'), $closure); // Get all local vars (functions, arguments and "var" prefixed) $vars =& $tree['local']; if (preg_match("'^( [^(]*)?\((.*?)\)\{'", $closure, $v)) { if ($v[1]) { $vars[$tree['nfe'] = substr($v[1], 1)] = -1; $tree['parent']['local'][';' . $key] =& $vars[$tree['nfe']]; } if ($v[2]) { $i = 0; $v = explode(',', $v[2]); foreach ($v as $w) $vars[$w] = $this->argFreq[$i++] - 1; // Give a bonus to argument variables } } $v = preg_split("'(?varRx}'", $w, $v)) isset($vars[$v[0]]) || $vars[$v[0]] = 0; } if (preg_match_all("@function ({$this->varRx})//''\"\"#@", $closure, $v)) { foreach ($v[1] as $w) isset($vars[$w]) || $vars[$w] = 0; } if ($this->argFreq[-1] && preg_match_all("@}catch\(({$this->varRx})@", $closure, $v)) { $v[0] = array(); foreach ($v[1] as $w) isset($v[0][$w]) ? ++$v[0][$w] : $v[0][$w] = 1; foreach ($v[0] as $w => $v) $vars[$w] = $this->argFreq[-1] - $v; } // Get all used vars, local and non-local $vars =& $tree['used']; if (preg_match_all("#([.,{]?)(?varRx})(:?)#", $closure, $w, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($w as $k) { if (',' === $k[1] || '{' === $k[1]) { if (':' === substr($k[3], -1)) $k = '.' . $k[2]; else $k = $k[2]; } else $k = $k[1] . $k[2]; isset($vars[$k]) ? ++$vars[$k] : $vars[$k] = 1; } } if (preg_match_all("#//''\"\"[0-9]+(?:['!]|/')#", $closure, $w)) foreach ($w[0] as $a) { $v = "'" === substr($a, -1) && "/'" !== substr($a, -2) && $this->specialVarRx ? preg_split("#([.,{]?(?specialVarRx}:?)#", $this->strings[$a], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE) : array($this->strings[$a]); $a = count($v); for ($i = 0; $i < $a; ++$i) { $k = $v[$i]; if (1 === $i%2) { if (',' === $k[0] || '{' === $k[0]) { if (':' === substr($k, -1)) $k = '.' . substr($k, 1, -1); else $k = substr($k, 1); } else if (':' === substr($k, -1)) $k = substr($k, 0, -1); $w =& $tree; while (isset($w['parent']) && !(isset($w['used'][$k]) || isset($w['local'][$k]))) $w =& $w['parent']; (isset($w['used'][$k]) || isset($w['local'][$k])) && (isset($vars[$k]) ? ++$vars[$k] : $vars[$k] = 1); unset($w); } if (0 === $i%2 || !isset($vars[$k])) foreach (count_chars($v[$i], 1) as $k => $w) $this->charFreq[$k] += $w; } } // Propagate the usage number to parents foreach ($vars as $w => $a) { $k =& $tree; $chain = array(); do { $vars =& $k['local']; $chain[] =& $k; if (isset($vars[$w])) { unset($k['used'][$w]); if (isset($vars[$w])) $vars[$w] += $a; else $vars[$w] = $a; $a = false; break; } } while ($k['parent'] && $k =& $k['parent']); if ($a && !$k['parent']) { if (isset($vars[$w])) $vars[$w] += $a; else $vars[$w] = $a; } if (isset($tree['used'][$w]) && isset($vars[$w])) foreach ($chain as &$b) { isset($b['local'][$w]) || $b['used'][$w] =& $vars[$w]; } } // Analyse childs $tree['childs'] = array(); $vars =& $tree['childs']; if (preg_match_all("@//''\"\"#[0-9]+'@", $closure, $w)) { foreach ($w[0] as $a) { $vars[$a] = array('parent' => &$tree); $this->makeVars($this->closures[$a], $vars[$a], $a); } } } protected function mergeVarDeclarations($m) { return str_replace("\nvar ", ',', $m[0]); } protected function renameVars(&$tree, $root) { if ($root) { $tree['local'] += $tree['used']; $tree['used'] = array(); foreach ($tree['local'] as $k => $v) { if ('.' == $k[0]) $k = substr($k, 1); if ('true' === $k) $this->charFreq[48] += $v; else if ('false' === $k) $this->charFreq[49] += $v; else if (!$this->specialVarRx || !preg_match("#^{$this->specialVarRx}$#", $k)) { foreach (count_chars($k, 1) as $k => $w) $this->charFreq[$k] += $w * $v; } else if (2 == strlen($k)) $tree['used'][] = $k[1]; } arsort($this->charFreq); $this->str0 = ''; $this->str1 = ''; foreach ($this->charFreq as $k => $v) { if (!$v) break; $v = chr($k); if ((64 < $k && $k < 91) || (96 < $k && $k < 123)) // A-Z a-z { $this->str0 .