# Schema for the configuration files of the EU Cookie Compliance. eu_cookie_compliance.settings: type: config_object label: 'EU Cookie Compliance Settings' mapping: popup_enabled: type: boolean label: 'Enable popup' popup_clicking_confirmation: type: boolean label: 'Consent by clicking' eu_only: type: boolean label: 'Only display popup in EU countries' export: type: mapping label: 'Export' mapping: folder: type: string label: 'Folder' popup_position: type: boolean label: 'Place the pop-up at the top of the website' popup_agree_button_message: type: label label: 'Agree button message' popup_disagree_button_message: type: label label: 'Disagree button message' popup_info: type: mapping label: 'Popup message - requests consent' mapping: value: type: text label: 'Popup message - Value' format: type: string label: 'Popup message - Format' popup_agreed_enabled: type: boolean label: 'Enable thank you message' popup_hide_agreed: type: boolean label: 'Clicking hides thank you message' popup_find_more_button_message: type: label label: 'Find more button message' popup_hide_button_message: type: label label: 'Hide button message' popup_agreed: type: mapping label: 'Popup message Agree - thanks for giving consent' mapping: value: type: text label: 'Popup message Agree - Value' format: type: string label: 'Popup message - Format' popup_link: type: string label: 'Privacy policy link' popup_link_new_window: type: boolean label: 'Open privacy policy link in a new window' popup_height: type: integer label: 'Popup height in pixels' popup_width: type: string label: 'Popup width in pixels or a percentage value' popup_delay: type: integer label: 'Popup time delay in seconds' popup_bg_hex: type: string label: 'Background Color' popup_text_hex: type: string label: 'Text Color' domain: type: string label: 'Domain' domains_option: type: integer label: 'Add/Remove popup on specified domains' domains_list: type: text label: 'Domains list' exclude_paths: type: text label: 'Exclude paths' export: type: mapping label: 'Export' mapping: folder: type: text label: 'folder'