moduleExists('advagg') && !advagg_enabled()) { return; } $config = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings'); $css_defer = $config->get('css_defer'); // Use the current file system path for advagg_mod. $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'advagg_mod'); if (advagg_mod_css_defer_active() && isset($js[$module_path . '/js/loadCSS.js'])) { if ($css_defer == 3) { $js[$module_path . '/js/loadCSS.js']['scope'] = 'header'; $js[$module_path . '/js/css_defer.js']['scope'] = 'header'; } $css_defer_js_code = $config->get('css_defer_js_code'); if ($css_defer_js_code == 0) { $js[$module_path . '/js/loadCSS.js']['inline'] = TRUE; $js[$module_path . '/js/css_defer.js']['inline'] = TRUE; } elseif ($css_defer_js_code == 4) { $js[$module_path . '/js/loadCSS.js']['type'] = 'external'; $js[$module_path . '/js/loadCSS.js']['data'] = '//'; } } // Change sort order so aggregates do not get split up. if ($config->get('js_adjust_sort_external') || $config->get('js_adjust_sort_browsers')) { advagg_mod_sort_css_js($js, 'js'); } // Move JS to the footer. if ($config->get('js_footer')) { advagg_mod_js_move_to_footer($js); } // Force all JS to be preprocessed. if ($config->get('js_preprocess')) { foreach ($js as $path => &$values) { // However CKEditor must not be combined or errors *will* occur. if ($path == 'core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js') { continue; } $values['preprocess'] = TRUE; $values['cache'] = TRUE; } unset($values); } // Add the defer or the async tag to JS. advagg_mod_js_async_defer($js); // Move all async JS to the header. if ($config->get('js_async_in_header')) { foreach ($js as &$values) { // Skip if not file or external. if ($values['type'] !== 'file' && $values['type'] !== 'external') { continue; } // Skip if not async. if (empty($values['async']) && empty($values['attributes']['async'])) { continue; } // Move to the header with a group of 1000. $values['scope'] = 'header'; $values['group'] = 1000; } unset($values); } } /** * Implements hook_css_alter(). */ function advagg_mod_css_alter(&$css) { if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('advagg') && !advagg_enabled()) { return; } $config = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings'); if ($config->get('css_adjust_sort_external') || $config->get('css_adjust_sort_browsers')) { advagg_mod_sort_css_js($css, 'css'); } // Force all CSS to be preprocessed. if ($config->get('css_preprocess')) { foreach ($css as &$values) { $values['preprocess'] = TRUE; } unset($values); } } /** * Implements hook_page_attachments_alter(). */ function advagg_mod_page_attachments_alter(array &$page) { if (advagg_mod_css_defer_active()) { $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'advagg_mod/css_defer'; } } // AdvAgg hook implementations. /** * Implements hook_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter(). */ function advagg_mod_advagg_current_hooks_hash_array_alter(array &$aggregate_settings) { $aggregate_settings['variables']['advagg_mod'] = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings')->get(); } /** * Implements hook_advagg_asset_render_alter(). */ function advagg_mod_advagg_asset_render_alter(&$assets, $render_type, $asset_type) { if (!advagg_enabled()) { return; } if ($render_type == 'html') { if ($asset_type == 'styles') { foreach ($assets as &$value) { if (!empty($value['#inline'])) { $value['#value'] = @file_get_contents($value['#attributes']['href']); if ($value['#value']) { unset($value['#attributes']['href']); } } elseif (advagg_mod_css_defer_active()) { // Skip prefetch links and inline styles. if ($value['#tag'] == 'style') { continue; } $value['#attributes']['class'][] = 'advagg-css-defer'; $value['#noscript'] = TRUE; } } unset($value); } elseif ($asset_type == 'scripts' || $asset_type == 'scripts_bottom') { foreach ($assets as &$value) { if (!empty($value['#inline'])) { $value['#value'] = @file_get_contents($value['#attributes']['src']); if ($value['#value']) { unset($value['#attributes']['src']); } } } } } } /** * Implements hook_advagg_hooks_implemented_alter(). */ function advagg_mod_advagg_hooks_implemented_alter(&$hooks, $all) { if ($all) { $hooks += [ 'advagg_mod_get_lists_alter' => [], ]; } } /** * Implements hook_advagg_asset_path_alter(). */ function advagg_mod_advagg_asset_path_alter(&$path, $extension) { if ($dir = rtrim(\Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings')->get('unified_multisite_dir'), '/')) { if ($extension == 'js') { $path = $dir . '/js'; } elseif ($extension == 'css') { $path = $dir . '/css'; } } } // Helper Functions. /** * Generate a list of rules and exceptions for js files. * * Controls no async/defer file list. * * @return array * A multidimensional array. */ function advagg_mod_get_lists() { $lists = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__); if (!isset($lists)) { // Do not defer/async list. $no_async_defer_list = [ // Wistia js. '//fast.wistia.', // Maps. '//', '//', '//', ]; $no_move = [ '//', ]; // Allow other modules to add/edit the above lists. // Call hook_advagg_mod_get_lists_alter(). $lists = [ $no_async_defer_list, $no_move, ]; \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('advagg_mod_get_lists', $lists); } return $lists; } /** * Move JS to the footer. * * @param array $js * JS array. */ function advagg_mod_js_move_to_footer(array &$js) { // Move all JS to the footer. $move_js_to_footer = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings')->get('js_footer'); $core_header_js = [ 'core/assets/vendor/modernizr/modernizr.min.js' => 0, 'core/assets/vendor/html5shiv/html5shiv.min.js' => 0, ]; foreach ($js as $key => &$values) { // Skip if a core header file and configured to do so. if ($move_js_to_footer == 3 && isset($core_header_js[$key])) { continue; } // Skip if the scope has been locked. if (!empty($values['scope_lock'])) { continue; } // If JS is not in the header decrease weight by 10000. if ($values['scope'] === 'header') { $values['weight'] -= 10000; } // If JS is already in the footer decrease weight by 10000. if ($values['scope'] !