= $v; $this->str1 .= $v; } else if (47 < $k && $k < 58) // 0-9 { $this->str1 .= $v; } } if ('' === $this->str0) { $this->str0 = 'claspemitdbfrugnjvhowkxqyzCLASPEMITDBFRUGNJVHOWKXQYZ'; $this->str1 = $this->str0 . '0123456789'; } foreach ($tree['local'] as $var => $root) { if ('.' != substr($var, 0, 1) && isset($tree['local'][".{$var}"])) $tree['local'][$var] += $tree['local'][".{$var}"]; } foreach ($tree['local'] as $var => $root) { if ('.' == substr($var, 0, 1) && isset($tree['local'][substr($var, 1)])) $tree['local'][$var] = $tree['local'][substr($var, 1)]; } arsort($tree['local']); foreach ($tree['local'] as $var => $root) switch (substr($var, 0, 1)) { case '.': if (!isset($tree['local'][substr($var, 1)])) { $tree['local'][$var] = '#' . ($this->specialVarRx && 3 < strlen($var) && preg_match("'^\.{$this->specialVarRx}$'", $var) ? $this->getNextName($tree) . '$' : substr($var, 1)); } break; case ';': $tree['local'][$var] = 0 === $root ? '' : $this->getNextName($tree); case '#': break; default: $root = $this->specialVarRx && 2 < strlen($var) && preg_match("'^{$this->specialVarRx}$'", $var) ? $this->getNextName($tree) . '$' : $var; $tree['local'][$var] = $root; if (isset($tree['local'][".{$var}"])) $tree['local'][".{$var}"] = '#' . $root; } foreach ($tree['local'] as $var => $root) $tree['local'][$var] = preg_replace("'^#'", '.', $tree['local'][$var]); } else { arsort($tree['local']); if (false !== $tree['nfe']) $tree['used'][] = $tree['local'][$tree['nfe']]; foreach ($tree['local'] as $var => $root) if ($tree['nfe'] !== $var) $tree['local'][$var] = 0 === $root ? '' : $this->getNextName($tree); } $this->local_tree =& $tree['local']; $this->used_tree =& $tree['used']; $tree['code'] = preg_replace_callback("#[.,{ ]?(?varRx}:?#", array(&$this, 'getNewName'), $tree['code']); $this->specialVarRx && $tree['code'] = preg_replace_callback("#//''\"\"[0-9]+'#", array(&$this, 'renameInString'), $tree['code']); foreach ($tree['childs'] as $a => &$b) { $this->renameVars($b, false); $tree['code'] = str_replace($a, $b['code'], $tree['code']); unset($tree['childs'][$a]); } } protected function renameInString($a) { $b =& $this->strings[$a[0]]; unset($this->strings[$a[0]]); return preg_replace_callback( "#[.,{]?(?specialVarRx}:?#", array(&$this, 'getNewName'), $b ); } protected function getNewName($m) { $m = $m[0]; $pre = '.' === $m[0] ? '.' : ''; $post = ''; if (',' === $m[0] || '{' === $m[0] || ' ' === $m[0]) { $pre = $m[0]; if (':' === substr($m, -1)) { $post = ':'; $m = (' ' !== $m[0] ? '.' : '') . substr($m, 1, -1); } else $m = substr($m, 1); } else if (':' === substr($m, -1)) { $post = ':'; $m = substr($m, 0, -1); } $post = (isset($this->reserved[$m]) ? ('true' === $m ? '!0' : ('false' === $m ? '!1': $m)) : ( isset($this->local_tree[$m]) ? $this->local_tree[$m] : ( isset($this->used_tree[$m]) ? $this->used_tree[$m] : $m ) ) ) . $post; return '' === $post ? '' : ($pre . ('.' === $post[0] ? substr($post, 1) : $post)); } protected function getNextName(&$tree = array(), &$counter = false) { if (false === $counter) { $counter =& $tree['counter']; isset($counter) || $counter = -1; $exclude = array_flip($tree['used']); } else $exclude = $tree; ++$counter; $len0 = strlen($this->str0); $len1 = strlen($this->str0); $name = $this->str0[$counter % $len0]; $i = intval($counter / $len0) - 1; while ($i>=0) { $name .= $this->str1[ $i % $len1 ]; $i = intval($i / $len1) - 1; } return !(isset($this->reserved[$name]) || isset($exclude[$name])) ? $name : $this->getNextName($exclude, $counter); } protected function restoreCc(&$s, $lf = true) { $lf && $s = str_replace('@#3', '', $s); $s = str_replace('@#1', '@*/', $s); $s = str_replace('2#@', '//@', $s); $s = str_replace('1#@', '/*@', $s); $s = str_replace('##', '#', $s); } }