' . t('About') . ''; $output .= '

' . t('The Entity Browser module provides a generic entity browser/picker/selector. It can be used in any context where one needs to select a few entities and do something with them. For more information, see the online documentation for Entity Browser.', [':entity_browser-documentation' => 'https://drupal-media.gitbooks.io/drupal8-guide/content/modules/entity_browser/intro.html']) . '

'; $output .= '

' . t('Uses') . '

'; $output .= '
'; $output .= '
' . t('General') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('Entity browser comes with an example module that can be used as a starting point.') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('Example use cases') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('Powerfull entity reference widget') . '
'; $output .= '
' . t('Embedding entities into wysiwyg') . '
'; $output .= '
'; return $output; } } /** * Implements hook_theme(). * * Overrides the core html theme to use a custom template for iframes. */ function entity_browser_theme() { return [ 'html__entity_browser__iframe' => [ 'template' => 'html--entity-browser--iframe', 'render element' => 'html', 'preprocess functions' => ['template_preprocess_html'], ], 'html__entity_browser__modal' => [ 'template' => 'html--entity-browser--iframe', 'render element' => 'html', 'preprocess functions' => ['template_preprocess_html'], ], 'page__entity_browser__iframe' => [ 'template' => 'page--entity-browser--iframe', 'render element' => 'html', 'preprocess functions' => ['template_preprocess_page'], ], 'page__entity_browser__modal' => [ 'template' => 'page--entity-browser--iframe', 'render element' => 'html', 'preprocess functions' => ['template_preprocess_page'], ], ]; } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). */ function entity_browser_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) { $entity_browser_dialog_edit = \Drupal::service('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest()->get('_route'); if ($entity_browser_dialog_edit == 'entity_browser.edit_form') { // Let's allow the save button only. foreach (Element::children($form['actions']) as $key) { $form['actions'][$key]['#access'] = $key == 'submit'; } // Use Ajax. $form['actions']['submit']['#ajax'] = [ 'url' => Url::fromRoute('entity_browser.edit_form', ['entity_type' => $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity()->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity' => $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity()->id()]), 'options' => [ 'query' => [ 'details_id' => \Drupal::request()->query->get('details_id'), ], ], ]; } } /** * Implements hook_preprocess_page__entity_browser__iframe(). * * Tries to figure out where messages block lives and display it separately. */ function entity_browser_preprocess_page__entity_browser__iframe(&$variables) { if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('block')) { return; } $variables['messages'] = ''; $blocks = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('block')->loadByProperties([ 'theme' => \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName(), 'plugin' => 'system_messages_block', ]); if (($messages = current($blocks)) && !empty($variables['page'][$messages->getRegion()][$messages->id()])) { $variables['messages'] = $variables['page'][$messages->getRegion()][$messages->id()]; } } /** * Implements hook_preprocess_page__entity_browser__modal(). * * Tries to figure out where messages block lives and display it separately. */ function entity_browser_preprocess_page__entity_browser__modal(&$variables) { entity_browser_preprocess_page__entity_browser__iframe($variables); } /** * Validates image resolution for the given File. * * Drupal core does not allow users to use existing images. As a result, * calling the normal file_validate_image_resolution() function on a file that * may be used elsewhere would resize it for all of its uses. We copy the * normal validation here so that we can stop this from occurring. * * @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface $file * The file being evaluated. * @param int $maximum_dimensions * The maximum dimensions. * @param int $minimum_dimensions * The minimum dimensions. * * @return array * See file_validate_image_resolution() */ function entity_browser_file_validate_image_resolution(FileInterface $file, $maximum_dimensions = 0, $minimum_dimensions = 0) { $errors = []; // Check first that the file is an image. $image_factory = \Drupal::service('image.factory'); $image = $image_factory->get($file->getFileUri()); if ($image->isValid()) { if ($maximum_dimensions) { // Check that it is smaller than the given dimensions. list($width, $height) = explode('x', $maximum_dimensions); if ($image->getWidth() > $width || $image->getHeight() > $height) { // Try to resize the image to fit the dimensions. // This $file->isPermanent() check is the only part of the function // body that is significantly different. if (!$file->isPermanent() && $image->scale($width, $height)) { $image->save(); $file->filesize = $image->getFileSize(); drupal_set_message(t('The image was resized to fit within the maximum allowed dimensions of %dimensions pixels.', ['%dimensions' => $maximum_dimensions])); } else { $errors[] = t('The image exceeds the maximum allowed dimensions.'); } } } if ($minimum_dimensions) { // Check that it is larger than the given dimensions. list($width, $height) = explode('x', $minimum_dimensions); if ($image->getWidth() < $width || $image->getHeight() < $height) { $errors[] = t('The image is too small; the minimum dimensions are %dimensions pixels.', ['%dimensions' => $minimum_dimensions]); } } } return $errors; }