$settings]; // Built early before stage to allow custom highres video thumbnail later. // Implementor must import: Drupal\blazy\Dejavu\BlazyVideoTrait. $this->getMediaItem($element, $entity); // Build the main stage. $this->buildStage($element, $entity, $langcode); // If Image rendered is picked, render image as is. if (!empty($settings['image']) && (!empty($settings['media_switch']) && $settings['media_switch'] == 'rendered')) { $element['content'][] = $this->getFieldRenderable($entity, $settings['image'], $view_mode); } // Optional image with responsive image, lazyLoad, and lightbox supports. $element[$item_id] = empty($element['item']) ? [] : $this->formatter->getImage($element); // Captions if so configured. $this->getCaption($element, $entity, $langcode); // Layouts can be builtin, or field, if so configured. if (!empty($settings['layout'])) { $layout = $settings['layout']; if (strpos($layout, 'field_') !== FALSE) { $settings['layout'] = $this->getFieldString($entity, $layout, $langcode); } $element['settings']['layout'] = $settings['layout']; } // Classes, if so configured. if (!empty($settings['class'])) { $element['settings']['class'] = $this->getFieldString($entity, $settings['class'], $langcode); } // Build the main item. $build['items'][$delta] = $element; // Build the thumbnail item. if (!empty($settings['nav'])) { // Thumbnail usages: asNavFor pagers, dot, arrows, photobox thumbnails. $element[$item_id] = empty($settings['thumbnail_style']) ? [] : $this->formatter->getThumbnail($element['settings']); $element['caption'] = empty($settings['thumbnail_caption']) ? [] : $this->getFieldRenderable($entity, $settings['thumbnail_caption'], $view_mode); $build['thumb']['items'][$delta] = $element; } } /** * Builds slide captions with possible multi-value fields. */ public function getCaption(array &$element, $entity, $langcode) { $settings = $element['settings']; $view_mode = $settings['view_mode']; // Title can be plain text, or link field. if (!empty($settings['title'])) { $field_title = $settings['title']; if (isset($entity->{$field_title})) { if ($entity->hasTranslation($langcode)) { // If the entity has translation, fetch the translated value. $title = $entity->getTranslation($langcode)->get($field_title)->getValue(); } else { // Entity doesn't have translation, fetch original value. $title = $entity->get($field_title)->getValue(); } if (!empty($title[0]['value']) && !isset($title[0]['uri'])) { // Prevents HTML-filter-enabled text from having bad markups (h2 > p), // except for a few reasonable tags acceptable within H2 tag. $element['caption']['title']['#markup'] = strip_tags($title[0]['value'], ''); } elseif (isset($title[0]['uri']) && !empty($title[0]['title'])) { $element['caption']['title'] = $this->getFieldRenderable($entity, $field_title, $view_mode)[0]; } } } // Other caption fields, if so configured. if (!empty($settings['caption'])) { $caption_items = []; foreach ($settings['caption'] as $i => $field_caption) { if (!isset($entity->{$field_caption})) { continue; } $caption_items[$i] = $this->getFieldRenderable($entity, $field_caption, $view_mode); } if ($caption_items) { $element['caption']['data'] = $caption_items; } } // Link, if so configured. if (!empty($settings['link'])) { $field_link = $settings['link']; if (isset($entity->{$field_link})) { $links = $this->getFieldRenderable($entity, $field_link, $view_mode); // Only simplify markups for known formatters registered by link.module. if ($links && isset($links['#formatter']) && in_array($links['#formatter'], ['link'])) { $links = []; foreach ($entity->{$field_link} as $i => $link) { $links[$i] = $link->view($view_mode); } } $element['caption']['link'] = $links; } } if (!empty($settings['overlay'])) { $element['caption']['overlay'] = $this->getOverlay($settings, $entity, $langcode); } } /** * Builds overlay placed within the caption. */ public function getOverlay(array $settings, $entity, $langcode) { return $entity->get($settings['overlay'])->view($settings['view_mode']); } /** * Build the main background/stage, image or video. * * Main image can be separate image item from video thumbnail for highres. * Fallback to default thumbnail if any, which has no file API. */ public function buildStage(array &$element, $entity, $langcode) { $settings = &$element['settings']; $stage = empty($settings['source_field']) ? '' : $settings['source_field']; $stage = empty($settings['image']) ? $stage : $settings['image']; // The actual video thumbnail has already been downloaded earlier. // This fetches the highres image if provided and available. // With a mix of image and video, image is not always there. if ($stage && isset($entity->{$stage})) { /** @var \Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldType\FileFieldItemList $file */ $file = $entity->get($stage); $value = $file->getValue(); // Do not proceed if it is a Media entity video. if (isset($value[0]) && $value[0]) { // If image, even if multi-value, we can only have one stage per slide. if (isset($value[0]['target_id']) && !empty($value[0]['target_id'])) { if (method_exists($file, 'referencedEntities') && isset($file->referencedEntities()[0])) { /** @var \Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ImageItem $item */ $element['item'] = $file->get(0); // Collects cache tags to be added for each item in the field. $settings['file_tags'] = $file->referencedEntities()[0]->getCacheTags(); $settings['uri'] = $file->referencedEntities()[0]->getFileUri(); } } // If a VEF with a text, or link field. elseif (isset($value[0]['value']) || isset($value[0]['uri'])) { $external_url = $this->getFieldString($entity, $stage, $langcode); if ($external_url) { $this->buildVideo($settings, $external_url); $element['item'] = $value; } } } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $element = parent::settingsForm($form, $form_state); if (isset($element['layout'])) { $layout_description = $element['layout']['#description']; $element['layout']['#description'] = $this->t('Create a dedicated List (text - max number 1) field related to the caption placement to have unique layout per slide with the following supported keys: top, right, bottom, left, center, center-top, etc. Be sure its formatter is Key.') . ' ' . $layout_description; } if (isset($element['media_switch'])) { $element['media_switch']['#options']['rendered'] = $this->t('Image rendered by its formatter'); $element['media_switch']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this->t('Be sure the enabled fields here are not hidden/disabled at its view mode.'); } if (isset($element['caption'])) { $element['caption']['#description'] = $this->t('Check fields to be treated as captions, even if not caption texts.'); } if (isset($element['image']['#description'])) { $element['image']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this->t('For video, this allows separate highres image, be sure the same field used for Image to have a mix of videos and images. Leave empty to fallback to the video provider thumbnails. The formatter/renderer is managed by @namespace formatter. Meaning original formatter ignored. If you want original formatters, check Vanilla option. Alternatively choose Media switcher > Image rendered , other image-related settings here will be ignored. Supported fields: Image, Video Embed Field.', ['@namespace' => $this->getPluginId()]); } if (isset($element['overlay']['#description'])) { $element['overlay']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this->t('The formatter/renderer is managed by the child formatter. Supported fields: Image, Video Embed Field, Media Entity.'); } return $element; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getScopedFormElements() { $admin = $this->admin(); $target_type = $this->getFieldSetting('target_type'); $views_ui = $this->getFieldSetting('handler') == 'default'; $bundles = $views_ui ? [] : $this->getFieldSetting('handler_settings')['target_bundles']; $strings = ['text', 'string', 'list_string']; $strings = $admin->getFieldOptions($bundles, $strings, $target_type); $texts = ['text', 'text_long', 'string', 'string_long', 'link']; $texts = $admin->getFieldOptions($bundles, $texts, $target_type); $links = ['text', 'string', 'link']; return [ 'background' => TRUE, 'box_captions' => TRUE, 'breakpoints' => BlazyDefault::getConstantBreakpoints(), 'captions' => $admin->getFieldOptions($bundles, [], $target_type), 'classes' => $strings, 'fieldable_form' => TRUE, 'images' => $admin->getFieldOptions($bundles, ['image'], $target_type), 'image_style_form' => TRUE, 'layouts' => $strings, 'links' => $admin->getFieldOptions($bundles, $links, $target_type), 'media_switch_form' => TRUE, 'multimedia' => TRUE, 'thumb_captions' => $texts, 'thumb_positions' => TRUE, 'nav' => TRUE, 'titles' => $texts, 'vanilla' => TRUE, ] + parent::getScopedFormElements(); } }