get($settings['input_url']); } catch (\Exception $e) { return FALSE; } } $build = $media->get($settings['source_field'])->view($settings['view_mode']); $build['#settings'] = $settings; return self::wrap($build); } /** * Returns a field to be wrapped by theme_container(). * * Currently Instagram, and SlideShare are known to use iframe, and thus can * be converted into a responsive Blazy with fluid ratio. The rest are * returned as is, only wrapped by .media wrapper for consistency with complex * interaction like EB. * * @param array $field * The source renderable array $field. * * @return array * The new renderable array of the media item wrapped by theme_container(). */ public static function wrap(array $field = []) { // Media entity is a single being, reasonable to work with multi-value? $item = $field[0]; $settings = isset($field['#settings']) ? $field['#settings'] : []; $attributes = &$item['#attributes']; $iframe = isset($item['#tag']) && $item['#tag'] == 'iframe'; // Converts iframes into lazyloaded ones. if ($iframe && !empty($attributes['src'])) { $attributes['data-src'] = $attributes['src']; $attributes['class'][] = 'b-lazy media__iframe media__element'; $attributes['src'] = 'about:blank'; $attributes['allowfullscreen'] = TRUE; } // Wraps the media item to allow consistency for EB/SB. $build = [ '#theme' => 'container', '#children' => $item, '#attributes' => ['class' => ['media']], '#settings' => $settings, ]; if (!empty($settings['bundle'])) { $build['#attributes']['class'][] = 'media--' . str_replace('_', '-', $settings['bundle']); } // Adds helper for Entity Browser small thumbnail selection. if (!empty($settings['thumbnail_style']) && !empty($settings['uri'])) { $build['#attributes']['data-thumb'] = ImageStyle::load($settings['thumbnail_style'])->buildUrl($settings['uri']); } // Currently known media entities using iframe: Instagram. if ($iframe) { $build['#attributes']['class'][] = 'media--ratio'; if (!empty($attributes['width']) && !empty($attributes['height'])) { $padding_bottom = round((($attributes['height'] / $attributes['width']) * 100), 2); $build['#attributes']['style'] = 'padding-bottom: ' . $padding_bottom . '%'; } } else { $build['#attributes']['class'][] = 'media--rendered'; } // Clone relevant keys as field wrapper is no longer in use. foreach (['attached', 'cache'] as $key) { if (isset($field["#$key"])) { $build["#$key"] = $field["#$key"]; } } return $build; } }