== 'footer') { $values['weight'] -= 10000; } $values['scope'] = 'footer'; } unset($values); } /** * Add the defer and or the async tag to js. * * @param array $js * JS array. */ function advagg_mod_js_async_defer(array &$js) { // Return early if this is disabled. $config = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings'); $defer = $config->get('js_defer'); $async = $config->get('js_async'); list($no_async_defer_list) = advagg_mod_get_lists(); // Make all scripts defer and/or async. foreach ($js as $name => &$values) { $values['attributes'] = []; // Defer all scripts. if ($defer) { $values['attributes']['defer'] = TRUE; // Do not defer external scripts setting. if ($defer == 2 && $values['type'] === 'external') { unset($values['attributes']['defer']); } } // Async all scripts. On most browsers this will run instead of defer. // On some older browsers if defer is also set they will run that instead // if they don't support async. if ($async) { $values['attributes']['async'] = TRUE; } // No async defer list. foreach ($no_async_defer_list as $search_string) { if (strpos($name, $search_string) !== FALSE) { // Do not defer/async the loading this script. if ($defer) { unset($values['attributes']['async'], $values['attributes']['defer']); } } } } unset($values); } /** * Rearrange CSS/JS so that aggregates are better grouped. * * This can move all external assets to the top, thus in one group. * This can move all browser conditional assets together. * * @param array $assets * The CSS or JS array. * @param string $type * String: css or js. */ function advagg_mod_sort_css_js(array &$assets, $type) { $config = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings'); if ($config->get($type . '_adjust_sort_external')) { // Find all external items. $external = []; $group = NULL; $weight = NULL; foreach ($assets as $key => $value) { // Set values if not set. if (is_null($group)) { $group = $value['group']; } if (is_null($weight)) { $weight = $value['weight']; } // Find "lightest" item. if ($value['group'] < $group) { $group = $value['group']; } if ($value['weight'] < $weight) { $weight = $value['weight']; } list(, $no_move) = advagg_mod_get_lists(); if (!empty($value['type']) && $value['type'] === 'external' && !in_array($key, $no_move) && empty($value['movable'])) { $external[$key] = $value; unset($assets[$key]); } } // Sort the array so that it appears in the correct order. advagg_drupal_sort_css_js_stable($external); // Group all external together. $offset = 0.0001; $weight -= 1; $group -= 10; $found_jquery = FALSE; foreach ($external as $key => $value) { // If bootstrap is used, it must be loaded after jquery. Don't move // bootstrap if jquery is not above it. if ($key == 'assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js') { $found_jquery = TRUE; } if (!$found_jquery && (strpos($value['data'], 'bootstrap.min.js') !== FALSE || strpos($value['data'], 'bootstrap.js') !== FALSE)) { $assets[$key] = $value; continue; } $value['group'] = $group; $value['weight'] = $weight; $weight += $offset; $assets[$key] = $value; } } if ($config->get($type . '_adjust_sort_browsers')) { // Get a list of browsers. $browsers_list = []; foreach ($assets as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['browsers']['IE']) && $value['browsers']['IE'] !== TRUE) { $browsers_list['IE'][] = $value['browsers']['IE']; } } // Group browsers CSS together. if (isset($browsers_list['IE'])) { $browsers_list['IE'] = array_values(array_unique($browsers_list['IE'])); foreach ($browsers_list['IE'] as $browser) { $browsers = []; $group = NULL; $weight = NULL; foreach ($assets as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['browsers']['IE']) && $browser === $value['browsers']['IE']) { // Set values if not set. if (is_null($group)) { $group = $value['group']; } if (is_null($weight)) { $weight = $value['weight']; } // Find "heaviest" item. if ($value['group'] > $group) { $group = $value['group']; } if ($value['weight'] > $weight) { $weight = $value['weight']; } $browsers[$key] = $value; unset($assets[$key]); } } // Sort the array so that it appears in the correct order. advagg_drupal_sort_css_js_stable($browsers); // Group all browsers together. $offset = 0.0001; $group += 1000; foreach ($browsers as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['movable']) && empty($value['movable'])) { $assets[$key] = $value; continue; } $value['group'] = $group; $value['weight'] = $weight; $weight += $offset; $assets[$key] = $value; } } } } } /** * Determines whether css defering should be active for the current request. */ function advagg_mod_css_defer_active() { $config = \Drupal::config('advagg_mod.settings'); if (!$config->get('css_defer')) { return FALSE; } $admin_route = \Drupal::service('router.admin_context')->isAdminRoute(); if ($admin_route && !$config->get('css_defer_admin')) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }